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Thanks to Erwin de Jong for adding all the links to the crew pages.
Sev Trek Names

Every Sev Trek character has their own Sev Trek name, different and well, sillier than the original Star Trek name. Here is a summary of all the Sev Trek names.

Movie Sevnames
I - The Motion Picture The Slow Motion Picture
II - The Wrath of Khan The Rant of Kahn't
III - The Search for Spock The Spoof of Spook
IV - The Voyage Home The Voyeur Home
V - The Final Frontier The Infernal Frontier
VI - The Undiscovered Country The Rediscovered Franchise
VII - Generations Degenerations
VIII - First Contact Forced Contract
IX - Insurrection Indigestion

Jurassic Trek
Captain Jim Tiberius Kirk Captain Gym Tightropewalker Quirk
Spock Spook
Pavel Chekov Pavlova Checkout
Dr Leonard Bones McCoy Dr Leotard Buns McCorduroy
Hikaru Sulu Harikari Zulu
Uhura Oohlala
Montogomery Scott Monotony Squatt
Khan Noonien Singh Kahn't Anyone Sing
Christine Chapel Pristine Crabapple
Ponn Farr Pong Far
Janice Rand Jaundice Randy
Charlie X Curly Hex
Christopher Pike Christakea Hike
Harry Mudd Hairy Muck
Zefram Cochrane Zephyr Cockroach
Number One (from The Cage) No. One
Saavik Sevvik
Ilia Ileer
Decker Dorker
Kahless Klueless
T'Pring T'Shwing

The X Generation
Captain Jean Luc Picard Captain Jet Lag Pinchhard
William Riker Willing Piker
Counsellor Deanna Troi Counsellor Doyawanna Tryhard
Worf Barf
Data Beta
Geordi Laforge Gaudy Regurge
Beverly Crusher Heavily Cruncher
Wesley Crusher Measly Cruncher
Guinan Guano
Ro Laren Row Larynx
Geordi's VISOR Gaudy's ISORE
Q Cue
Hugh Hue
Spot Subplot
Katherine Pulaski Caffeine Pavlovaski
Lwaxana Troi Lwaxative Tryhard
Gowron Growlon
Tasha Yar Trashy Yard
Sela Yar Sellout Yard
Reginald Barclay Rigmarole Barfly
Vash Rash
Lal Lol
Soran Soreman
Lore Lard
Lursa Loser
B'etor B'eator
The Nexus The Noxious
Q Continuum Cue Continueon
Duras Sisters Duplex Sisters
Alexander Rozhensko Alkaseltzer Idontthinkso
K'elyar Kevlar

Deep Sev 9
Captain Ben Lafayette Sisko Captain Bun Laughingstock Schidzo
Major Kira Nerys Major Tequila Nervous
Jadzia Dax Jazzsinger Dux
Dr Julian Subatoi Bashir Dr Juvenile Subatomic Bashful
Chief Miles O'Brien Chief Mules O'Blimey
Constable Odo Constable Odour
Quark Quack
Garak Garage
Morn Mourn
Gul Dukat Cul de Sac
Vedek Bareil Vneck Burial
Emissary Emissionary
Jake Sisko Joke Schidzo
U.S.S. Defiant S.E.V. Defunct
Weyoun Wayout
Promenade Problemade
Kai Winn Kite Wind
Pagh Blah
Ketracel White Klearacil Wipe
Nog Snog
Leeta Leerta
The Grand Nagus The Grand Fungus
Anslem (Jake's story) Asinine
Rom Romp
Moogie Noogie
Keiko O'Brien Kookoo O'Blimey
Ezri Dax Edgy Dux
Dabo Dumbo
Damar Dumber
Orion Syndicate Oregano Syndicate

Captain Kathryn Janeway Captain Kaffeine Gainweight
First Officer Chakotay First Officer Chocolatay
Tuvok Twoblocks
Emergency Medical Holographic Doctor Emotional Mediocre Hollowgraphic Doctor
Tom Paris Tomb Parasite
B'Elanna Torres Bologna Torrid
Harry Kim Hairy Chin
Seven of Nine Ten out of Ten
Neelix Kneelicks
Kes Cuss
Seska Sesspit
Tuvix Twolicks
Lt Carey Lt Curry
Delaney Sisters Delinquent Sisters
Naomi Wildman Naiveti Wildcard
Captain Proton Captain Crouton
Constance Goodheart Constant Screamhard
EMH - Emergency Command Hologram ECH - Emotionally Confused Hologram

Captain Jonathon Archer Captain Jogathon Archaic
Dr Phlox Dr Flux
Travis Mayweather Travesty Hayfever
Charles 'Trip' Tucker Chuckles 'Twit' Chucker
T'Pol Tentpole
Hoshi Sato Sushi Psycho
Porthos Plothole
Malcolm Reed Malcontent Rude

Alien Races
Bajoran Bjorn
Cardassian Carsalesman
Klingon Klingoff
Dominion Dumbminions
Ferengi Fungi
Borg Bored
Vulcan Velcron
The Founders The Flounders
Romulan Wrongulan
Trill Thrill
Ocampa Happycampa
Tribble Trubble
Talaxian Talaxative
Jem'Hadar Gem'Hoarder
Vorta Vortex
Kazon Kraze-on
Gorn Goon
Species 8472 Species 90210
Breen Brine
Andorians Indoorians
Salibans Celibates
Hirogen Hairgain

Alpha Quadrant Alfalfa Quadrant
Beta Quadrant Better Quadrant
Gamma Quadrant Gangup Quadrant
Delta Quadrant Deltoid Quadrant
Risa Riser
Stovokor Stovedoor
Romulus Wrongulus

U.S.S. Enterprise S.E.V. Enterforaprize
Defiant Defunct
Voyager Forager
Reliant Reluctant
Grissom Grissle

Sevship Classes
Intrepid Insipid
Miranda Meander
Galaxy Galaxative
Oberon Overdone
Constitution Constipation
Soyuz Soysauce
Oberth Wideberth
Defiant Defunct
Excelsior Excessive
Sovereign Souvenir
Nebula Neglected
Steamrunner Steampowered
New Orleans Newlycleaned
Danube Dunno
Romulan Warbird Wrongulan Warbler
Bird of Prey Word of Prayer
Runabout Walkabout
Shuttlecraft Scuttlecraft
NX (designation) NIX

Prime Directive PC Directive
Turbolift Tardylift
Subspace Sevspace
Star Fleet Sev Fleet
Stardate Sevdate
Jefferies Tube Jeopardy Tube
Phaser Phizzer
Tricorder Toycorder
Warp Drive Warped Drive
United Federation of Planets United Severation of Planets
Ready Room Rowdy Room
Universal Translator Implausible Translator
Replicators Replicaterers
Transporter Transploder
Airponics Bay Hairponics Bay
Inertial Dampeners Infernal Dampeners
Raktajino Rattyguano
Ferengi Rules of Acquisition Fungi Rules of Sevquisition
Forcefield Farcefield
Gagh Gag
Transwarp Drive Transtwerp Drive
Hypospray Happyspray
Slipstream Drive Swimteam Drive

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