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I wasn't planning on revealing the designs for my Sevships until the book came out but unfortunately, I had to show them here for the survey.
Sev Trek Mousepad Survey Results

As with the Keyring Survey, there was a great response from Sevilians and we got a lot of helpful advice and suggestions. The mousepad has been completed and will be ready in about 4 to 5 weeks (late September). You can read all the fascinating survey results below (I'm not being sarcastic, it's quite interesting).

Here are the four mousepad designs everyone had to vote on. Click on each mousepad design if you'd like to see larger versions of the pic.
Four Captains #1

Four Captains #2

Sev's Angels The Full Sevvy

Survey Results

The survey results were pretty much as I expected (you voted for my favourite which was a bonus :-)

Four Captains #1 31.8%
Four Captains #2 25.5%
The Full Sevvy 21.8%
Sev's Angels 20.8%

Clearly both mousepads featuring the sevship designs were the most popular (well, it was what you asked for). Early in the voting, the second mousepad was getting more votes with Sevilians commenting that the first mousepad should have Deep Sev Nine in it. So I added it to the centre of the design (luckily it slotted in nicely) and it promptly went to the top of the votes. That's a dynamic survey for you!

There was a fairly positive reaction to the actual sevships although some wondered at the food theme. Voyager fans in particular questioned the meaning of having a toilet bowl as the Forager design - draw your own conclusions! :-) A couple of people also said Schidzo should have the new DS9 uniform design to add variety so I changed it for the final design.

I was pleased that most people liked all four designs and offered some great suggestions. I liked Brian Lane's suggestion to put tattoos on Barf for the Full Sevvy design. Several people said the Sev's Angels should have a "Charlie" character in it which I agree with. I must point out that Wendy really liked the Sev's Angels design and she was crushed that it came last (the three woman of Voyager are her favourite Star Trek characters). Personally, it was my least favourite out of the four designs but I still like it.

Someone asked what that thing is on Beta's stomach on the Full Sevvy design. It's an OFF button. Lastly, several people said the Javascript links didn't work so I won't be using those anymore. Sorry about the technical problems.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for all their encouraging and helpful comments - it made putting these designs together a very exciting and dynamic process. I hope you all like the final design which should come out sometime toward the end of September.

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