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The Making of Sev Trek

I’ve had a couple of people ask me how I create my Sev Trek cartoons, so I thought I’d document the process I followed to create Episode #5 of Pus in Boots. Cartoonists and Sev Trek readers may find it interesting to see the stages to go through to get from my initial ideas to a finished Sev Trek comic.

Initial Concepts and Writing

This is the first and most important step in creating a cartoon. I’ll explain how I came up with the ideas for my Sev Trek comic and put them all together into a single episode.


Pencilling the comic is the most important stage in creating the visual look of the comic. Here I take you through the process I go through in pencilling a comic.

Inking and colouring

This is the fun part of cartooning - seeing all the ideas become reality. Find out how I use traditional ink combined with computer software to produce the final coloured comic.

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