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Jurassic Sev Trek features Star Trek humor and cartoon satire of TOS: Classic Star Trek with comic strips and caricatures of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scott, Sulu, Uhura and Chekov. Includes humor competition where you write a cartoon punchline, a weekly comic strip, Star Trek cartoon T-shirts and more!

Jurassic Sev Trek features Star Trek humor and cartoon satire of TOS: Classic Star Trek with comic strips and caricatures of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scott, Sulu, Uhura and Chekov. It includes a humor competition where you write a cartoon punchline, a weekly comic strip, Star Trek cartoon T-shirts and more!

Jurassic Trek: The Cartoon

The first ever full-page Jurassic Trek cartoon is now online. This cartoon is a little different to typical Sev Trek full-pagers... I hope you enjoy it!

Jurassic Sev Trek Comic Strips

A number of the Sev Trek comic strips are based on Jurassic Sev Trek. While I recommend you go directly to the Sev Trek Comic Strip page and read them sequentially, you can link directly to the Jurassic Sev Trek strips from here if you like.

#5: Don't beam down in a red shirt
#18: Cheap looking tricorder
#31: In-between adventures
#33: Captain Quirk's clone
#42: Primitive 23rd Century medicine
#44: Captain Quirk's ripped shirts
#46: That medical foot pushing thingy
#48: Why alien cultures are so Earthlike
#52: Scantily clad female aliens
#57: He's dead, Gym
#66: Spook & Nurse Crabapple
#70: Captain Quirk and computers
#73: Sev Trek's alternate universe
#76: The Velcron hand salute
#80: Slapping Yeoman Randy's butt
#82: Getting rid of Captain Pike
#86: The Velcron neck pinch
#89: Spook's Viewing Thingy
#93: Malfunctioning Transploders
#96: A very Sevvy Christmas
#102: McCorduroy and Transploders
#107: Quirk and Trubbles
#121: Tribute to DeForest Kelley
#123: The Jurassic Trek mission
#127: The laws of physics
#129: Oohlala's ear piece
#141: Explaining Spook's ears
#158: Ensign away mission
#159: Dead ensign
#174: Squatty's catchphrase
#196: Quirk's wig
#198: Q-Tip Gladiators
#226: Quirk as Santa
#234: Why Spook joined Sev Fleet

Jurassic Trek Crew

View caricatures of all the Jurassic Trek crew and read descriptions about each of them (well, the ones I've done so far).

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