[00:44] Now processing punchlines from http://www.sev.com.au/toonzone/punchlines.asp
[00:44] Now in OFF mode.
[00:44] Majel v4.7NF is online.
[00:44] 4Overriding Majel command functions.
[00:44] 4Deleting existing files:
[00:44] 4 - Punchline source file erased.
[00:44] 4 - Punchline datafile erased.
[00:44] 4Downloading source file:
[00:44] 4 - source file download: success!
[00:44] 4 - 5 competitions prepared.
[00:44] 4Operation successful. Returning command to Majel.
[00:44] *** Sanna has joined #sevtrek
[00:44] ACK!
[00:44] * #sevtrek is being logged
[00:44] sorry!
[00:44] let's see...
[00:44] wb
[00:44] punchfile problems
[00:44] my net connection spazzed!
[00:44] what happened after I left?
[00:44] we're repairing the problem
[00:44] Sanna> nah tis ok... our savior has arrived :p
[00:44] not much
[00:44] Anu - "You're their onyl hope"
[00:44] ^_^
[00:44] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'The Doctor is operating... do not disturb. Do not touch the patient.'
[00:44] did voting of the three finish?
[00:44] assa: shhhh! They didn't notice!
[00:45] *** Majel changes topic to 'Sev Judging is now in Session.'
[00:45] yeah, right
[00:45] Sanna - declared sevqueen
[00:45] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'The Doctor is operating... do not disturb. Do not touch the patient.'
[00:45] * JustMark dons a surgical mask
[00:45] * Dhraakellian pokes majel
[00:45] *L* e, what?
[00:45] anu > I noticed!!!
[00:45] let's see
[00:45] Anu better take the "Wan" out of his name, he did not help our hope.
[00:45] * assassin scrubs up
[00:45] ...after jim pointed it out anyway ;)
[00:45] Sanna - it means Wendy decides
[00:45] * Shyva brings out the scalpels :p
[00:45] Now in OFF mode.
[00:45] Retrieving punchlines for competition SEVTREK, please stand by...
[00:45] Retrieval SEVTREK competition complete.
[00:45] DrJonasBashir requested the shortlist:
[00:45] BIGGEST [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] GIVE [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] LADIES [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] LOOKS [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] NOT [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] OLD [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] STRESS [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] WISHBONE [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:45] Now in ELIMINATE mode.
[00:45] wendy decides what?
[00:45] yay!
[00:45] I see this is fine...
[00:45] yay it works. ^_^
[00:45] Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
[00:45] yes!!!
[00:45] *applause*
[00:45] cors: I'm offering immoral support!
[00:45] * DrJonasBashir bows
[00:46] but we already voted for that! :p
[00:46] Well done, DJB!
[00:46] * JustMark checks the blood back, donated by 10,000 dead ensigns
[00:46] Sanna - Wendy decides which wins when it's too close to call
[00:46] no probs
[00:46] too bad we can't just tell it what we've already done1
[00:46] we been here already though - what now?
[00:46] Best kind ANU! LOL!
[00:46] FotR?
[00:46] yup
[00:46] correct JB
[00:46] uh *claps hands* hmmm
[00:46] I don't need it, I'm Evil, I'm beyond moral or immoral
[00:46] yeah
[00:46] are we gonna do sevtrek again ??
[00:46] Cool
[00:46] nope Thomas, what's the poing?
[00:46] yes, why not?
[00:46] she's sweet really guys!
[00:46] * AnuWan raises glass to DJB
[00:46] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'Sev Judging is NOW in Session!'
[00:46] * assassin slaps Anu for stealing his line
[00:46] Now in OFF mode.
[00:46] Retrieving punchlines for competition SCIFI, please stand by...
[00:46] Retrieval SCIFI competition complete.
[00:46] DrJonasBashir requested the shortlist:
[00:46] BIRDBATH [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] ELVISH [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] FEET [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] FOUL [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] HISTORY [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] INITIALS [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] INSCRIPTION [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] LEGALLY [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] RUNES [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] TIME [0%, 0] "Nominated."
[00:46] Now in ELIMINATE mode.
[00:46] bah!
[00:46] * AnuWan slaps assassin around a bit with a large trout
[00:46] *** DrJonasBashir sets mode: +v Sanna
[00:46] The bot will auto-send the log to JC for the JS.
[00:46] Cpt: hopefully not
[00:46] so, who was SevMan?
[00:46] E?
[00:47] Me
[00:47] * Nemi slaps AnuWan around a bit with a large trout
[00:47] wanna take over?
[00:47] * AnuWan bites Nem
[00:47] okies
[00:47] ah, the luxury of technology
[00:47] * JustMark toasts Sanna for helpping us today!
[00:47] yay!
[00:47] EofTupeS asks about BIRDBATH
[00:47] "you try to see the future using a BIRDBATH
[00:47] ^_^
[00:47] keep
[00:47] ty!
[00:47] we only notice it when it's gone
[00:47] keep
[00:47] cut
[00:47] cut
[00:47] keep
[00:47] cut
[00:47] keep
[00:47] neutral
[00:47] * AnuWan raises glass to EofS
[00:47] neutral
[00:47] frankly, I haven't been SevMan since February, but you were already there, so...
[00:47] 12neutral
[00:47] xeep
[00:47] neutral
[00:47] hm.... jim, could you close the window plz, I think I got another one of those insect bites
[00:47] keep
[00:47] I'm mute
[00:47] keep
[00:47] * AnuWan hints that others should do the same
[00:47] * Corsair raises glass to anybody, doesn't matter to him....
[00:47] tipos ace bess
[00:47] do it if you want ;0) I need the practice though ;0)
[00:48] cut
[00:48] * Shyva drinks without raising glass :p
[00:48] BIRDBATH now gets status: "Keep it!".
[00:48] 6 keeps (46%) -- 3 neutrals (23%) -- 4 cuts (31%) [[3 mutes ]
[00:48] * Whitestar8472 raises mug of coffee 1"First of many!"
[00:48] does the coloring affect majel's tallying?
[00:48] * Shyva sighs cause can never be a SevPEep :p
[00:48] * Corsair Hey! Shyva has straws!
[00:48] you can Shyva
[00:48] mrr
[00:48] * ThunderDragon raises bottle of cider
[00:48] EofTupeS asks about ELVISH
[00:48] "You want ELVISH taught as a second language.
[00:48] oh *now* I know which comp this is.....yay, and before it's finished...:-P
[00:48] E> i dun have mIRC
[00:48] keep
[00:48] cut
[00:48] keep
[00:48] keep
[00:48] cut
[00:48] cut
[00:48] cut
[00:48] keep
[00:48] whats a SevPeep?
[00:48] 12neutral
[00:48] cut
[00:48] * Dhraakellian raises a plastic
[00:48] cut
[00:48] cut
[00:48] cut
[00:48] keep
[00:48] !
[00:49] !!
[00:49] I never new htis comp existed so I didn't enter :0/
[00:49] ELVISH now gets status: "It's cut!".
[00:49] 5 keeps (38%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 8 cuts (62%) [[3 mutes ]
[00:49] AnuWan> sevman... only gender indiferrent...
[00:49] I wouldn't mind it if they really did!
[00:49] *** Nemi is now known as Anubis
[00:49] ah *peep* with a very big sev?
[00:49] cut
[00:49] ah
[00:49] * assassin raises by 500 and sees hands
[00:49] *** Anubis is now known as Nemi
[00:49] * JustMark ponders his cup of water for answers...
[00:49] EofTupeS asks about FEET
[00:49] "Your put Rogaine on your FEET to really look like a hobbit.
[00:49] cut
[00:49] keep
[00:49] cut
[00:49] NO!
[00:49] cut
[00:49] neutral
[00:49] so, how come Majel didn't work?
[00:49] cute, but cut
[00:49] neutral
[00:49] cut
[00:49] keep
[00:49] cut
[00:49] cut
[00:49] cut
[00:49] >draakh i don't think so; it probably reacts to an "on TEXT"-like command
[00:49] this punch was stolen from theonering.net page!
[00:49] JB - she was loading the wrong puchfile
[00:49] 12neutral
[00:49] cut
[00:49] why nubi, I didn't think you voted?
[00:49] strange
[00:49] Shyva - the neutral term is Sevperson :0P
[00:49] She had a case of bad data
[00:50] the PC term
[00:50] I didn't
[00:50] FEET now gets status: "It's cut!".
[00:50] 1 keeps (9%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 8 cuts (73%) [[5 mutes ]
[00:50] E> and peep is short for person :p
[00:50] PC Directive, E? :P
[00:50] MIRC Anubis is dead there is only AnuWan now
[00:50] EofTupeS asks about FOUL
[00:50] "You refer to your enemies as "FOUL Dwimmerlaik"
[00:50] cut
[00:50] cut
[00:50] I thought peep was for people
[00:50] cut
[00:50] cut
[00:50] 12neutral
[00:50] keep
[00:50] E> i can't be sevpeep cause i dun have mIRC and i can't get here on time cause of school
[00:50] my brother actually did RUNES for a while
[00:50] cut
[00:50] neutral
[00:50] cut
[00:50] keep
[00:50] cut
[00:50] keep
[00:50] cut
[00:50] cut
[00:50] FOUL now gets status: "It's cut!".
[00:50] 3 keeps (23%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 9 cuts (69%) [[3 mutes ]
[00:50] brb
[00:50] *** AnuWan has quit IRC (Quit: )
[00:50] what's "Dwimmerlaik"?
[00:50] i'm neutraling for the whole FofR competition cause i don't know anything about it
[00:50] EofTupeS asks about HISTORY
[00:50] "You know the HISTORY of Middle Earth better than your own country.
[00:51] keep
[00:51] keep
[00:51] neutral
[00:51] keep - best line alert!
[00:51] keep
[00:51] keep
[00:51] I'd like to know that as well!
[00:51] keep
[00:51] keep
[00:51] keep :0)
[00:51] cut
[00:51] (and SO true for many)
[00:51] keep
[00:51] keep
[00:51] That's why it's cut Dhraak.
[00:51] 12neutral
[00:51] keep
[00:51] (me for one)
[00:51] dwimmerlaik is what gandalf calls the balrog
[00:51] I think
[00:51] Your loss, shyva
[00:51] HISTORY now gets status: "Keep it!".
[00:51] 11 keeps (85%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 1 cuts (8%) [[2 mutes ]
[00:51] ah
[00:51] EofTupeS asks about INITIALS
[00:51] "You call yourself by your first three INITIALS, then your last name.
[00:51] cut
[00:51] keep
[00:51] cut
[00:51] neutral
[00:51] keep
[00:51] cut
[00:51] keep
[00:51] * Anubis appears from shadows
[00:51] cut
[00:51] keep
[00:51] neutral
[00:51] cuthbert
[00:51] 12neutral
[00:51] neutral