[00:44]  Now processing punchlines from http://www.sev.com.au/toonzone/punchlines.asp [00:44]  Now in OFF mode. [00:44]  Majel v4.7NF is online. [00:44] 4Overriding Majel command functions. [00:44] 4Deleting existing files: [00:44] 4 - Punchline source file erased. [00:44] 4 - Punchline datafile erased. [00:44] 4Downloading source file: [00:44] 4 - source file download: success! [00:44] 4 - 5 competitions prepared. [00:44] 4Operation successful. Returning command to Majel. [00:44] *** Sanna has joined #sevtrek [00:44] ACK! [00:44] * #sevtrek is being logged [00:44] sorry! [00:44] let's see... [00:44] wb [00:44] punchfile problems [00:44] my net connection spazzed! [00:44] what happened after I left? [00:44] we're repairing the problem [00:44] Sanna> nah tis ok... our savior has arrived :p [00:44] not much [00:44] Anu - "You're their onyl hope" [00:44] ^_^ [00:44] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'The Doctor is operating... do not disturb. Do not touch the patient.' [00:44] did voting of the three finish? [00:44] assa: shhhh! They didn't notice! [00:45] *** Majel changes topic to 'Sev Judging is now in Session.' [00:45] yeah, right [00:45] Sanna - declared sevqueen [00:45] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'The Doctor is operating... do not disturb. Do not touch the patient.' [00:45] * JustMark dons a surgical mask [00:45] * Dhraakellian pokes majel [00:45] *L* e, what? [00:45] anu > I noticed!!! [00:45] let's see [00:45] Anu better take the "Wan" out of his name, he did not help our hope. [00:45] * assassin scrubs up [00:45] ...after jim pointed it out anyway ;) [00:45] Sanna - it means Wendy decides [00:45] * Shyva brings out the scalpels :p [00:45]  Now in OFF mode. [00:45]  Retrieving punchlines for competition SEVTREK, please stand by... [00:45]  Retrieval SEVTREK competition complete. [00:45]  DrJonasBashir requested the shortlist: [00:45]  BIGGEST [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  GIVE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  LADIES [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  LOOKS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  NOT [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  OLD [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  STRESS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  WISHBONE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:45]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:45] wendy decides what? [00:45] yay! [00:45] I see this is fine... [00:45] yay it works. ^_^ [00:45] Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! [00:45] yes!!! [00:45] *applause* [00:45] cors: I'm offering immoral support! [00:45] * DrJonasBashir bows [00:46] but we already voted for that! :p [00:46] Well done, DJB! [00:46] * JustMark checks the blood back, donated by 10,000 dead ensigns [00:46] Sanna - Wendy decides which wins when it's too close to call [00:46] no probs [00:46] too bad we can't just tell it what we've already done1 [00:46] we been here already though - what now? [00:46] Best kind ANU! LOL! [00:46] FotR? [00:46] yup [00:46] correct JB [00:46] uh *claps hands* hmmm [00:46] I don't need it, I'm Evil, I'm beyond moral or immoral [00:46] yeah [00:46] are we gonna do sevtrek again ?? [00:46] Cool [00:46] nope Thomas, what's the poing? [00:46] yes, why not? [00:46] she's sweet really guys! [00:46] * AnuWan raises glass to DJB [00:46] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'Sev Judging is NOW in Session!' [00:46] * assassin slaps Anu for stealing his line [00:46]  Now in OFF mode. [00:46]  Retrieving punchlines for competition SCIFI, please stand by... [00:46]  Retrieval SCIFI competition complete. [00:46]  DrJonasBashir requested the shortlist: [00:46]  BIRDBATH [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  ELVISH [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  FEET [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  FOUL [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  HISTORY [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  INITIALS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  INSCRIPTION [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  LEGALLY [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  RUNES [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  TIME [0%, 0] "Nominated." [00:46]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:46] bah! [00:46] * AnuWan slaps assassin around a bit with a large trout [00:46] *** DrJonasBashir sets mode: +v Sanna [00:46] The bot will auto-send the log to JC for the JS. [00:46] Cpt: hopefully not [00:46] so, who was SevMan? [00:46] E? [00:47] Me [00:47] * Nemi slaps AnuWan around a bit with a large trout [00:47] wanna take over? [00:47] * AnuWan bites Nem [00:47] okies [00:47] ah, the luxury of technology [00:47] * JustMark toasts Sanna for helpping us today! [00:47] yay! [00:47]  EofTupeS asks about BIRDBATH  [00:47]  "you try to see the future using a BIRDBATH
" [00:47] ^_^ [00:47] keep [00:47] ty! [00:47] we only notice it when it's gone [00:47] keep [00:47] cut [00:47] cut [00:47] keep [00:47] cut [00:47] keep [00:47] neutral [00:47] * AnuWan raises glass to EofS [00:47] neutral [00:47] frankly, I haven't been SevMan since February, but you were already there, so... [00:47] 12neutral [00:47] xeep [00:47] neutral [00:47] hm.... jim, could you close the window plz, I think I got another one of those insect bites [00:47] keep [00:47] I'm mute [00:47] keep [00:47] * AnuWan hints that others should do the same [00:47] * Corsair raises glass to anybody, doesn't matter to him.... [00:47] tipos ace bess [00:47] do it if you want ;0) I need the practice though ;0) [00:48] cut [00:48] * Shyva drinks without raising glass :p [00:48]  BIRDBATH now gets status: "Keep it!". [00:48]  6 keeps (46%) -- 3 neutrals (23%) -- 4 cuts (31%) [[3 mutes ] [00:48] * Whitestar8472 raises mug of coffee 1"First of many!" [00:48] does the coloring affect majel's tallying? [00:48] * Shyva sighs cause can never be a SevPEep :p [00:48] * Corsair Hey! Shyva has straws! [00:48] you can Shyva [00:48] mrr [00:48] * ThunderDragon raises bottle of cider [00:48]  EofTupeS asks about ELVISH  [00:48]  "You want ELVISH taught as a second language.
" [00:48] oh *now* I know which comp this is.....yay, and before it's finished...:-P [00:48] E> i dun have mIRC [00:48] keep [00:48] cut [00:48] keep [00:48] keep [00:48] cut [00:48] cut [00:48] cut [00:48] keep [00:48] whats a SevPeep? [00:48] 12neutral [00:48] cut [00:48] * Dhraakellian raises a plastic [00:48] cut [00:48] cut [00:48] cut [00:48] keep [00:48] ! [00:49] !! [00:49] I never new htis comp existed so I didn't enter :0/ [00:49]  ELVISH now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:49]  5 keeps (38%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 8 cuts (62%) [[3 mutes ] [00:49] AnuWan> sevman... only gender indiferrent... [00:49] I wouldn't mind it if they really did! [00:49] *** Nemi is now known as Anubis [00:49] ah *peep* with a very big sev? [00:49] cut [00:49] ah [00:49] * assassin raises by 500 and sees hands [00:49] *** Anubis is now known as Nemi [00:49] * JustMark ponders his cup of water for answers... [00:49]  EofTupeS asks about FEET  [00:49]  "Your put Rogaine on your FEET to really look like a hobbit.
" [00:49] cut [00:49] keep [00:49] cut [00:49] NO! [00:49] cut [00:49] neutral [00:49] so, how come Majel didn't work? [00:49] cute, but cut [00:49] neutral [00:49] cut [00:49] keep [00:49] cut [00:49] cut [00:49] cut [00:49] >draakh i don't think so; it probably reacts to an "on TEXT"-like command [00:49] this punch was stolen from theonering.net page! [00:49] JB - she was loading the wrong puchfile [00:49] 12neutral [00:49] cut [00:49] why nubi, I didn't think you voted? [00:49] strange [00:49] Shyva - the neutral term is Sevperson :0P [00:49] She had a case of bad data [00:50] the PC term [00:50] I didn't [00:50]  FEET now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:50]  1 keeps (9%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 8 cuts (73%) [[5 mutes ] [00:50] E> and peep is short for person :p [00:50] PC Directive, E? :P [00:50] MIRC Anubis is dead there is only AnuWan now [00:50]  EofTupeS asks about FOUL  [00:50]  "You refer to your enemies as "FOUL Dwimmerlaik"
" [00:50] cut [00:50] cut [00:50] I thought peep was for people [00:50] cut [00:50] cut [00:50] 12neutral [00:50] keep [00:50] E> i can't be sevpeep cause i dun have mIRC and i can't get here on time cause of school [00:50] my brother actually did RUNES for a while [00:50] cut [00:50] neutral [00:50] cut [00:50] keep [00:50] cut [00:50] keep [00:50] cut [00:50] cut [00:50]  FOUL now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:50]  3 keeps (23%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 9 cuts (69%) [[3 mutes ] [00:50] brb [00:50] *** AnuWan has quit IRC (Quit: ) [00:50] what's "Dwimmerlaik"? [00:50] i'm neutraling for the whole FofR competition cause i don't know anything about it [00:50]  EofTupeS asks about HISTORY  [00:50]  "You know the HISTORY of Middle Earth better than your own country.
" [00:51] keep [00:51] keep [00:51] neutral [00:51] keep - best line alert! [00:51] keep [00:51] keep [00:51] I'd like to know that as well! [00:51] keep [00:51] keep [00:51] keep :0) [00:51] cut [00:51] (and SO true for many) [00:51] keep [00:51] keep [00:51] That's why it's cut Dhraak. [00:51] 12neutral [00:51] keep [00:51] (me for one) [00:51] dwimmerlaik is what gandalf calls the balrog [00:51] I think [00:51] Your loss, shyva [00:51]  HISTORY now gets status: "Keep it!". [00:51]  11 keeps (85%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 1 cuts (8%) [[2 mutes ] [00:51] ah [00:51]  EofTupeS asks about INITIALS  [00:51]  "You call yourself by your first three INITIALS, then your last name.
" [00:51] cut [00:51] keep [00:51] cut [00:51] neutral [00:51] keep [00:51] cut [00:51] keep [00:51] * Anubis appears from shadows [00:51] cut [00:51] keep [00:51] neutral [00:51] cuthbert [00:51] 12neutral [00:51] neutral [00:52] i don't get this one, anyway. [00:52] *** AnuWan has joined #sevtrek [00:52] wb [00:52] JRR Tolkein Sanna ;0) [00:52] for runes, JC could write his name in Tengwar [00:52] vt! [00:52] oh! [00:52] ^_^ [00:52] duh, me [00:52]  INITIALS now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:52]  4 keeps (33%) -- 3 neutrals (25%) -- 5 cuts (42%) [[4 mutes ] [00:52] *** DrJonasBashir sets mode: +v AnuWan [00:52] cheers DJB [00:52]  EofTupeS asks about INSCRIPTION  [00:52]  "You have the One Ring's INSCRIPTION on your wedding band
" [00:52] keep [00:52] keep [00:52] keep [00:52] keep [00:52] cut [00:52] keep [00:52] cut [00:52] keep [00:52] keep [00:52] cut [00:52] cut [00:52] keep [00:52] * EofTupeS thinks of her Pits punchlines * [00:52] * Corsair not me, of course.... [00:52] neutral [00:53] neutral [00:53]  INSCRIPTION now gets status: "Keep it!". [00:53]  8 keeps (62%) -- 2 neutrals (15%) -- 3 cuts (23%) [[3 mutes ] [00:53] 12neutral [00:53]  EofTupeS asks about LEGALLY  [00:53]  "You have your favourite colour LEGALLY added to the end of your name.
" [00:53] cut [00:53] cut [00:53] cut [00:53] keep [00:53] cut [00:53] neutral [00:53] eh??? [00:53] cut [00:53] cut [00:53] too..weird [00:53] cut [00:53] cut [00:53] 12neutral [00:53] cut [00:53] don't get it, either. [00:53] gandalf the Grey/blue [00:53] oh! [00:53] Shyva -refers to Gandalf the grey, Saruman the white etc [00:54] Saruman the White [00:54] ooooh [00:54]  LEGALLY now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:54]  1 keeps (9%) -- 1 neutrals (9%) -- 9 cuts (82%) [[5 mutes ] [00:54] keep [00:54] grey/WHITE! [00:54] * Corsair the slightly ruddy.... [00:54]  EofTupeS asks about RUNES  [00:54]  "You sign your name in RUNES.
" [00:54] * assassin the gray [00:54] neutral [00:54] cut [00:54] keep [00:54] keep [00:54] keep [00:54] keep [00:54] keep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [00:54] keep [00:54] * Shyva the Blue [00:54] neutral [00:54] 12neutral [00:54] cut [00:54] keep [00:54] bwah [00:54] neutral [00:54] my brother actually did this for a while [00:54] Anubis the Black [00:54] * Whitestar8472 the jade green with a hint of purple ;) [00:54]  RUNES now gets status: "Keep it!". [00:54]  7 keeps (58%) -- 3 neutrals (25%) -- 2 cuts (17%) [[4 mutes ] [00:54] tis in my name too... Princess Shyva Venus Trinity "Blue Water" Sielu Sky Pixxie Dust Afterglow :p [00:54] * assassin 8 the punchline list! [00:54] lol1 [00:55] lol! [00:55] *Burp!* [00:55]  EofTupeS asks about TIME  [00:55]  "you think 3 1/2 hours is a perfectly normal amount of TIME to watch a movie..
" [00:55] neutral [00:55] cut [00:55] cut [00:55] cut [00:55] cut [00:55] neutral [00:55] 12neutral [00:55] keep [00:55] keep [00:55] cut [00:55] cut [00:55] keep [00:55] cut [00:55] thing is, if I became "Emma the purple" my friends would htink nothign of it :0D [00:55] cut [00:55] it should have been about 6 hours [00:55] *L*!!!!! [00:55] agree!!!!!!! [00:55] lol! [00:55] same here! [00:55] Yes, E, but WE'D rag you about it relentlessly! [00:55] I owudl have sat through longer [00:56] :0P [00:56] can't wait for the DVD to come out! [00:56] *** DrJonasBashir changes topic to 'Sev Judging is NOW in Session! - = I've got the CODA RPG system for Star Trek and it's great. Ask me how! (Dr. JB) = -' [00:56]  TIME now gets status: "It's cut!". [00:56]  3 keeps (23%) -- 2 neutrals (15%) -- 8 cuts (62%) [[3 mutes ] [00:56] Its actually about 11 hours long :-) [00:56] nhoooooooooo!!!!!!! [00:56] that's the one i really wanted! [00:56] sigh. [00:56] huh? [00:56]  Now in FINAL mode. [00:56] TIME. [00:56]  EofTupeS requested the shortlist: [00:56]  BIRDBATH [46%, 0] "Keep it!" [00:56]  HISTORY [85%, 0] "Keep it!" [00:56]  INSCRIPTION [62%, 0] "Keep it!" [00:56]  RUNES [58%, 0] "Keep it!" [00:56] what's this, KB? [00:56] With two long intermissions [00:56] we're the #1 channel in the network [00:56] vote4 inscription [00:56] How? [00:56] JB* [00:56] vote4 history [00:56] vote runes [00:56] vote4 birdbath [00:56] vote4 birdbath [00:56] vote4 inscription [00:56] vote4 history [00:56] vote4 runes [00:56] vote4 rune [00:56] 12vote2 abstain [00:56] vote4 runes [00:56] vote4 history [00:56] CODA? The new system [00:56] cool [00:56] Hmmmm, Little man the green, Kitten the blue and uh....dummy the uh...some other weird color? [00:56]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:56]  BIRDBATH scored 2 vote(s). [00:56]  HISTORY scored 3 vote(s). [00:56]  INSCRIPTION scored 2 vote(s). [00:56]  RUNES scored 2 vote(s). [00:56]  Votes cast: 9 Judges present: 16 [00:56] vote4 history [00:56] vote2 abstain [00:57] gah [00:57] too many mites etc [00:57] vote4 birdbath [00:57] mites??? [00:57] no! Runes! [00:57] vote4 history [00:57] actually I think I'll have Anubis the Dark [00:57] runesrunesrunes [00:57] Nemesis the Shadow [00:57] vote4 history [00:57]  INSCRIPTION now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:57] dark is not a colour [00:57] hissssssstory!!!! [00:57] How would history be drawn??!?!?! [00:57] no colours for me [00:57] neither is shadow ]; ) [00:57] over a period opf time! [00:57]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:57]  BIRDBATH scored 2 vote(s). [00:57]  HISTORY scored 6 vote(s). [00:57]  RUNES scored 2 vote(s). [00:57]  Votes cast: 10 Judges present: 16 [00:57] Nemesis the pain in the double butt. heh. [00:57] more like painted ;) [00:57] to bad squeak isn't a color [00:57] ruuuuuuuuunes! [00:57] is history [00:57] I'm a pain to assassin? [00:58] ;) [00:58] you should see my back! [00:58] ew [00:58] 3 mutes!!!! [00:58] no thanx! ;) [00:58] one for me trombone and... [00:58] nemisis of shadow? [00:58] *grrr* [00:58] TD, revote [00:58] 3 muites makes no difference [00:58] i don't vote for the fraud... never saw it... [00:58] Just a joke. Any resemblance to persons living or dead (or just annoying) is purely coincidental. [00:58] 6 mutes [00:58] vote4 runes [00:58] !!!!!!! [00:58] lol! [00:58] 3 mutes could sevwueen it [00:58] no, the [00:58] I intend to be mute [00:58] history!!!!! [00:59] okies JB [00:59] ookay [00:59]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:59]  BIRDBATH scored 2 vote(s). [00:59]  HISTORY scored 6 vote(s). [00:59]  RUNES scored 2 vote(s). [00:59]  Votes cast: 10 Judges present: 16 [00:59] JB: RUNES!!! [00:59] call it [00:59] vote4 history [00:59] Hmm... still wondering why Inscription was cut... [00:59] *hugs shyva* [00:59] bleh:p you people [00:59] HISTORY is the winner [00:59] YAY! [00:59] TD - it had only one vote [00:59] sigh. ok. [00:59] 2 votes... [00:59] this is where i must go. maternal unit about to spit fire [00:59] Nemesis the Shadow, Princess of Darkness and Despair, Bringer of Chaos, Destroyer of worlds [00:59] TD - Corsair revoted off it ;0) [00:59] good luck! [00:59] *refrains from making a Balrog reference* [00:59] bye Sanna [00:59] * Shyva gets away from assassin* dun hug me :p Nemi'll kill me :p [00:59] ty, all! [00:59] whichwhat? [00:59] see you next week! [01:00] bye Sanna! [01:00] Bye Sanna [01:00]  Now in OFF mode. [01:00]  Retrieving punchlines for competition THEPITS, please stand by... [01:00]  Retrieval THEPITS competition complete. [01:00]  EofTupeS requested the shortlist: [01:00]  AGAIN [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  ANOTHER [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  BELLE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  CONSIDER [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  ENCORE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  FEET [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  LUCK [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  MELTED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  THAWED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  TRY [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:00]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [01:00] cja Sanna! [01:00] nemi: You'd never get that on a letter head [01:00] Vale [01:00] *** Sanna has left #sevtrek [01:00] Bye Sanna! Oh bugger! [01:00] oh, I emant to say, JB - you wanna do this one? ;0) [01:00] just 'Princess of Darkness' is enough, actually [01:00] okay ;) [01:00] Wrong list. [01:00] we can alternate :0) [01:00]  DrJonasBashir asks about AGAIN  [01:00]  ""I do. And if I already did, I'll do it AGAIN!"
" [01:00] Nemi: write that in feonorian script! [01:00] cut [01:00] keep [01:00] keep [01:00] I call her Princess! :D [01:00] Anubis - 'nuf said! [01:00] keep [01:00] neutral [01:00] keep [01:00] keep [01:01] 12neutral [01:01] *** DrJonasBashir is now known as SevDoctor [01:01] no you don't [01:01] cut [01:01] cut [01:01] ooh yeah [01:01] * Shyva giggles [01:01] *** EofTupeS is now known as EofSev [01:01] cut [01:01] Oh wait, I don't have the pits list on my list! (Told you it was printing funny) [01:01] E, you should use 'SevDronette' [01:01] cut [01:01] forgot about that [01:01] ;) [01:01] lol, JB! [01:01] EofSev, better =P [01:01] keep [01:01] :0) I have this one coloured already :0) [01:01]  AGAIN now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:01]  6 keeps (50%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 5 cuts (42%) [[3 mutes ] [01:01]  Now in OFF mode. [01:01] *ponders changing to Seva :p* nah looks weird [01:02] oops [01:02] eh ?? [01:02] lol - *thinks of WNP* "Thanks to Sanna, EofS and Dr Jonas Bashir for running the session. Somehow." [01:02] oops?! [01:02] yeah [01:02] eh? [01:02] really, oops [01:02] majel's off [01:02] hehe [01:02]  Now in OFF mode. [01:02]  Retrieving punchlines for competition THEPITS, please stand by... [01:02]  Retrieval THEPITS competition complete. [01:02]  SevDoctor requested the shortlist: [01:02]  AGAIN [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  ANOTHER [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  BELLE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  CONSIDER [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  ENCORE [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  FEET [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  LUCK [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  MELTED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  THAWED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  TRY [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:02]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [01:02] not close enough to your real nick [01:02] bleh! [01:02] again was kept? [01:02]  SevDoctor asks about AGAIN  [01:02]  ""I do. And if I already did, I'll do it AGAIN!"
" [01:02] * Shyva trouts JB :p [01:02] yeah [01:02] wait [01:02] keep [01:02] dunno, I stopped recording by hand ;0) [01:02]  AGAIN now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:02]  1 keeps (100%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 0 cuts (0%) [[14 mutes ] [01:02]  SevDoctor asks about ANOTHER  [01:02]  "If I say "I do", can I have ANOTHER?
" [01:03] there ;) [01:03] *lol* [01:03] kept again [01:03] keep [01:03] 3keep [01:03] keep [01:03] ????????? [01:03] cut [01:03] neutral [01:03] keep :0) [01:03] cut [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] neutral [01:03] keep [01:03] *** AnuWan is now known as [sev]Anubis [01:03]  ANOTHER now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:03]  7 keeps (70%) -- 1 neutrals (10%) -- 2 cuts (20%) [[5 mutes ] [01:03] (changed vote) [01:03]  SevDoctor asks about BELLE  [01:03]  "Saved by the BELLE.
" [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] 3keep [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] keep [01:03] keep :0) [01:03] cut [01:03] * [sev]Anubis shudders [01:03]  BELLE now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:03]  7 keeps (88%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 1 cuts (12%) [[7 mutes ] [01:03] keep [01:03] *** [sev]Anubis is now known as AnuWan [01:03] naughty Anubis!!! [01:03]  SevDoctor asks about CONSIDER  [01:03]  "CONSIDER me gobsmacked.
" [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] *** Dhraakellian is now known as THE_Idiot_Sever [01:03] cut [01:04]  CONSIDER now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:04]  0 keeps (0%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 8 cuts (100%) [[7 mutes ] [01:04] 4cut [01:04] cut [01:04]  SevDoctor asks about ENCORE  [01:04]  "How about an ENCORE?
" [01:04] 3keep [01:04] neutral [01:04] cut [01:04] keep [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] keep [01:04] keep [01:04] keep [01:04] ...is it me, or is this getting faster? [01:04] cut [01:04] neutral [01:04] *** THE_Idiot_Sever is now known as THE_Idiot_Sevver [01:04] brb [01:04]  ENCORE now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:04]  3 keeps (30%) -- 2 neutrals (20%) -- 5 cuts (50%) [[5 mutes ] [01:04] whitestar> it's faster :p [01:04] more votes [01:04] 8472 - too much caffeine - it's really only 11.25pm [01:04] gotta go squish a bug [01:04] Thought so... [01:04] lol! [01:04] Michelle- i t's 'cos I'm inexperienced so I'm still quite slow at it [01:04]  SevDoctor asks about FEET  [01:04]  "My FEET are still stuck, kiss me again.
" [01:04] urg [01:04] neutral [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] neutral [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] cut [01:04] Don't worry about it - I know nooothing! [01:04] 12neutral [01:04] cut [01:05] keep [01:05]  FEET now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:05]  1 keeps (9%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 8 cuts (73%) [[4 mutes ] [01:05] 3keep [01:05]  SevDoctor asks about LUCK  [01:05]  "One more for good LUCK?!
" [01:05] cut [01:05] neutral [01:05] keep [01:05] 3keep [01:05] cut [01:05] cut [01:05] cut [01:05] cut [01:05] cut [01:05] keep [01:05] cut [01:05] also 'cos I keep a hard copy of cuts and keeps ;0) [01:05] neutral [01:05] cut [01:05]  LUCK now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:05]  2 keeps (18%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 7 cuts (64%) [[4 mutes ] [01:05] :) [01:05] more [01:05]  SevDoctor asks about MELTED  [01:05]  "It's ok now, I'm MELTED!
" [01:05] cut [01:05] keep [01:05] keep [01:05] Insufficient data. I need more votes. [01:05] cut [01:05] 4cut [01:05] cut [01:05] I smell massive line death [01:05] cut [01:05] cut [01:05] neutral [01:05] cut [01:05] keep [01:05] cut [01:05]  MELTED now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:05]  3 keeps (27%) -- 1 neutrals (9%) -- 7 cuts (64%) [[4 mutes ] [01:05] keep [01:05] keep [01:06]  SevDoctor asks about THAWED  [01:06]  "That sure THAWED me out
" [01:06] JB> too fast [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] *** THE_Idiot_Sevver is now known as Dhraakellian [01:06] that's the trick [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] 4cut [01:06] cut [01:06] JB> you're not letting some people vote [01:06] that's better! [01:06] cut [01:06] cut' [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] yep, WAY TOO fast [01:06] and I know already when a punchline has been eliminated or kept [01:06] cut [01:06]  THAWED now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:06]  0 keeps (0%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 13 cuts (100%) [[2 mutes ] [01:06] he has a birdbath [01:06] scary how many are cut this week - says something really about the target audience [01:06] lol! [01:06] I haven't even printed this out yet! [01:06] lol [01:06] eight cuts or eight keeps means a definite vote [01:06]  SevDoctor asks about TRY  [01:06]  "I'm not sure that worked. TRY again.
" [01:06] And besides, all punchlines are retallied when entering Final Mode. [01:06] cut [01:06] keep [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:06] cut [01:07] keep [01:07] 3keep [01:07] neutral [01:07] cut [01:07] keep [01:07] keep [01:07] yes, but youcan end up voting for the wrong one TD ;0) [01:07] cut [01:07] I also keep track of neutrals, which make those numbers lower [01:07]  TRY now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:07]  4 keeps (31%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 8 cuts (62%) [[2 mutes ] [01:07]  SevDoctor requested the shortlist: [01:07]  AGAIN [100%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:07]  ANOTHER [70%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:07]  BELLE [89%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:07]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:07] DJB uses the TGW method of culling! [01:07] vote4 another [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] he does indeed [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] whoops! [01:07] vote4 bell [01:07] vote4 another [01:07] 3vote4 belle [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] AGAIN was kept by 50% [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] vote4 another [01:07] originally [01:07] vote4 again [01:07] try again [01:07] and that is...? [01:07] vote for bgelle [01:07] vote4 another [01:08] vote4 belle [01:08]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:08]  AGAIN scored 6 vote(s). [01:08]  ANOTHER scored 4 vote(s). [01:08]  BELLE scored 1 vote(s). [01:08]  Votes cast: 11 Judges present: 15 [01:08] ...ah - got it that time! [01:08] more votes [01:08] vote4 belle [01:08] no more? [01:08] * Shyva wonders why everyone is voting for again... [01:08] vote4 again [01:08] ok, Whitestar, Leander, revote [01:08] It's funny. [01:08] cos it's funny! [01:08] bleh, one mistake click and evil outlook express was popping up here.... [01:08] there were 4 people htat didna vote... [01:08]  BELLE now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [01:08] vote4 again [01:08] vote4 belle [01:08]  TRY now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:08]  4 keeps (31%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 8 cuts (62%) [[4 mutes ] [01:08]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:08]  AGAIN scored 8 vote(s). [01:08]  ANOTHER scored 4 vote(s). [01:08]  Votes cast: 12 Judges present: 15 [01:08] oops [01:09] 3vote4 another [01:09] Leander... revote =P [01:09] sigh [01:09] * Dhraakellian groans [01:09] * Whitestar8472 hands Dhraak a mug of coffee [01:09] vote4 again... [01:09] * Dhraakellian hands it back [01:09] icky! [01:09] again surely wins now! [01:09] well, they both are ehm not me favorite.... [01:09] * AnuWan grabs coffee [01:09] Don't like coffee, huh? [01:09] Get the syntax right. [01:10] who me? [01:10] correct [01:10] black double sweet [01:10] * Whitestar8472 releases mug 1"Go for it!" [01:10] cocoa is much better [01:10] * Shyva giggles [01:10] ...or "Coffee, Jamaican blend, double-strong double-sweet" [01:10] * Shyva pokes JB* you dead or something? :p [01:10] O'Brien's fave! [01:10] ;) [01:10] I prefer Coloumbian! ]; ) [01:10] AGAIN is the winner [01:10] Just brew it and I'll chug it down. [01:10] * Dhraakellian backs out of the way of the "coffee miracle" [01:10] what's the hold up anyone? [01:10]  Now in OFF mode. [01:10]  Retrieving punchlines for competition TWIST, please stand by... [01:10]  Retrieval TWIST competition complete. [01:10]  EofSev requested the shortlist: [01:10]  BRIBED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  FARES [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  FIRST [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  FRONT [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  HAZING [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  SUSPECTS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  TEAMSTERS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  UNION [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:10]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [01:11] coffee [01:11]  EofSev asks about BRIBED  [01:11]  "The suspicions that three members of the Australian team were BRIBED never ceased
" [01:11] cut [01:11] cut [01:11] klatchian, corsair? [01:11] 4cut [01:11] neutral [01:11] cut [01:11] I have my pot of hot water, some milk, a jar of coffee and some sugar packets ;) [01:11] cut [01:11] keep [01:11] keep [01:11] cut [01:11] cut [01:11] keep [01:11] * Dhraakellian doesn't get this one [01:11] WS: Instant!?!?!?!?!?! [01:11] yep [01:11] NOOOO! [01:11] Dhraakey> that's why you neutral... i dun get it either :p [01:11] cut [01:11] dhraak - reference doping and bribery in cycling world [01:11] ...it's for convenience, you understand ;) [01:12] neutral [01:12]  BRIBED now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:12]  3 keeps (25%) -- 2 neutrals (17%) -- 7 cuts (58%) [[3 mutes ] [01:12] thanks for the voting reminder [01:12] :p [01:12]  EofSev asks about FARES  [01:12]  "That's it, next time I'll be collecting FARES!
" [01:12] cut [01:12] cut [01:12] keep [01:12] keep [01:12] * Corsair feels nicely medicated after that Pan Galactic.... [01:12] keep [01:12] cut [01:12] cut [01:12] 3keep [01:12] cut [01:12] !8^D [01:12] keep [01:12] cut [01:12] keep [01:12] cut [01:12]  FARES now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:12]  5 keeps (42%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 7 cuts (58%) [[3 mutes ] [01:12]  EofSev asks about FIRST  [01:12]  "At FIRST, Fred thought being first in the anchor leg was an honour.
" [01:12] * Dhraakellian gives Corsair some klatchian coffee [01:12] keep [01:12] cut [01:12] keep [01:12] cut [01:12] neutral [01:12] keep [01:13] cut [01:13] 12neutral [01:13] keep [01:13] cut [01:13] keep [01:13] neutral [01:13] *** SevDoctor has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [01:13]  FIRST now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:13]  5 keeps (45%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 4 cuts (36%) [[3 mutes ] [01:13]  EofSev asks about FRONT  [01:13]  ""Be in the FRONT", they said... "you'll look good", they said...
" [01:13] cut [01:13] Looks like E is the sevperson here [01:13] cut [01:13] cut [01:13] 3keep [01:13] keep - best line alert! [01:13] keep [01:13] keep [01:13] keep [01:13] keep [01:13] keep [01:13] neutral [01:13] LAME! [01:13] cut [01:13] yes Dhraak - I took over at the end of Pits [01:13] too obvious Jim [01:13] WEIRD! :p [01:13]  FRONT now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:13]  6 keeps (55%) -- 1 neutrals (9%) -- 4 cuts (36%) [[3 mutes ] [01:14] ah [01:14] anu - too many are too obvbious [01:14] right [01:14]  EofSev asks about HAZING  [01:14]  "Okay, I know I'm the new guy, but don't you think you are taking the HAZING this a little too far?
" [01:14] cut [01:14] cut [01:14] cut [01:14] *** DrJonasBashir has joined #sevtrek [01:14] neutral [01:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DrJonasBashir [01:14] neutral [01:14] cut [01:14] cut [01:14] keep [01:14] wb JB [01:14] bleh [01:14] 4cut [01:14] cut [01:14] invasion of the Obvbiousans? [01:14] wb [01:14] keep [01:14]  Well since you asked: the current punchline is HAZING  [01:14]  "Okay, I know I'm the new guy, but don't you think you are taking the HAZING this a little too far?
" [01:14] what is hazing? [01:14] computer DECIDED she need to reboot [01:14] cut [01:14] hmmmm, think this "best line alert" is voting for the "Rock of the Year" award [01:14] WB, JB [01:14] cut [01:14] Obviousanuwan? ;) [01:14]  HAZING now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:14]  2 keeps (17%) -- 2 neutrals (17%) -- 8 cuts (67%) [[3 mutes ] [01:14] cut [01:14] hazing is like a really bad initiation I think [01:14] who's SevMan now? =P [01:14]  EofSev asks about SUSPECTS  [01:14]  "Byron SUSPECTS the rest of the team weren't pulling their weight.
" [01:14] keep [01:14] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] keep [01:15] ah ;) [01:15] keep [01:15] E is [01:15] keep [01:15] keep [01:15] keep [01:15] me JB - took over when it was clear you'd died [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] 4cut [01:15] keep [01:15] 12neutral [01:15] keep :0) [01:15] keep [01:15] keep [01:15]  SUSPECTS now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:15]  9 keeps (69%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 4 cuts (31%) [[2 mutes ] [01:15] Leander - what's Roc of teh Year? [01:15]  EofSev asks about TEAMSTERS  [01:15]  "When TEAMSTERS and cycling meet.
" [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] neutral [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] 4cut [01:15] cut [01:15] tupos ate bell [01:15] A large bird [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] cut [01:15] too obscure. [01:15] UNION is better [01:15] mythical bird :0P [01:15]  TEAMSTERS now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:15]  0 keeps (0%) -- 1 neutrals (9%) -- 10 cuts (91%) [[4 mutes ] [01:16]  EofSev asks about UNION  [01:16]  "Dang UNION bicyclists!
" [01:16] keep [01:16] keep [01:16] 3keep [01:16] keep [01:16] keep [01:16] cut [01:16] keep [01:16] keep [01:16] cut [01:16] how is "roc" pronounced [01:16] keep [01:16] ? [01:16] keep [01:16] cut [01:16] keep [01:16] as rock I believe [01:16] rock [01:16] "rock" [01:16] Dhraakey> roc? :p [01:16] roc [01:16] well....you get a rock thrown at ya when you give best line alerts or say that attack of the clones rocks BEFORE I had a chance to see it. [01:16] based on Eagle Eye Mysteries :0D [01:16] with a soft ck sound :p [01:16] Dhraak - this is why I say tupos ate bell [01:16]  UNION now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:16]  9 keeps (75%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 3 cuts (25%) [[3 mutes ] [01:16] ehhh - well it *did* rock! :P [01:16]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:16] a friend of mine says that it's "rook" [01:16]  EofSev requested the shortlist: [01:16]  FIRST [45%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:16]  FRONT [55%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:16]  SUSPECTS [69%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:16]  UNION [75%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:16] vote4 first [01:16] Did I mention that the movie rocked?! ;) [01:16] * Shyva taps fingers and wish they'd hurry up [01:16] vote4 union [01:16] vote4 union [01:17] vote4 union [01:17] vote4 first [01:17] 3vote4 union [01:17] lol and agrees [01:17] vote4 union [01:17] vote4 suspects [01:17] vote4 first [01:17] though I don't like the tense [01:17] vote4 suspecsts [01:17] * Corsair needs a refill...BRB [01:17] i want to go to the bathroom :p [01:17] vote4 suspects [01:17] vote4 first [01:17] vote change! [01:17] No caption! Long live spoken punchlines! [01:17] got it ;) [01:17] vote4 front [01:17] vote4 front [01:17] *trouts JB* [01:17] vote4 union [01:17] vote4 front [01:17]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:17]  FIRST scored 2 vote(s). [01:17]  FRONT scored 3 vote(s). [01:17]  SUSPECTS scored 2 vote(s). [01:17]  UNION scored 5 vote(s). [01:17]  Votes cast: 12 Judges present: 15 [01:17] does that include 2 revotes for front? [01:17] okay... brb [01:17] 47th door on the right, shyva [01:17] :p@Dhraakey [01:17] yes ass [01:17] deck 47 [01:18] thanks E [01:18] !:) [01:18] brb [01:18] no-one feel like budging> [01:18] I don't really wanna cut the 2 vote ones [01:18] * Leander throws rock at Assassin [01:18] you must [01:18] * Nemi throws a deathspell at Leander [01:18] Eppy 2 rocked!!! :P [01:18] *sulks* but theyr'e too close to the 3 vote [01:18] * Corsair is back [01:19] it's the rules [01:19] ...just so you know ;) [01:19] *sigh* [01:19] * JustMark wonders if tupo is a color [01:19] wb [01:19]  FIRST now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [01:19] * Dhraakellian hums "the black rider" from the FotR soundtrack [01:19] I'm running out of stones here [01:19]  SUSPECTS now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [01:19] if not, UNION is the winner as the first minority [01:19] vote4 suspects [01:19] vote4 front [01:19] it was a good thing you didn't hit assassin or I would have tortured you first :P [01:19] vote4 front [01:19] vote4 union [01:19] nice timing Corsair [01:19] exactly [01:19] 3vote4 union [01:19] TX [01:19] Assassin gets hit by rock [01:19] * assassin laughs [01:19] mute vote here [01:19]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:19]  FRONT scored 5 vote(s). [01:19]  UNION scored 6 vote(s). [01:19]  Votes cast: 11 Judges present: 15 [01:20] sevqueen? [01:20] no [01:20] yes [01:20] This is one for the Sevqueen. Even I admit her power. [01:20] VOTE, MUTES!!! [01:20] back to you JB? [01:20] Front sucks! [01:20] okay ;) [01:20] I odn't like union [01:20] so I voted front against it [01:20] but I don't like front much [01:20] *** DrJonasBashir is now known as SevDoctor [01:20] ditto what Corsair said [01:20] Mutes wasn't nominated ... [01:20] no, I don't like either one of these...and I can't decide [01:20] you're still voting? oy veh [01:20] Competition Five [01:20] Suck is, as suck does.... [01:20] vote4 union [01:20]  Now in OFF mode. [01:20]  Retrieving punchlines for competition SUNDAY, please stand by... [01:20]  Retrieval SUNDAY competition complete. [01:20]  SevDoctor requested the shortlist: [01:20]  CIGAR [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  FBI [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  GOVERNMENT [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  GUNS [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  LIGHT [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  LIGHTER [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  MATCHES [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  SCREEN [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  SMOKED [0%, 0] "Nominated." [01:20]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [01:21] MUTES: VOTE!! [01:21] that better? [01:21] Dhraak: Make me! [01:21] Shyva... for the record... [01:21] Only one good one here. [01:21] Corsair - now HERE'S a lame list coming up! [01:21] LOL! [01:21] * Shyva wonders if JC knows that X-Files ends THIS WEEK!!! *cries* [01:21] seems like she made UNION win [01:21] Oh yeah! [01:21] JC, take note [01:21] YAY!!! [01:21] bout bloody time! [01:21] lol! [01:21] 7-5 [01:21] * Dhraakellian goes over to anubis with his hat on backwards in a menacing way (yo!) [01:21] now, Sunday [01:22] Corsair - out of interest which one! [01:22] ...of course the end will be a mystery... [01:22] * Shyva cries because loves X-files and doesn't want it to end :( [01:22] Naturally ;) [01:22] Dhraak: "yo"? [01:22]  SevDoctor asks about CIGAR  [01:22]  "Close, but no CIGAR!
" [01:22] cut [01:22] keep ***clever alert*** [01:22] keep [01:22] Mulder comes back at the end [01:22] cut [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] Love this one! [01:22] 3keep [01:22]  CIGAR now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:22]  10 keeps (83%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 2 cuts (17%) [[3 mutes ] [01:22] Terry Pratchett reference [01:22] Mulder is an alien [01:22] Take a guess assassin.... heh [01:22] keep [01:22]  SevDoctor asks about FBI  [01:22]  "The FBI Building's got a no smoking policy. Where else can I go?
" [01:22] Soul music [01:22] cut [01:22] keep [01:22] cut [01:22] keep [01:22] keep [01:22] cut [01:22] keep [01:22] 4cut [01:22] cut [01:22] keep [01:22] cut [01:22] "rat" music [01:22] Mark> shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! dun say anything about the ending :p [01:22] cut [01:22] corse - it'll be the one you keep ;) [01:22]  FBI now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:22]  5 keeps (45%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 6 cuts (55%) [[4 mutes ] [01:23] or Dhraak, a play on the common phrase "close but no cookie" [01:23] more votes [01:23] Err, "close but no cigar" is the phrase. [01:23] ...haven't seen it...just speculating... [01:23] Never heard it with cookie. [01:23] E: I was refering to the "Yo" comment [01:23] Me neither. [01:23]  SevDoctor asks about GOVERNMENT  [01:23]  "And once again, the GOVERNMENT has raised a smoke-screen.
" [01:23] Mark> don't speculate with X-Files... [01:23] cut [01:23] 3keep [01:23] cut [01:23] cut [01:23] keep [01:23] cutcut [01:23] keep [01:23] neutral [01:23] cut [01:23] cut [01:23] cut [01:23] cut [01:23] cut [01:23] If not now, then when? [01:23]  GOVERNMENT now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:23]  2 keeps (17%) -- 1 neutrals (8%) -- 9 cuts (75%) [[3 mutes ] [01:24]  SevDoctor asks about GUNS  [01:24]  "Put those GUNS away... don't you know they're bad for your health?
" [01:24] cut [01:24] keep [01:24] cut [01:24] cut [01:24] keep [01:24] keep :0D [01:24] cut [01:24] keep [01:24] keep [01:24] Mark> every prediction I ever made with that series was wrong... it's the only series that really makes me think and it's ending! [01:24] neutral [01:24] cut [01:24] coarse - guess which one! ;) [01:24] 12neutral [01:24] 4cut [01:24] This is gov't thinking [01:24]  GUNS now gets status: "Keep it!". [01:24]  5 keeps (50%) -- 1 neutrals (10%) -- 4 cuts (40%) [[5 mutes ] [01:24] Does that mean you won't be able to Think anymore Shyva? [01:24] more... [01:24] VOTES! [01:24] Think Different! [01:24] But, that's what makes it fun [01:24] it's the only series that ever taught me anything useful [01:24]  SevDoctor asks about LIGHT  [01:24]  "Speaking of a LIGHT, you got one?
" [01:24] keep [01:24] Insufficient data. I need more votes. [01:24] 4cut [01:24] cut [01:24] cut [01:24] I preferred B5, personally [01:24] it taught me that Seth Green looks daft with long hair [01:24] keep [01:25] cut [01:25] Corsair> *lol* i guess... other series are too predictable [01:25] neutral [01:25] neutral [01:25] cut [01:25] it's the only series that ever taught me anything useful [01:25] cut [01:25] oops [01:25] I agree White [01:25] he doesn't need it [01:25] keep [01:25]  LIGHT now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:25]  2 keeps (22%) -- 2 neutrals (22%) -- 5 cuts (56%) [[6 mutes ] [01:25] cut [01:25] damn *looks sheepish* [01:25] keep [01:25] it taught me that there really is truth in the term flogging a dead horse [01:25] *Sadly* yes, that's true. [01:25] go on.. [01:25] the only other thing that makes me think is the discovery channel! [01:25]  LIGHT now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:25]  3 keeps (27%) -- 2 neutrals (18%) -- 6 cuts (55%) [[4 mutes ] [01:25] lol! [01:25]  SevDoctor asks about LIGHTER  [01:25]  "I hope one of those is really a cigarette LIGHTER.
" [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] keep [01:25] cut [01:25] 4cut [01:25] keep [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] keep [01:25] cut [01:25] I meant that to be cut, excuse me for being extrordinairily lazy [01:25] neutral [01:25] cut [01:25]  LIGHTER now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:25]  2 keeps (18%) -- 1 neutrals (9%) -- 8 cuts (73%) [[4 mutes ] [01:25] did you know that the Cigarette Man does the Skeptical Inquirer on The Science CHannel? :p [01:25]  SevDoctor asks about MATCHES  [01:25]  "Glad you showed up - I was running out of MATCHES !
" [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] cut [01:25] and don't bother correcting my spelling either, cus I don't care [01:26] cut [01:26] 4cut [01:26] Shyva: lol! [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26]  MATCHES now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:26]  2 keeps (17%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 10 cuts (83%) [[3 mutes ] [01:26]  SevDoctor asks about SCREEN  [01:26]  "This is a government ordained smoke SCREEN.
" [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] Whitestar> i almost fainted when i saw him on there : [01:26] 3keep [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26] keep [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] neutral [01:26] think someone is telling the Cooks smething? ;) [01:26] neutral [01:26] better than the other [01:26]  SCREEN now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:26]  4 keeps (33%) -- 2 neutrals (17%) -- 6 cuts (50%) [[3 mutes ] [01:26] that JC needs to hurry up with the rating system ;0) [01:26]  SevDoctor asks about SMOKED  [01:26]  "Ironic isn't it? You SMOKED me out while I was smoking out.
" [01:26] lol! [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] eh? [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] keep [01:26] 4cut [01:26] cut [01:26] cut [01:26] (anyone spot a pattern? ;)) [01:26] This would be better worded differently. [01:26] cut [01:26]  SMOKED now gets status: "It's cut!". [01:26]  1 keeps (10%) -- 0 neutrals (0%) -- 9 cuts (90%) [[5 mutes ] [01:26] yeah [01:26]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:26]  SevDoctor requested the shortlist: [01:26]  CIGAR [85%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:26]  GUNS [50%, 0] "Keep it!" [01:27] it's a nice idea, but the wording is messy [01:27] vote4 guns [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 guns [01:27] Should end with "out smoking" [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 guns [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] 3vote4 cigar [01:27] you smoked me out while I was out smoking [01:27] it's hardly original but it's the only one I like [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] Yeth [01:27] if this could go a teeeeeeeeny weeeeeeeeeeny slower I could actualy vote [01:27] Clinton Special! [01:27] LMAO!!! [01:27] sorry Leander, JB's a fast sevman [01:27] whichwhat? [01:27] Yeth? You got a lisp Cors? [01:27] vote4 cigar [01:27] Leander: I always stop a vote when it's already decided [01:27] ...he never smoked them... [01:27] * Nemi shoves a cigar in assassin's mouth [01:27]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:27]  CIGAR scored 9 vote(s). [01:27]  GUNS scored 3 vote(s). [01:27]  Votes cast: 12 Judges present: 15 [01:27] * assassin throws rocks at Leander for being slow at voting, ordering sev movie, watching eppy 2 and getting ti england! [01:28] well this is a DUH thing *l* [01:28] it's decided [01:28] CIGAR wins [01:28] I think CIGAR gets it [01:28] Yep! [01:28] there you go ;) [01:28] we're done [01:28] see you next Friday [01:28] nice one DJB! [01:28] oops too late [01:28] MAJEL, DIE! [01:28] wheeeeee! we're finished! :p [01:28] what can I say.....squeak.... ;-) [01:28] Ti ENgland? [01:28] or, see you Sunday! [01:28] no you wont DJB [01:28] Heh [01:28] Ti = To [01:28] only chickens and turkeys are done :p [01:28] Ah [01:28] we gonna start at the right time this week JB? [01:28] oh yes I will [01:28] Yayyy! Thanks to all who help expedite this thing! [01:28] BANG! [01:28] *** Whitestar8472 is now known as DarthBlackStar4747 [01:28] AAARGHH! [01:28] I am invincible! [01:28]  Now in OFF mode. [01:28] Gah, I hate getting up early... [01:28] you're a loony [01:28]  Now in OFF mode. [01:28] Majel shutting up by shutting down ... [01:28] !!LOG SENT TO JOHNCOOK@SEV.COM.AU!! Session Close: Sat May 18 01:28:50 2002