Session Start: Sat Feb 26 00:10:36 2000 * Logging #sevtrek to '#sevtrek.log' [00:10] Hi Majel [00:10] SevMuff: command understood. Initiating self-destruct. [00:11] what dumm? [00:11]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:11]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:11] You have 20 seconds to push on the cancelation bottun. [00:11] Kind of a small crowd this week. [00:11] LOL [00:11]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:12] Hold on.. Dumm screwed up again [00:12] OY [00:12] tupos are tiresome. [00:12] try now, muff [00:12]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:12]  DUNNO [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12]  MAKE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12]  NEWS [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12]  OUT [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12]  SLEEP [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12]  THEORY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [00:12] *** Naraht has joined #SevTrek [00:12] that's better! [00:12] yeah!! [00:12] and going to be getting smaller..gotta go soon, only stopped by for a few minutes. [00:12] hi naraht! [00:12]  SevMuff asks about DUNNO  [00:12]  "DUNNO but we do have a theory..." [00:12] NICK??????????? [00:12] 8 - check your email [00:12] keep [00:12] keep [00:12] keep [00:12] keep [00:12] Quiet JS [00:12] cut [00:12] keep [00:12] keep [00:13] I think this is mine. [00:13] 4NARAHT: erwin was surprised you asked about him. he said to return you the "hi nick" from erwin [00:13] Dumm: Mom is resting... so I can be on [00:13] Bye gizzi! [00:13] SevMuff: cool =] [00:13] :) [00:13] keep [00:13] I'm tired. [00:13] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:13]  SevMuff asks about DUNNO. [00:13]  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 1 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:13]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:13]  [================================] Keep = 89 % [00:13]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:13]  [====] Cut = 11 % [00:13] <_8_of_12_> brb [00:13] Brrr brr brrrrrr I'm cold... [00:13] I will be momentarily busy to construct the new names' punchfiles [00:13]  SevMuff asks about MAKE  [00:13]  "We MAKE them up, but don't tell Mouldy." [00:13] *** NovaFlash changes topic to 'SevMuff on the loose! =]' [00:13] cut [00:13] cut [00:13] I'm hot. [00:13] OY [00:13] cut [00:13] see you guys later, I'll be on tonight. [00:13] cut [00:13] * NintendoGuru 3*hugs* Gizmo [00:13] Bye Gizzy [00:13] * Gizmo waves goodbye. [00:13] cut [00:13] brb [00:13] keep [00:14] quit [00:14] *** Gizmo has quit IRC (Leaving) [00:14] BYE [00:14] figures [00:14]  SevMuff asks about MAKE. [00:14]  ~~ keeps: 1 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 6 ~~ [00:14]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [00:14]  [======] Keep = 17 % [00:14]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:14]  [==============================] Cut = 83 % [00:14] woah.. lotta mutes [00:14] and very QUIET [00:15] Tired. [00:15] *** TLE is now known as TLE-awat [00:15] hehe [00:15]  SevMuff asks about NEWS  [00:15]  "From geekly world NEWS" [00:15] *** TLE-awat is now known as TLE-away [00:15] cut [00:15] Gotta get up early tomkorw. [00:15] cut [00:15] cut [00:15] cut [00:15] cut [00:15] keep [00:15] I guess no one likes this one [00:15] Except JC [00:15] sorry JC [00:15] Tupos are taking over.. help1 [00:15] * SevMuff helps e of PI [00:15] =] [00:15] keep [00:15] its okay [00:15] Its not my fav though [00:16] I still like it, though. [00:16] lol... ok.. so I didn't completely offend you [00:16] The first one is the best. [00:16]  SevMuff asks about NEWS. [00:16]  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~ [00:16]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [00:16]  [==========] Keep = 29 % [00:16]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:16]  [==========================] Cut = 71 % [00:16] i vote on a "keep all that i like, cut all that i hate" and not on a "cut all that are not my favorite" [00:16]  SevMuff asks about OUT  [00:16]  "We went OUT there." [00:16] And I'm not surprised I didn't made it again. [00:16] Dumm... deal [00:16] keep [00:16] cut [00:16] :) [00:16] keep [00:16] cut [00:16] keep [00:16] cut [00:16] keep [00:16] Mixed results on this one [00:16] <_8_of_12_> -cut [00:16] redo 8 of 12 [00:16] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:16] 8, reviote. [00:16] thanky [00:17] *** TerrorTeen has quit IRC (Ping timeout for TerrorTeen[]) [00:17] he did [00:17] nova - agreed - otherwise one that is your second fav might get cut then one that you hate might win [00:17] JC: what did you need my ip for...? [00:17] keep [00:17] <_8_of_12_> sorry, keyboard was upside down [00:17]  SevMuff asks about OUT. [00:17]  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:17]  It now gets status "Equal vote.". [00:17]  [==================] Keep = 50 % [00:17]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:17]  [==================] Cut = 50 % [00:17] I had 3 cut this week. [00:17] jc- my point exactamundo [00:17] oy [00:17]  SevMuff asks about SLEEP  [00:17]  "Mouldy talks in his SLEEP!" [00:17] nova - we might need another sevdate in the Sev Trek movie - I use IP# so I thought I might use yours if that's okay [00:17] keep [00:17] cut [00:17] neutral [00:17] 8: that types difficult. [00:17] keep [00:17] *** TLE-away is now known as TLE [00:17] jc: lol thanks =] [00:17] "exactamundo [00:17] No MASH this week... too tired... [00:17] jc: I'd like that =] [00:17] AUGH!!! Someone is using a hedger outside my open window! [00:17] <_8_of_12_> indeed [00:17] "exactamundo"? You been watching Happy Days? [00:18] lol [00:18] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:18] jc: mais non, monsieur John. [00:18] cut [00:18] <_8_of_12_> OOOOOHHHHH!!!! MR. KOTTER!!!! [00:18] cut [00:18] FRENCH! Me know a little of that [00:18] keep [00:18] * NovaFlash hits translation button [00:18]  SevMuff asks about SLEEP. [00:18]  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:18]  It now gets status "Keep for now.". [00:18]  [===============] Keep = 43 % [00:18]  [=====] Neutral = 14 % [00:18]  [===============] Cut = 43 % [00:18] keep [00:18] that's better. [00:18] *** e_of_PI changes topic to '§evMuff on the loose, and may the Shwartz be with her!' [00:18]  SevMuff asks about THEORY  [00:18]  "We're not sure. Would you like to hear our THEORY?" [00:18] hehe [00:18] keep [00:18] keep [00:18] We're coming up on the hard part dumm [00:18] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:19] cut [00:19] keep [00:19] keep [00:19] Classic Lone Gunmen [00:19] keep [00:19] *** TerrorTeen has joined #sevtrek [00:19] They are so odd [00:19] :) [00:19] that's why I like them [00:19] *** TLE sets mode: +ooo Majel Naraht TerrorTeen [00:19] hi TT [00:19] The odd and the proud [00:19] keep [00:19] <_8_of_12_> it would help if i watched x-files. [00:19]  SevMuff asks about THEORY. [00:19]  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:19]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:19]  [===========================] Keep = 75 % [00:19]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:19]  [=========] Cut = 25 % [00:20] I LOVE x files [00:20]  Now in FINAL mode. [00:20] JC: Since when does Frohike wear a tie? [00:20]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:20]  DUNNO [89%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:20]  OUT [50%, 1] "Equal vote." [00:20]  SLEEP [50%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:20]  THEORY [75%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:20] vote4 theory [00:20] <_8_of_12_> and if i weren't using the keyboard upside down while eating cocopops [00:20] vote4 theory [00:20] vote4 out [00:20] YUM! Me like cocopops [00:20] sevmuff; just don't go to the next competition too fast, okay? =] let the answer to the final votes come out naturally. [00:20] vote4 sleep [00:20] <_8_of_12_> vote4out [00:20] vote4 dunno [00:20] vote4 dunno [00:20] Phantom: he has ina few eps... K dumm [00:20] vote4 dunno [00:20] :) Me trying [00:20] vote4 theory [00:20] I kinda like OUT - short, snappy, nice play on words [00:20] 8 - you need to have a space between vote4 and out [00:21] Red alert! JC's influencing the judges again! ;) [00:21] <_8_of_12_> sorry [00:21] hmmm it is in the definite x-files style... [00:21] <_8_of_12_> vote4 out [00:21] Uh oh [00:21] :) [00:21] <_8_of_12_> I'm not myself this morning [00:21] but theory is better! [00:21] I guess, just not in any of my pics. I don't think Braidwood likes them. [00:21] MORNING? OH yeah [00:21] MNelson- I didn't saw you... [00:21] vote4 theory [00:21] I forgot for a moment [00:21] Me either, 8. I'm a woman named Frieda. [00:21] hey, aren't we ALL meant to be influencing each other? Noone talks anymore! [00:21] theory just made me laugh [00:21]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:21]  DUNNO scored 3 vote(s). [00:21]  OUT scored 2 vote(s). [00:21]  SLEEP scored 1 vote(s). [00:21]  THEORY scored 3 vote(s). [00:21]  Casted votes: 9 Judges present: 12 High/Low: 3/1 [00:21] Dunno is like theory, only sharper. [00:21] hehe [00:21] Now what dumm??? [00:21] oh well. sleep's out [00:22] <_8_of_12_> JC: Did you deicde on any Sev Element strips? [00:22] This is the hard part [00:22] JC: I was just kidding... Recall the conversation on the bbs... ;) [00:22] DUmm: HELP!!!!!! [00:22] sevmuff: cut sleep muffy, you can see it has very few votes [00:22]  SLEEP now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:22] Cut OUT and SLEEP. [00:22] I know... but it's still scary [00:22] It only has one [00:22] vote4 out [00:22]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:22]  DUNNO [89%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:22]  OUT [50%, 1] "Equal vote." [00:22]  THEORY [75%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:22] Cut it OUT ;P [00:22] =] [00:22] vote4 dunno [00:22] oops... did that thingee again [00:22] Gr [00:22] sevmuff; the other tally =] [00:22] I know sorry [00:22]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:22]  DUNNO scored 3 vote(s). [00:22]  OUT scored 3 vote(s). [00:22]  THEORY scored 3 vote(s). [00:22]  Casted votes: 9 Judges present: 12 High/Low: 3/0 [00:22] don't be =] [00:22] wow! [00:22] oh lovely [00:22] ??? [00:22] * NovaFlash applauds [00:22] Tied! [00:22] :) [00:23] You're too sweet Dummy [00:23] wonderfull, we have a 3-tie now =] [00:23] Triple tied! [00:23] vote4 theory [00:23] are you TRYING to make things complicated? :P [00:23] SevQueen? [00:23] someone vote... [00:23] you're too nice, muff =] [00:23] hehehe [00:23] Thanky dumm [00:23] Vote, mutes!!!!!!!!!11 [00:23] sorry [00:23] vote4 dunno [00:23] VOTE MUTES!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!! [00:23] please? [00:23] Or you will be forever deprived of sugar [00:23] <_8_of_12_> vote4 theory [00:23] and caffiene [00:23] Yum [00:23] CHHOCCOLAAATTTEEE!!!!! [00:23] Me like caffeine [00:23] *** TLE is now known as TLE-away [00:24] NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! [00:24] *** Blueberrie has joined #sevtrek [00:24] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Blueberrie [00:24]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:24]  DUNNO scored 3 vote(s). [00:24]  OUT scored 2 vote(s). [00:24]  THEORY scored 4 vote(s). [00:24]  Casted votes: 9 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:24] Hi Erin! [00:24] Oyyy... [00:24] COOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [00:24] hi [00:24] Couldn't connect! =/ [00:24] okay... we have a tie break [00:24] Hey BB [00:24] Theory has 4 now.... any other mutes????? [00:24] there are 4 mutes here! [00:24] sevmuff; you can cut out [00:24] What are you voting on? [00:24] OK [00:24] sorry [00:24] sci-fi [00:24]  OUT now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:24] SevMuff: don't worry about the mutes =] forget about them =] [00:24] Aww... [00:24]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:24]  DUNNO scored 3 vote(s). [00:24]  THEORY scored 4 vote(s). [00:24]  Casted votes: 7 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:24] THERE ARE FOUR MUTES!!! [00:24] lol, e [00:24] I missed it becuase the server wasn't working? =/ [00:24] vote4 theory [00:24] k.... so it's 3 for dunno... 4 for theory [00:24] vote4 theory [00:24] Dang, my hands are cold... [00:25] Sorry JC!!! [00:25] vote4 dunno [00:25] Hold on... [00:25] this one is gonna be close [00:25] Dunno is mine [00:25] Any others care to convert?? [00:25] vote4 theory [00:25] AUGH!!! I sound like something a missionary would say [00:25] =] [00:25] Oy [00:25] Dunno is shorter, smarter and better! [00:25] leave a bible, muff! =] [00:25] I had my PITS culled, this is my only hope! [00:25] too many book about it [00:25] <_8_of_12_> I somehow managed to drag the sofa from the loungeroom to my computer. :) [00:25] And that's bad because...? [00:26]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:26]  DUNNO scored 4 vote(s). [00:26]  THEORY scored 6 vote(s). [00:26]  Casted votes: 10 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 6/0 [00:26] Is that good enough now???? [00:26] sevmuff; clear now. theory wins [00:26] Don't stop!!!! [00:26] I just can't see Frohike saying dunno. [00:26] e of pi; because? [00:26] PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! [00:26] We still have mutes!!! [00:26] yep, THEORY wins. Let's move on [00:26] vote4 theory [00:26]  Now in OFF mode. [00:26]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 155, please stand by. [00:26]  Retrieval complete. [00:26] there are ALWAYS mutes. [00:26] <_8_of_12_> I agree with PC. [00:26] And DUNNO is my punchline! [00:26] pc? [00:26] Baasa. [00:26] Yeah, but it's 10 of 13, appropriate. [00:26]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:26]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:26]  ACTION [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  BARBIE [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  BORED [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  OUTGROW [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  SCREENTIME [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  SHARE [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26]  TRAINING [0%, 2] "Nominated." [00:26] <_8_of_12_> PC=Phantom Chic [00:26] I was so close! [00:27]  SevMuff asks about ACTION  [00:27]  "You're the closest thing to an ACTION figure on board!" [00:27] poor TT [00:27] cut [00:27] cut [00:27] action and barbie are too similar! [00:27] Me! [00:27] cut [00:27] cut [00:27] keep [00:27] lol [00:27] *** _8_of_12_ is now known as _10_of_13_ [00:27] cut [00:27] Dumm: Am I doing ok??? [00:27] And I didn't know my punchline was even there: I was focusing on Pits! [00:27] *** TLE-away is now known as TLE [00:27] keep [00:27] <_10_of_13_> keep [00:27] back [00:27] wb TLE [00:27] You are too sweet dumm [00:28] Far too sweet [00:28] keep [00:28] I'm gonna have to eat you now [00:28] thanks, so what are we doing? [00:28] ! [00:28] <_10_of_13_> cut it out, you two!!!! [00:28]  SevMuff asks about ACTION. [00:28]  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:28]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [00:28]  [============] Keep = 33 % [00:28]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:28]  [========================] Cut = 67 % [00:28] perhaps i'm the new ingredient for cake [00:28] Freaky! [00:28] * e_of_PI eats dumm... sweeeeeeeet... [00:28] <_10_of_13_> Save it for the fantasy island! [00:28] no!!! DUM!!!! [00:28] MY DUM!!!!!!!!! [00:28] Fantasy island is perty [00:28] He'll give you a toothache [00:28] =] [00:28]  SevMuff asks about BARBIE  [00:28]  "You're the closest thing to a BARBIE on this ship." [00:28] that is true, muffy [00:28] keep ! [00:28] what a punchline =] [00:28] keep [00:28] cut [00:28] keep [00:28] Dumm: I like the sunsets there [00:29] I am a depressed teenager who happens to be a J/Cer and likes Fair Haven...just not Mikey. [00:29] *** _10_of_13_ is now known as _8_of_12_ [00:29] keep [00:29] cut [00:29] keep [00:29] keep [00:29] So similar to the first one but so much better... [00:29] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:29] TT: I like Mikey [00:29] He's sweet [00:29] I'm a JCer too [00:29] <_8_of_12_> This was a hard strip to write punchlines for. [00:29] so much for an answer [00:29] But they're too sweet [00:29] *** TLE is now known as TLE-away [00:29] He's stolen Chakotay's girl! [00:29] OY [00:29] keep [00:29] mikey? who's mikey? =] my mike is hanging on my wall =] [00:29] Did you see the jelosy on his face? [00:29] e - I agree, this is a good punchline :_) [00:29] <_8_of_12_> Can we steer the topic back to the JS perhaps? [00:29] FairHave, bleeeeeaaaaaaaauuuuuurrrrrrgggghhhhhecccch. [00:29]  SevMuff asks about BARBIE. [00:29]  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:29]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:29]  [=============================] Keep = 80 % [00:29]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:29]  [=======] Cut = 20 % [00:29] Until I saw Jeri Ryan, I didn't think Barbie's figure was physiologically possible. [00:29] Oh, yea. [00:29]  SevMuff asks about BORED  [00:29]  "I am BORED. Prepare to be annoyed" [00:30] keep [00:30] lol pc [00:30] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:30] Well, TT, if it makes you feel any better... Chakotay didn't look to happy to have him around. [00:30] me like [00:30] keep [00:30] keep [00:30] keep [00:30] lol! =] [00:30] John, will we vote for the ops,con,turbolifyt names or is it all your chioce? [00:30] PC: It's not, really. Those aren't real... [00:30] <_8_of_12_> Oh, come on!!! [00:30] keep [00:30] cut [00:30] And there is a passing resembelance betwwen the two [00:30] <_8_of_12_> EVERYONE STOP IT!!! [00:30] lol... what? [00:30] What is wrong 8? [00:30] Stop what? [00:30] Why can't we have fun? [00:30] Too much J/C smut? [00:30] keep [00:30] keep [00:30] <_8_of_12_> I haven't even seen the episode yet, I live in Australia! Stop spoiling it!!! [00:30]  SevMuff asks about BORED. [00:30]  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 1 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:30]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:30]  [================================] Keep = 89 % [00:30]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:30]  [====] Cut = 11 % [00:30] good point [00:30] Sorry [00:31] oy [00:31] *** TLE-away is now known as TLE [00:31] back, again [00:31] ah good [00:31] <_8_of_12_> gits [00:31] smee [00:31] I ahd to read Jim review: I live in Australia too! [00:31]  SevMuff asks about OUTGROW  [00:31]  "I thought you might like my clothes when I OUTGROW them!" [00:31] LOL! [00:31] keep [00:31] keep [00:31] I never saw this one! [00:31] keep [00:31] me like this one... [00:31] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:31] cut [00:31] keep [00:31] keep [00:31] I live in Israel. All the voy eps I ever saw was seasson 1, and it was a private showing! [00:31] cut [00:31] hehehe, a bit on the lewd side, though [00:31] what comp is this? [00:31] SMEGHEADS! [00:31] Sev Trek [00:31] Sev Trek [00:31] this is Sevtrek [00:31] lol [00:31] <_8_of_12_> Sev Trek [00:32] <_8_of_12_> echo [00:32] that was a chorus of voices [00:32] ok [00:32] let's all sing! [00:32] I can't get to the finalists pate [00:32] <_8_of_12_> let's not [00:32] cut [00:32] page [00:32]  SevMuff asks about OUTGROW. [00:32]  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:32]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:32]  [====================] Keep = 56 % [00:32]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:32]  [================] Cut = 44 % [00:32] echo..echo.. 14echo 15 [00:32] ...sing...sing... [00:32] Me like sing [00:32] *soprano* Sev Trek [00:32] keep [00:32] The day, the music, died... For I have killed it... [00:32] <_8_of_12_> I already sang before the JS started. [00:32]  SevMuff asks about SCREENTIME  [00:32]  "It's the only way to get any SCREENTIME!" [00:32] *alto* Sev Trek [00:32] echo..echo.. 14echo 15echo.. [00:32] cut [00:32] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:32] keep [00:32] me soprano [00:32] cut [00:32] keep [00:32] cut [00:32] cut cut cut [00:32] grrrrrrrr [00:32] keep [00:32] keep [00:32] you're sweet, muffy. you're not soprano [00:32] keep [00:33] Do they have a word for people with a vocal range of about five notes? [00:33] * e_of_PI is tired [00:33] cut [00:33] You're not a Soprano! [00:33] <_8_of_12_> yeah. A long long time from now, in a quadrant far away... [00:33] So true. [00:33] <_8_of_12_> BB: Unique. :) [00:33] Oy. [00:33] Warp 4, dummy! [00:33] Dummy: My hero [00:33] =] [00:33] someone is rattling chains in the street [00:33] I feel so much better... [00:33] Grrrrr lol [00:33]  SevMuff asks about SCREENTIME. [00:33]  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:33]  It now gets status "Equal vote.". [00:33]  [==================] Keep = 50 % [00:33]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:33]  [==================] Cut = 50 % [00:33] Muffy is a gangster now? [00:33] I thought it was my brother [00:33] Me no know [00:33] * _8_of_12_ rattles chains: IN THE STREET!!! [00:33] GRR LOL < contradiction in terminus? [00:33]  SevMuff asks about SHARE  [00:33]  "I thought we could SHARE clothes since we wear the same size!" [00:34] cut [00:34] keep [00:34] I give yp, see you [00:34] keep [00:34] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:34] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [00:34] keep [00:34] keep [00:34] keep [00:34] keep [00:34] cut [00:34] Not as good as outgrow [00:34] I like OUTGROW better [00:34] <_8_of_12_> JC: Did you get my e-mail? [00:34] I know nothing about Naomi wildman. [00:34] neutral [00:34] 8- checking now [00:34] LOL [00:34] <_8_of_12_> e: She's annoying. [00:34] Thanky dumm dumm darling [00:34] You're lucky. [00:35] <_8_of_12_> JC: I sent it a couple of days ago. [00:35] Except when her mother told Janeway she's pregnant. [00:35] She's younger, perkier, and more evil than Wesley. And she has little forehead bumps. [00:35] lol [00:35] In the end of seasson one. [00:35] 8 - no [00:35]  SevMuff asks about SHARE. [00:35]  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~ [00:35]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:35]  [======================] Keep = 60 % [00:35]  [====] Neutral = 10 % [00:35]  [===========] Cut = 30 % [00:35] She's cute, a little smart and articulate for a 5 year old, though. [00:35] 8 - oh. Which email - the one where you sent wavs? [00:35] Move on! there's nothing to see here! [00:35] She's a three year old [00:35]  SevMuff asks about TRAINING  [00:35]  "I'm a Ship's Babe in TRAINING!" [00:35] <_8_of_12_> JC: Are you sure? It had all the voices... Yep, that one. [00:35] keep [00:35] cut [00:35] cut [00:35] keep [00:35] neutral [00:35] keep [00:35] 8 - yes, we got that one [00:35] keep [00:35] Yeuurgh... The very IDEA... [00:36] <_8_of_12_> JC: Just had to check. Was starting to panic. :) [00:36] neutral [00:36] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:36] She aged really fast for a while, and then just... stopped. [00:36] lol [00:36] true [00:36] she's in limbo [00:36] <_8_of_12_> Reminds me of Alexander in that aspect. [00:36] JC: i was thinking about a program in perl that can count all punchlines ever submitted. what do you think of such program, JC? [00:36] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [00:36] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o TLE [00:36] Heeeey, good point, BB. [00:36] Oy [00:36] * e_of_PI is tired [00:36] nova - sounds like a good idea. [00:37] Me tired to e of PI [00:37] GRRRR [00:37] back, and maybe I can manage to stay [00:37] AND THOSE PEOPLE WON"T STOP!!!! [00:37] I hate computers [00:37] It's 1:40 AM here... [00:37] nova - can you post on the DB and explain how it'd work? (more appropriate discussion place than here) [00:37]  SevMuff asks about TRAINING. [00:37]  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:37]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:37]  [================] Keep = 44 % [00:37]  [========] Neutral = 22 % [00:37]  [============] Cut = 33 % [00:37] JC: sure. [00:37] what is up with that?????? [00:37] JC: along with my other ideas... [00:37] Muff: Turn up the stereo and pop in a CD... it's the only way. [00:37] And I'm up at 8 AM today... [00:37] =] [00:37]  Now in FINAL mode. [00:37]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:37]  BARBIE [80%, 2] "Keep it!" [00:37]  BORED [89%, 2] "Keep it!" [00:37]  OUTGROW [60%, 2] "Keep it!" [00:37]  SCREENTIME [50%, 2] "Equal vote." [00:37]  SHARE [60%, 2] "Keep it!" [00:37]  TRAINING [44%, 2] "Keep it!" [00:37] *** NovaFlash sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ [00:37] Yeah, that's what I do whenever my mom is "singing". [00:38] vote4 barbie [00:38] <_8_of_12_> pardon? Oh, 8 AM. :) [00:38] vote4 barbie [00:38] Blueberrie: lol! =] [00:38] vote4 outgrow [00:38] vote4 outgrow [00:38] vote4 outgrow [00:38] lol [00:38] vote4 bored [00:38] <_8_of_12_> vote4 bored [00:38] echo again [00:38] noise stopped [00:38] phew [00:38] vote4 bored [00:38] :_ [00:38] :) [00:38] vote4 barbie [00:38] how many people are here tonight? small group [00:38] vote4 outgrow [00:38] <_8_of_12_> Are there going to be Sev Trek action figures? :) [00:38] and no one really chats... which I thought was a problem in here [00:38]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:38]  BARBIE scored 3 vote(s). [00:38]  BORED scored 3 vote(s). [00:38]  OUTGROW scored 4 vote(s). [00:38]  Casted votes: 10 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:39] JC, what do you think about sev bumper stickers? [00:39] Vote more people!!!!!! [00:39] They'd need a seperate box for Gainweight's hair! [00:39] Triple tie again??? [00:39] ok so what are we on? [00:39] vote4 outgrow [00:39] <_8_of_12_> vote4 more [00:39] <_8_of_12_> like that? [00:39] TLE: on drugs. [00:39] huh?? [00:39] OY [00:39] DUMM: OY! [00:39] <_8_of_12_> :) [00:39] Rob is a mute. [00:39] TT: OOOOOOO! What a cool idea! Snap-on hair accessories!!!! [00:39] anymore voting???? we have problems then [00:40] for the twist comp? [00:40] take a look again if you haven't had time: [00:40] TT: You could have interchangeable ones! [00:40] §evQueen!!! [00:40]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:40]  BARBIE scored 3 vote(s). [00:40]  BORED scored 3 vote(s). [00:40]  OUTGROW scored 4 vote(s). [00:40]  Casted votes: 10 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:40] oyyy... [00:40] Sevqueen might need to solve this one [00:40] §evQueen!!! [00:40] §evQueen!!! [00:40] §evQueen!!! [00:40] sevmuff; i think it is safe to pass this on to sevqueen. [00:40] unless people VOTE! [00:40] Cool [00:40] Sevqueen it is [00:40] Okay, I'll ask Sevqueen and we'll move onto Pits [00:40] <_8_of_12_> vote4 toilet stop [00:40] How about cutting Barbie? [00:40] (she'll be a few minutes though) [00:40]  Now in OFF mode. [00:40]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 163, please stand by. [00:40]  Retrieval complete. [00:40] Who are these 3 mutes? [00:40] sevmuff; to do so, just put it in the channel and continue.. [00:40] NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!111 [00:40] like that =] [00:40] I like the other two... [00:40] If people voted, my sci-fi strip woulda won! [00:40] I liked all of those 3 [00:40] Rob is a mute. [00:41] Ooooooo yeah... [00:41]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:41]  SevMuff asks about CARED  [00:41]  "Who said I CARED?" [00:41] e_of_pi: so? he can't vote against, right? [00:41] cut [00:41] * MattNelson grooves to the swingin' sound of The W's. [00:41] * TLE sighs, kills computer and netscape [00:41] * TLE then kills IE too [00:41] keep [00:41] cut [00:41] keep [00:41] keep [00:41] keep [00:41] cut [00:41] cut [00:41] * SevMuff sits at puter working Majel happily [00:41] It's so similar to mine...but i think mine was sharper [00:41] keep [00:42] ONly a woman can understand a woman...those other sevfreaks just don't understand me .. [00:42] Dumm: I have to get off after the JS... My mom came home kinda sick... so I need to tend to her... I told her to buzz me if she needed me during the JS [00:42] Majel! OY [00:42]  SevMuff asks about CARED. [00:42]  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:42]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:42]  [====================] Keep = 56 % [00:42]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:42]  [================] Cut = 44 % [00:42]  SevMuff asks about COUCH  [00:42]  "I didn't want to get off the COUCH." [00:42] cut [00:42] keep [00:42] keep [00:42] neutral [00:42] keep [00:42] So Lance... Or maybe Wayne? [00:43] Muffy; if there's a problem, i'll take over myself...just let me know; say something in the channel and i'll know. [00:43] cut [00:43] cut [00:43] okies thanky Majel [00:43] LOL [00:43] keep [00:43] Who is a Doc/Seven relationshipper here? [00:43] Creepy. [00:43] NOT ME. [00:43] Who is creepy??? [00:43] Majel talking. Creepy. [00:43] I'm not creepy. I'm Muffy [00:43] *** e_of_PI sets mode: -o Robot101 [00:43] *** TLE is now known as The_Insane_Ensign-away [00:43] NOT ME! [00:43]  SevMuff asks about COUCH. [00:43]  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~ [00:43]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:43]  [==================] Keep = 50 % [00:43]  [====] Neutral = 12 % [00:43]  [==============] Cut = 38 % [00:43] keep [00:44] * MattNelson high-fives PhantomChic [00:44] TT: not really, but i like the doctor's humor and seven's unique way of interpreting things too well [00:44]  SevMuff asks about DISTANCE  [00:44]  "I prefer to care from a DISTANCE!" [00:44] keep [00:44] cut [00:44] keep [00:44] cut [00:44] keep [00:44] <_8_of_12_> GET IN MY BELLY!!!!! [00:44] Right back @ you. [00:44] cut cut cut [00:44] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:44] Harry and Seven were funnier [00:44] No 8 [00:44] They're all good. [00:44] keep [00:44] keep [00:44] Harry's an idiot [00:44] * MattNelson agrees with Blueberrie. [00:44] * NovaFlash hits _8_of_12_ in the belly =] [00:44] *** e_of_PI sets mode: -o _8_of_12_ [00:44] <_8_of_12_> I want my baby back baby back babu back [00:44] *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ [00:44] That's why it was funny, Muff. [00:44] * SevMuff bashes harry's head in [00:44] *** _8_of_12_ sets mode: -o _8_of_12_ [00:44] Grrrrrrrrrr [00:44] keep [00:44] *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ [00:44] Much BB [00:44] keep [00:45] *** _8_of_12_ sets mode: -o _8_of_12_ [00:45] * e_of_PI once ate a baby! Tasted like Chia Rhino. [00:45] *** NintendoGuru sets mode: -o+o e_of_PI e_of_PI [00:45] what is that ding???? [00:45] *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ [00:45]  SevMuff asks about DISTANCE. [00:45]  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:45]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:45]  [=============================] Keep = 80 % [00:45]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:45]  [=======] Cut = 20 % [00:45] Hey! Hey! Guys, knock that crap off! [00:45] *** The_Insane_Ensign-away is now known as TIE [00:45] * PhantomChic gives SevMuff prozac [00:45] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -oo e_of_PI NintendoGuru [00:45] *** _8_of_12_ sets mode: -o _8_of_12_ [00:45] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o NintendoGuru [00:45]  SevMuff asks about MY  [00:45]  "Why? He's not MY boyfriend!" [00:45] Probably because it *was* chia rhino! [00:45] keep [00:45] keep [00:45] cut [00:45] Why do you think she's so screwed up today? ;) [00:45] keep [00:45] <_8_of_12_> I can do this all day, e. [00:45] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:45] cut [00:45] keep [00:45] if you do not stop meddling with the ops in this channel right now, i'll deactivate the ops. [00:45] keep [00:45] cut [00:45] <_8_of_12_> cut [00:45] I can't.. :) [00:45] NF: DO IT. [00:45] Now you can't. [00:45] *** e_of_PI has left #sevtrek [00:45] *** e_of_PI has joined #sevtrek [00:45] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o e_of_PI [00:46] what just happened? [00:46] <_8_of_12_> NF: Please do it~ [00:46] Tra la la [00:46] <_8_of_12_> ! [00:46] Muffin is getting sleepy and it's only 7 [00:46] *** TIE sets mode: +o Robot101 [00:46]  SevMuff asks about MY. [00:46]  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~ [00:46]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:46]  [====================] Keep = 56 % [00:46]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:46]  [================] Cut = 44 % [00:46] That's ok, I fell asleep @ 5 in the afternoon the other day. [00:46] It's 2AM. I'm tired. [00:46]  SevMuff asks about PROBLEM  [00:46]  "That's the PROBLEM: I don't care." [00:46] Just de-op the mutes [00:46] cut [00:46] keep [00:46] cut [00:46] <_8_of_12_> 11am tired [00:46] keep [00:46] I'm always sleepy! [00:46] keep [00:46] I just ignore the mutes [00:46] And I didn't get up (fully) until it was time for work the next day. [00:46] keep [00:46] cut [00:46] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:46] I go for a few minutes and there's an op war or something? [00:46] I'm always hungry [00:46] cut [00:47] no wars I hope [00:47] Me no like wars [00:47] BB: I'm Hejira [00:47] I'd vote if I knew what to vote for [00:47] The op wars!!! [00:47] I know that. [00:47] technical difficulties here [00:47] your point? [00:47] who is TIE?? [00:47] This is the new name for the clone wars! [00:47] TLE [00:47] OH [00:47] SevMuff: it's TLE, with a little l [00:47] I was confused [00:47] l [00:47] that's a little l [00:47] he has an I [00:47] No, it's an I [00:47] Like Iittlestar? [00:47] keep [00:47] * NovaFlash kicks sevmuff =] [00:47]  SevMuff asks about PROBLEM. [00:47]  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:47]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:47]  [======================] Keep = 60 % [00:47]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:47]  [==============] Cut = 40 % [00:47] lllllllllllllllll [00:47] lIlIlI different [00:47] hey, you kick sevmuff and you get a shortlist! =] [00:47]  SevMuff asks about THAT  [00:47]  "I didn't care THAT much!" [00:47] <_8_of_12_> stop it. [00:48] keep [00:48] i mean =] [00:48] keep [00:48] Dumm: You're warped [00:48] cut [00:48] keep [00:48] keep [00:48] cut [00:48] <_8_of_12_> keep [00:48] keep [00:48] cut [00:48] <_8_of_12_> focus, people [00:48] John- the finalists won't load up! [00:48] We're Friggen focused [00:48] no [00:48] SevMuff; you're tunneled =] [00:48] *** Naraht has left #SevTrek [00:48] The entire SWW seems to be in stasis! [00:48] Dumm: Are we not focused????? [00:48] Tunneled???? [00:48] me confused again [00:48] SWW? [00:48] SevMuff: yeah; transwarp tunnel =] [00:48] Sev Wide Web [00:48] oh [00:48] <_8_of_12_> I'm just trying to bring some order to chaos. [00:48] Ooohhh... [00:48] cut [00:48] Choas is fun!!!!!! [00:49]  SevMuff asks about THAT. [00:49]  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~ [00:49]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:49]  [======================] Keep = 60 % [00:49]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:49]  [==============] Cut = 40 % [00:49] Choas? [00:49] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -ooo e_of_PI MattNelson NintendoGuru [00:49] Huzzah! [00:49] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -ooo PhantomChic TerrorTeen TIE [00:49]  Now in FINAL mode. [00:49]  SevMuff requested the shortlist: [00:49]  CARED [56%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49]  COUCH [56%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49]  DISTANCE [80%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49]  MY [56%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49]  PROBLEM [60%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49]  THAT [60%, 1] "Keep it!" [00:49] Dummy? [00:49] Dummy: My hero [00:49] what'd you de op me for? [00:49] vote4 couch [00:49] LOL! =] [00:49] What was that for? [00:49] vote4 my [00:49] <_8_of_12_> chaos is not fun. [00:49] <_8_of_12_> testing [00:49] it means that it's time to get some order around here again. [00:49] Why were we de-oped? [00:49] help me! the punchlines page won't load up! [00:49] why are all those people de opped??? [00:49] voter distance [00:49] None of us really need ops except the people running the comp, folks. [00:49] OY [00:49] *** Trelane has joined #sevtrek [00:49] vote4 distance [00:50] it never used to be ops for everybody, and so it shouldn't be now. [00:50] vote4 couch [00:50] Well, if it isn't the Bored Queen Novaflash... [00:50] vote4 problem [00:50] oy [00:50] vote4 distance [00:50] * SevMuff hides under rock [00:50] vote4 distance [00:50] vote4 cared [00:50] Robot is a mute, you know... [00:50] I love that song "Go the Distance" [00:50] Robot is working [00:50]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:50]  CARED scored 1 vote(s). [00:50]  COUCH scored 2 vote(s). [00:50]  DISTANCE scored 3 vote(s). [00:50]  MY scored 1 vote(s). [00:50]  PROBLEM scored 1 vote(s). [00:50]  Casted votes: 8 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 3/1 [00:50] From Hercules? =P [00:50] OUch. [00:51] oooooh [00:51] What now dumm? [00:51] interesting.. [00:51] Cut the one-voters. [00:51] he have many 1's.. [00:51] vote4 distance [00:51] cut the 1's? [00:51] sevmuff; ask for advice =] [00:51] and all of them revote [00:51] vote4 couch [00:51]  CARED now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:51] Stupid ants... [00:51] I'm not mute. Msg me and/or address me, or ask me something, and I talk. =) [00:51] vote4 couch [00:51]  MY now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:51] vote4 distance [00:51]  PROBLEM now gets status "Cut by SevMan." [00:51]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:51]  COUCH scored 3 vote(s). [00:51]  DISTANCE scored 4 vote(s). [00:51]  Casted votes: 7 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:51] vote away kiddies [00:51] vote4 distance [00:51] *** TIE is now known as TLE [00:51] vote4 couch [00:51] hello Trelane =] [00:51] baa [00:51] Hi Rob. [00:51] baa [00:51] baa [00:51] baa [00:52] stop tt [00:52] please [00:52] Feeling... sheepish? [00:52] any other voters?? [00:52] Matt: Corny yet cute [00:52] I voted [00:52] I did. [00:52] Hmm... He doesn't talk. [00:52] I did too... [00:52] Yeah, that's pretty much me all over, SM. [00:52] but I feel like it won't be enough [00:52]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [00:52]  COUCH scored 3 vote(s). [00:52]  DISTANCE scored 4 vote(s). [00:52]  Casted votes: 7 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 4/0 [00:52] *** _8_of_12_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout for _8_of_12_[]) [00:52] Drat... [00:52] Back where we started [00:52] I'll get the Sevqueen to have a look at this one too :-) [00:52] Ok then [00:52] Flip a coin? [00:52] SevMuff; there you go =] [00:52] Moving along [00:53]  Now in OFF mode. [00:53]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 153, please stand by. [00:53]  Retrieval complete. [00:53] They're both good [00:53]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [00:53] Geez, 6 mutes? [00:53] Much work for the SeVqueem! [00:53]  SevMuff asks about ANXIETY  [00:53]  "Talk about performance ANXIETY!" [00:53] cut [00:53] But I think Distance sounds a better [00:53] keep [00:53] cut [00:53] sevqueeM? [00:53] LOL [00:53] cut [00:53] hehe [00:53] cut [00:53] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [00:53] eww... [00:53] Tired. [00:53] keep [00:53] cut [00:53] JC: it almost seems as if that the girl in pits is trying to bite herman's finger. [00:53] Dumm: don't foget that you're taking over for the names after this competition [00:53] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [00:54] eeeewwwwwwww [00:54] Is this the one with the doggie scooper? [00:54] yes [00:54] =/ [00:54] This twist is crap! [00:54] You mean Lance's finger [00:54] where'd my ops go? [00:54] Hey, Dummy's right... =) [00:54] Duh. [00:54] Dummy: My hero [00:54] SevMuff; if you have the time and you want to; you can continue with the names as well =] it's not different and everything is prepared [00:54]  SevMuff asks about ANXIETY. [00:54]  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~ [00:54]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [00:54]  [==========] Keep = 29 % [00:54]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:54]  [==========================] Cut = 71 % [00:54] This cartoon is so gross. John, what the heck were you thinking? [00:54] Dummy ate them. [00:54] Dummy: My hero [00:54] I think TLE is confused [00:54] yes I am [00:54] DUMM: TAKE OVER [00:54] BRB [00:54] Yuck [00:54] k [00:54] *** e_of_PI has left #sevtrek [00:54] *** e_of_PI has joined #sevtrek [00:54] e? [00:54] someone tell me what's going on? [00:55] I'm lost! [00:55]  NovaFlash asks about APARTMENT  [00:55]  "I hate to tell him, but I went before we left our APARTMENT!" [00:55] keep [00:55] keep [00:55] LOL! [00:55] cut [00:55] keep [00:55] anyone? [00:55] keep [00:55] heehee... [00:55] keep ! [00:55] keep [00:55] heeeehee heee teheee [00:55] lol [00:55] The cartoon's sick, but this is pretty good. [00:55] Man, I gotta staRT making time to read these punchlines again. [00:55] i mean [00:55] keep [00:55] =] [00:55] fine, I'm gone then [00:55] TLE: [00:55] TLE? [00:55] TLE; aw =/ [00:55] Why? [00:55] so much for an answer [00:55] no one listens, as always [00:55] bye [00:55] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [00:56] * TerrorTeen is getting a headache [00:56] TLE: All of the non-Js-running members [00:56] I said "I'm lost!" [00:56] Well FINE. [00:56]  NovaFlash asks about APARTMENT. [00:56]  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 1 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:56]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:56]  [================================] Keep = 88 % [00:56]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:56]  [====] Cut = 12 % [00:56] I figured that was an answer... [00:56] Huh? [00:56] Maybe I shouldn't have customized my computer [00:56] Jeez. [00:56]  NovaFlash asks about BUSINESS  [00:56]  "Why doesn't he just mind his own BUSINESS??" [00:56] keep [00:56] keep [00:56] cut [00:56] cut [00:56] keep [00:56] cut [00:56] keep [00:56] keep [00:56] cut [00:56] This is kind of a good pun, though. [00:56] yep! [00:56] keep [00:56]  NovaFlash asks about BUSINESS. [00:56]  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~ [00:56]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:56]  [========================] Keep = 67 % [00:56]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:56]  [============] Cut = 33 % [00:56]  NovaFlash asks about COLLECT  [00:56]  "Most people COLLECT stamps!" [00:57] cut [00:57] cut [00:57] keep [00:57] wow......ugh! [00:57] keep !!! [00:57] keep [00:57] keep [00:57] cut [00:57] keep [00:57] yuuuck... [00:57] If this survive, it gets my vote! [00:57] Did anyone put "Gotta catch 'em all!!" as a punchline for this? I should have. =) [00:57] LOL [00:57] It's so gross it's hillarious! [NintendoGuru SOUND] [00:57] Guys: I have to go.... My mom is making me leave... I'm pissed... but Dumm will take it from here [00:57] Oh, yuck! [00:57]  NovaFlash asks about COLLECT. [00:57]  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~ [00:57]  It now gets status "Keep it!". [00:57]  [======================] Keep = 62 % [00:57]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:57]  [==============] Cut = 38 % [00:57] LOL! [00:57] Thanky for being patient all [00:57] Okay [00:57] NG sound? [00:57] keep [00:58] See ya, Mufferino! [00:58]  NovaFlash asks about HYDRANT  [00:58]  "All I really need right now is a fire HYDRANT!" [00:58] LOL [00:58] Mufferino.... another nick [00:58] cut [00:58] Bye muffin. [00:58] cut [00:58] keep [00:58] cut [00:58] cut [00:58] bye all :) [00:58] =) [00:58] keep [00:58] cut [00:58] quit [00:58] bye muff [00:58] *** SevMuff has left #sevtrek [00:58] Gotta cut them all! [00:58] *** TerrorTeen is now known as LtJg_Hejira_Hayes [00:58] cut [00:59]  NovaFlash asks about HYDRANT. [00:59]  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~ [00:59]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [00:59]  [=========] Keep = 25 % [00:59]  [] Neutral = 0 % [00:59]  [===========================] Cut = 75 % [00:59] *** e_of_PI is now known as ShlamkoTheSanitySlayer [00:59]  NovaFlash asks about MEMORIES  [00:59]  "This guy really wants to have all the MEMORIES" [00:59] me sings" mmeeeemmoorriieeeesss" [00:59] cut [00:59] cut [00:59] cut [00:59] cut [00:59] keep [00:59] cut [00:59] cut [00:59] cut [00:59] keep [01:00] it's gross, it's's funny! [01:00]  NovaFlash asks about MEMORIES. [01:00]  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 7 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~ [01:00]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [01:00]  [========] Keep = 22 % [01:00]  [] Neutral = 0 % [01:00]  [============================] Cut = 78 % [01:00]  NovaFlash asks about OWN  [01:00]  "You'd think he'd just make his OWN." [01:00] No, it's grosas. [01:00] *** ShlamkoTheSanitySlayer is now known as bybebyemissamericanpiedrovemys [01:00] Err, gross [01:00] talking 'bout gross... [01:00] cut ! [01:00] lol [01:00] If you're wondering where my new nick comes from, I joined the USS Amazon sim group. [01:00] cut [01:00] keep [01:00] keep =] [01:00] keep [01:00] Oh [01:00] cut [01:00] cut [01:00] cut [01:00] yuuuuuuuuch..... [01:00] *** bybebyemissamericanpiedrovemys is now known as JustBeingSilly [01:01] Lag? [01:01]  NovaFlash asks about OWN. [01:01]  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~ [01:01]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [01:01]  [==============] Keep = 38 % [01:01]  [] Neutral = 0 % [01:01]  [======================] Cut = 62 % [01:01]  NovaFlash asks about PUBLIC  [01:01]  "I just hate PUBLIC toilets" [01:01] cut [Blueberrie PING] [01:01] cut [01:01] cut [01:01] keep [01:01] * Blueberrie slaps Blueberrie around a bit with a large trout [01:01] keep [01:01] Oops [01:01] keep [01:01] Wrong button [01:01] cut [01:01] cut [01:01] Heh =) [01:02] neutral [01:02] keep [01:02] * LtJg_Hejira_Hayes slaps Blueberrie around a bit with a large trout [01:02] * Blueberrie slaps LtJg_Hejira_Hayes around a bit with a large trout [01:02] * LtJg_Hejira_Hayes slaps Blueberrie around a bit with a large trout [01:02] * JustBeingSilly eats a large trout. [01:02] Oy. [01:02] lol [01:02]  NovaFlash asks about PUBLIC. [01:02]  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~ [01:02]  It now gets status "Keep for now.". [01:02]  [================] Keep = 44 % [01:02]  [====] Neutral = 11 % [01:02]  [================] Cut = 44 % [01:02]  NovaFlash asks about STUFF  [01:02]  "Why he collects that STUFF is beyond me..." [01:02] THIS IS SOOOOOO COOOL =] [01:02] keep [01:02] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [01:02] keep [01:02] cut [01:02] cut [01:02] cut [01:02] wb, TLE [01:02] * MattNelson slaps everyone around a bit with a large nuclear miss--oops. ***BLAMMO*** [01:02] Does the trout taste like Chia Rhino? [01:02] keep [01:02] so much for ops, thanks a lot you idiots who screwed that op [01:02] lol [01:02] Yrp. [01:03] Huh? [01:03] TLE? [01:03] keep [01:03] TLE: It was taken away because none of us really need it except those who are running the JS. [01:03] They got rid of the auto opping? [01:03] he is blaming other people for making me return to strict irc OPS policy during judging session. [01:03] *** JustBeingSilly is now known as e_of_PI [01:03] so what's bb do? [01:03] cut [01:03] good point [01:03] don't take it personally blueberrie [01:03] cut [01:03] I know sevman/woman does, and nova and JC, as well as robot [01:03] cut [01:03] cut [01:03] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -o Blueberrie [01:04] Oy. [01:04] I'm just sick of this shit where people are given special privilages then everyone else gets them taken away because of a few people abusing them [01:04] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [01:04]  NovaFlash asks about STUFF. [01:04]  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~ [01:04]  It now gets status "It's cut!". [01:04]  [================] Keep = 44 % [01:04]  [] Neutral = 0 % [01:04]  [====================] Cut = 56 % [01:04] actually I don't need ops - I don't mind being de-oped. [01:04] John, something is wrong with UGO. The pages are stuck when it comes to the banner. [01:04] true [01:04] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -o jc [01:04] Interesting choice of words, TLE. Considering the cometition we're judging... [01:04]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:04]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:04]  APARTMENT [88%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:04]  BUSINESS [67%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:04]  COLLECT [67%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:04]  PUBLIC [44%, 1] "Keep for now." [01:05] and by the same token, I can op myself through services when needed.. [01:05] vote4 apartment [01:05] vote4 collect [01:05] vote4 apartment [01:05] vote4 apartment [01:05] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [01:05] and so can NovaFlash... and Majel's a bot so does't need ops... [01:05] and the way people act in here too, sorry, I'm gone now, no more from me [01:05] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [01:05] you're right about that, robot101 [01:05] the DB will hear of this [01:05] so why is it we op anyone... ah yes... to keep control of the channel [01:05] AAaie! [01:05] Beast Wars is on! Gotta run! [01:05] vote4 apartment [01:05] see ya [01:05]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:05]  APARTMENT scored 4 vote(s). [01:05]  COLLECT scored 1 vote(s). [01:05]  Casted votes: 5 Judges present: 10 High/Low: 4/1 [01:05] and why is it we op several people? because we're running a cabal? [01:05] *** Y2KShlamko has joined #sevtrek [01:06] *** MattNelson has quit IRC (Taking off! Need strip fodder!) [01:06] bye, mat [01:06] Let me vote!!! [01:06] no, so we don't loose control of the channel if services die [01:06] What is the shortlist? [01:06] CHECK EVERY OTHER CHANNEL! not everyone has ops! it's UNPRACTICAL [01:06] but Nova, IMO we need more ops than two people to prevent that. [01:06]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:06]  APARTMENT [88%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:06]  BUSINESS [67%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:06]  COLLECT [67%, 1] "Keep it!" [01:06]  PUBLIC [44%, 1] "Keep for now." [01:06]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:06]  APARTMENT scored 3 vote(s). [01:06]  COLLECT scored 1 vote(s). [01:06]  Casted votes: 4 Judges present: 10 High/Low: 3/1 [01:06] But it is unique... [01:06] but I leave that in your capable hands [01:06] vote4 collect [01:06] That's a lot of mutes [01:06] vote people =] [01:06] *** e_of_PI has quit IRC (Read error to e_of_PI[]: Connection reset by peer) [01:07] I'd suggest we op SevMan and jc [01:07] *** Y2KShlamko is now known as e_of_PI [01:07] no! :) [01:07] *** jc has quit IRC (Read error to jc[]: Connection reset by peer) [01:07] Rob, you're back! [01:07] robot101; i am sevman, and sevmuff was opped a moment ago when she was [01:07] I'm rarely gone far e =) [01:07] GONE FARR! =] [01:07] once every seven years, rob? [01:07] Well, you were a mute! [01:07]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:07]  APARTMENT scored 3 vote(s). [01:07]  COLLECT scored 2 vote(s). [01:07]  Casted votes: 5 Judges present: 8 High/Low: 3/0 [01:08] it still appear apartment won. [01:08] JC is away! [01:08] *** jc has joined #sevtrek [01:08] ah he's back [01:08] He's back. [01:08] lost connection? [01:08] e of Pi: 23.14069263278 [01:08] got disconnected. d'oh [01:08] my icq hexnumber; 5A72A2 [01:08] ORb, got it! [01:08] you mean e^PI [01:08]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:08]  APARTMENT scored 3 vote(s). [01:08]  COLLECT scored 2 vote(s). [01:08]  Casted votes: 5 Judges present: 9 High/Low: 3/0 [01:09] so far, the results [01:09] Move along, there's nothing to see here! [01:09] ok ... oh yeah! i forgot! the names! [01:09] vote4 collect [01:09] =/ tie it up, jc =] [01:09]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:09]  APARTMENT scored 3 vote(s). [01:09]  COLLECT scored 3 vote(s). [01:09]  Casted votes: 6 Judges present: 9 High/Low: 3/0 [01:09]  Now in OFF mode. [01:09]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 000, please stand by. [01:09]  Retrieval complete. [01:09] Another Sevqueen?????????????????????? [01:09] ??? [01:09] yeah =] [01:10] This JS will be remembewred as the SevQueen JS. [01:10] *** NovaFlash changes topic to 'The names...' [01:10]  Now in ELIMINATE mode. [01:10]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:10]  ANNOYI [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:10]  NAIVETI [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:10]  NOMUMMI [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:10]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:10] vote4 annoyi [01:10] we can vote4 the names right away, people [01:10] vote4 anooyi [01:10] vote4 nomummi [01:10] watch the spelling there [01:10] vote4 annoyi [01:10] yep. [01:10] vote4 naiveti [01:10] vote4 naiveti [01:11] vote4 naiveti [01:11] it's in her nature [01:11]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:11]  ANNOYI scored 2 vote(s). [01:11]  NAIVETI scored 3 vote(s). [01:11]  NOMUMMI scored 1 vote(s). [01:11]  Casted votes: 6 Judges present: 9 High/Low: 3/1 [01:11] I don't know her. [01:11] neither do i, i don't live on voyager. but what i've seen on tv... =] [01:11] I don't see her on TV. [01:11] guess naiveti won [01:11] crap man [01:12] For me she is still a fetus inside ensign Wildman. [01:12]  Now in OFF mode. [01:12]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 001, please stand by. [01:12]  Retrieval complete. [01:12]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:12]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:12]  VILEMAN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  BILEMAN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WHINER [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WALKMAN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WILDCHILD [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WILDTHANG [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WILDCARD [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12]  WEEDMAN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:12] whiner! =] [01:12] hehe [01:12] vote4 whiner [01:12] vote4 wildcard [01:12] vote4 wildchild [01:12] vote4 wildcard [01:12] vote4 wildchild [01:12] vote4 wildcard [01:13] *** e_of_PI is now known as abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [01:13] *** abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is now known as abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123 [01:13] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123, please stop? [01:13] 30 letters in the name. [01:13] max [01:13]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:13]  WHINER scored 1 vote(s). [01:13]  WILDCHILD scored 2 vote(s). [01:13]  WILDCARD scored 3 vote(s). [01:13]  Casted votes: 6 Judges present: 9 High/Low: 3/1 [01:13] wildcard wins [01:13]  Now in OFF mode. [01:13]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 002, please stand by. [01:13]  Retrieval complete. [01:13] I can't change it! [01:13]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:14] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123: in 30 seconds you can [01:14] Alpha-Numeric over here likes it, don'y you? [01:14] Oh. [01:14] the server does that. locks your name is you change too much [01:14]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:14]  SEVMEN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:14]  STUNTMEN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:14]  JUNKMEN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:14]  DUMBMEN [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:14] vote4 sevmen [01:14] vote4 sevmen [01:14] vote4 sevmen [01:14] vote4 stuntmen [01:14] *** abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123 is now known as e_of_PI [01:14] vote4 dumbmen [01:15] This JS is surely wierd. [01:15] quite... [01:15] vote4 dumbmen [01:15] yeah. i might have been stupid to change back to strict irc policy during the session [01:15] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [01:15] hi TLE [01:15] I'm not staying long, just read what I had to say on the SB, maybe someone will bother to pay attention and read it... doubtful anyone will listen and do it however. [01:15] *** GBA has joined #sevtrek [01:15] hey GBA [01:15]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:15]  SEVMEN scored 3 vote(s). [01:15]  STUNTMEN scored 1 vote(s). [01:15]  DUMBMEN scored 2 vote(s). [01:15]  Casted votes: 6 Judges present: 11 High/Low: 3/1 [01:15] hey [01:15] hi [01:15] well well...sevmen wins =] [01:16] Yeepee! [01:16]  Now in OFF mode. [01:16]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 003, please stand by. [01:16]  Retrieval complete. [01:16] Biased, I reckon [01:16] Mine! Finally, mine! [01:16]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:16]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:16]  GANGLY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:16]  LANKY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:16]  LOONY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:16] vote4 lanky [01:16] What does lanky mean? [01:16] vote4 gangly [01:16] vote4 lanky [01:16] vote4 loony [01:16] tall and thin [01:16] lanky is like tall and skinny [01:16] thanks, TLE, NG =] [01:17] vote4 loony [01:17]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:17]  GANGLY scored 1 vote(s). [01:17]  LANKY scored 2 vote(s). [01:17]  LOONY scored 2 vote(s). [01:17]  Casted votes: 5 Judges present: 11 High/Low: 2/1 [01:17] aargh =] [01:17] we need a tie breakert.. [01:17] too fast. [01:17] what's the URL? [01:17] vote4 loony [01:17] for the finalists list? [01:17] [01:17] [01:17] ah..yes [01:18] Robot101; this IS the list =] these are sevnames... [01:18] I'm looking at the BBS, and there's a Top Ten list: The Top Ten things that will happen when Voyager gets home. I like #2 the best. [01:18] ohh [01:18] 2. Chakotay gets court-martialed, not for maquis activities but for failing to get Janeway in the sack after 7 years. [01:18] BBS? [01:18] lol [01:18] vote4 gangly [01:18] sleep... [01:18] okay we have a perfect tie [01:18]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:18]  GANGLY scored 2 vote(s). [01:18]  LANKY scored 2 vote(s). [01:18]  LOONY scored 3 vote(s). [01:18]  Casted votes: 7 Judges present: 11 High/Low: 3/0 [01:19] ah [01:19] still; loony wins! [01:19]  Now in OFF mode. [01:19]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 004, please stand by. [01:19]  Retrieval complete. [01:19]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:19]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:19]  GOODBYERS [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:19]  BUYRITE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:19] *** NovaFlash has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** LtJg_Hejira_Hayes has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** Blueberrie has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** jc has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** TLE has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** PhantomChic has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** Trelane has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** Robot101 has quit IRC ( [01:19] *** NintendoGuru has quit IRC ( [01:19] vote4 goodbyres [01:19] vote4 goodbyers [01:19] this isn't our lucky day [01:19] boom boom boom [01:20] Whow! [01:20] we have a netsplit [01:20] It seems like all connection but a small little country have gone... [01:20] *** Robot101 has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** PhantomChic has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** NintendoGuru has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** Blueberrie has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** Trelane has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** jc has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** TLE has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** sets mode: +o Robot101 [01:20] *** NovaFlash has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** LtJg_Hejira_Hayes has joined #sevtrek [01:20] *** sets mode: +o NovaFlash [01:20] Yes, lol :-) [01:20] the link's back [01:20] and they're back [01:20] It seems like all connection but a small little country have gone... [01:20] vote4 goodbyers [01:20] explanation: we had a netsplit. links between servers were SEVered.. we're back though.. [01:20] vote4 goodbyers [01:20]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:20]  GOODBYERS [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:20]  BUYRITE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:20] vote4 goodbyers [01:21] which reminds me [01:21]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:21]  GOODBYERS [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:21]  BUYRITE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:21] I should compile df467-sev on my shells [01:21] =) [01:21] TT: How about: Admiral Paris disowns Tom for not marrying B'Elanna when she was pregnant? [01:21] vote4 goodbyers [01:21] ah [01:21] ??? [01:21] I like that one, too. [01:21]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:21]  GOODBYERS scored 4 vote(s). [01:21]  Casted votes: 4 Judges present: 11 High/Low: 4/0 [e_of_PI PING] [e_of_PI PING] [01:22] Where's BBS? [01:22] seems goodbyers wins [01:22] well I said my say... I'm going [01:22]  Now in OFF mode. [01:22]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition frohike, please stand by. [01:22] TLE; gotcha...see ya [01:22] bye tle... :( [01:22] *** TLE has quit IRC (Leaving) [01:22]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:22]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:23] well? [01:23] *** NovaFlash changes topic to 'let's just admit it. this judging session is pure hell. =[' [01:23]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:23] Yes. [01:23] vote4 doohickey [01:23] If I had my op, I'd reply. [01:23] *** NovaFlash sets mode: -nt [01:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +nt [01:23] Hmmm... I don't seem to have control over Majel, btw, Johan [01:23] nice try, nova :) [01:23]  Now in OFF mode. [01:23]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition frohike, please stand by. [01:24]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:24] I've coustomized my computer: what theme do you think I've made? is it 1) Picard/Crusher, 2) Janeway/Chakotay, 3) Paris/Torres, 4) Riker/Troi, 5) Bashir/E.Dax, or 6) Doc/Seven? [01:24]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:24] hm [01:24] J/C? [01:24] number 5! [01:24]  Now in OFF mode. [01:24]  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 005, please stand by. [01:24]  Retrieval complete. [01:24]  Now in FINAL mode. [01:24]  NovaFlash requested the shortlist: [01:24]  DOOHICKEY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:24]  FROSTBITE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:24]  FREUDLIKE [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:24]  NOHICKEYS [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:24]  FREAKY [0%, 1] "Nominated." [01:24] vote4 doohickey [01:24] E, no, not #5. [01:24] TT: 6 [01:25] vote4 doohhickey [01:25] vote4 doohickey [01:25] vote4 frostbite [01:25] vote4 doohickey [01:25] vote4 freudlike [01:25] NF: No. [01:25] I think this one is mine also. [01:25] PC: You got it. #2. [01:25] snaps for me [01:25]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:25]  DOOHICKEY scored 3 vote(s). [01:25]  FROSTBITE scored 1 vote(s). [01:25]  FREUDLIKE scored 1 vote(s). [01:25]  Casted votes: 5 Judges present: 10 High/Low: 3/1 [01:25] vote4 doohickey [01:25] vote4 nohickeys [01:25]  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury: [01:25]  DOOHICKEY scored 4 vote(s). [01:25]  FROSTBITE scored 1 vote(s). [01:25]  FREUDLIKE scored 1 vote(s). [01:25]  NOHICKEYS scored 1 vote(s). [01:25]  Casted votes: 7 Judges present: 10 High/Low: 4/1 [01:25] doohickey is the convincing winner [01:26] as the apple said to the pie; why? [01:26] I think this will conclude this crazy JS. I'm TIRED!!!! [01:26]  Now in OFF mode. *** No groups needed to be changed [01:26]  Now in OFF mode. [01:26]  ===== The voting is now over! ===== Session Close: Sat Feb 26 01:26:49 2000