Session Start: Fri Feb 11 17:46:31 2000 * Logging #sevtrek to '#sevtrek.log'  Retrieval complete.  Now in OFF mode.  ===== The TallyBot (v 2.3.095A) is alive!. ===== *** Majel changes topic to 'The Judging of Sev Wide Web Competition(s) number 0 is now in session! For more information on the judging sessions go to' heh Hi, Jelly. number zero :P I can never get that to work well, I don't have any punchfiles yet, of course, so I just put in zero and it tried to load it :P Oh yeah. Zero. Hmm. how do you get majel in here? *** Blueberrie has joined #sevtrek *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Blueberrie I tried before and she just sat there He invited her? hello You just run her and type /init1 Hi, Erin! ah Hi *** e_of_PI has joined #sevtrek *** ChanServ sets mode: +o e_of_PI brb I need to teach more people to use Majel :/ I had her downloaded but lost it in the crash "I need more people to use me" Almost thought I couldn't make it... my ISP gave me problems... back I'd do it, but I can't. =/ anyone can I would, but she has something against me... it's really just calling up the popups Hi, e! I have a mac! macs .. bleh Excuse me?? Uh oh.... (c: MACS ARE WAY BETTER THAN PC'S!!! hello zzzz sure bb they aren't better or worse * NintendoGuru plays dead Oy! can we not have a fight? no pc/mac war, ok? :) * e_of_PI plays dead too... cool game... *** NintendoGuru has quit IRC (Read error to NintendoGuru[]: Connection reset by peer) heh * TLE isn't playing dead =( *** NintendoGuru has joined #sevtrek *** ChanServ sets mode: +o NintendoGuru It is just me, or the punchlines are missing? I wonder why NG peered but Majel didn't Oops, brb. sure ... )=] =| What the SMEG? yes? =) JC's on sigh... MASH in 45 minutes... I won't make it... I'll tape. Mash?? That old show? *** TerrorTeen has joined #sevtrek *** jc has joined #sevtrek *** NintendoGuru sets mode: +o jc Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny! Eh. :) hello sevutations hello *** TLE sets mode: +o TerrorTeen Hello, jc! *** sbara has joined #sevtrek het=y tt Johnm where are the punchlines? ?? Hi 8! Hi, e. :) *** Majel_Backup has joined #sevtrek ah? How are you feeling, FC? JC? What's with this asp thing? John, the link for the finalists from the WNP is wrong. *** Majel_Backup has quit IRC (Leaving) *** sbara is now known as _8_of_12_ *** TLE sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ jc: Are you going to the Quest meeting tomorrow? * NintendoGuru saves, prints, puncherates! e -fixed it  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 153, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. blue - asp is easier to maintain than html How's it different? Ye3p, it's fixed.  Now in ELIMINATE mode. tt - prob not k, she's ready to roll *** NovaFlash has joined #SevTrek *** ChanServ sets mode: +o NovaFlash GooD SeV aLL!! Hi Dummy! <_8_of_12_> Hello, Johan! howdy hehehe JC used my idea =) hello what idea? =] *** DrJonasBashir has joined #sevtrek hey john; get well soon =] Yello Hi Jonas! gree *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o DrJonasBashir This twist that shall be judged in about 30-45 mins :P hello ah have we started yet? No nope *** _8_of_12_ has left #sevtrek good i have something to ask waiting for the tardies to pour in the db/sb/ib fAQ files have never really been finsihed *** _8_of_12_ has joined #sevtrek i'm wondering if some people that have been with sev for a while could work together on it *** Estelette has joined #sevtrek *** TerrorTeen sets mode: +o _8_of_12_ My ISP is doing troubles... don't be afraid if I'll disappear... Smeg. hi estelle =] Hi, Nova. hello Eek. <_8_of_12_> Ahalan Sadik!!! *** TLE sets mode: +o Estelette Do what? *** littlestar has quit IRC (Ping timeout for littlestar[]) 8'o'12 < scottish? =] *** Estelette is now known as littlestar <_8_of_12_> Errr... internet connectionion being a smeeeeee! lalala I wish it would rain. Right. That's more like it. to create a faq file for the DB/SB/IB together, containing history, historical events, where the idea came from, description of first DB, etc..etc.. Oh. Sounds hard. Don't forget IBiology, please... *** PhantomChic has joined #sevtrek <_8_of_12_> Damn! I got knocked out of the finalists! Oh well. not really. every writes a text file of whatever he/she can remember, and someone collects it and processes it. Oh Sounds hard Hi all! oh. Lots of work. not really. everyone writes a text file of whatever he/she can remember, and someone collects it and processes it. =] Oh Sounds... do we have to keep repeating this, blueberrie? =] Wait a minute <_8_of_12_> Stuck in a time loop. Heh. do we have to keep repeating this, blueberrie? =] Yes. *** MarkB has joined #sevtrek We do? *** MarkB is now known as Mark Yes. *singing* Let's do the time warp agaaiiiiiin! */singing* Hi ya Oh Sounds hard Yes Seriously, Erin, will you help? I guess What do I do? cool Ack. Damn culling punchlines mutter mutter mutter... not really. everyone writes a text file of whatever he/she can remember, and someone collects it and processes it. Oh there you go =] Sounds... right. sound hard? =] ah good =] How did you guess? pure luck i guess =) =] littlestar you're my next victim Uh oh. <_8_of_12_> Did your punchline get knocked out, ls? hehe Heehee Reminds me of Cause and Effect, my fave next-gen ep ;) PunchlineS. Plural )c: okay it's about a certain something i've always wanted to make.. a sort of.. "Highlights of the DB" If anyone else is going to join the chatroom, please raise your hand the finalst page isn't updated yet <_8_of_12_> I had a punchline in the pits that is gone. There goes my winning streak! ok, good, then I can start :P *** NintendoGuru is now known as SevGuru * _8_of_12_ puts hand down #sevchat sucks!!! where is this at?  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  CENTURY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  DEFAULT [0%, 1] "Nominated."  DOZEN [0%, 1] "Nominated."  FREE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  GODLINESS [0%, 1] "Nominated."  WORLD [0%, 1] "Nominated." indeed <_8_of_12_> I didn't like any of these. * TerrorTeen puts her own hand down on top of 8's sorry about the strict culling - Wendy goes crazy when she starts culling punchlines :-) *** SevGuru has quit IRC (Read error to SevGuru[]: Connection reset by peer) There were better, ... <_8_of_12_> Oooh, behave TT! where's this culling thing at? *** SevGuru has joined #sevtrek I'm a little behind here... TLE, are you talking to me now? if so, it doesn't exist yet, but i'm seeking people that can write whatever they can remember about the db and history and stuff, and send it to me, so i can process it into a cool html file (site?) *** TLE sets mode: +o SevGuru NG, maybe someone else should take over? *** TLE sets mode: +oo Mark PhantomChic Culled punchlines are at: Hmm. Cool. A history of the DB. Interesting.  SevGuru asks about CENTURY   "Part of 24th CENTURY recycling philosophies." ah keep cut Hmm... I remember a time, long ago, when there was this place called the DB. Then it went away. The end. cut nova - I suggest asking on the DB and/or SB and/or IB <_8_of_12_> cut cut How's that, Dummy? keep keep the db's still around cut Bleh. cut <_8_of_12_> JC - you aren't going to loose conciousness on us, are you? a little too pessimistic, blueberrie. Dummy, I'll write IBiology as coherent as I can and send it to you. Sometime. why active server pages, JC? IBiology? Eh? HTTP 404 not found e_of_PI: yeah i'd really like that. i won't wait indefinitely though =]  SevGuru asks about CENTURY.  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [============] Keep = 33 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [========================] Cut = 67 % <_8_of_12_> CAUSE THEY'RE EASIER TO UPDATE! Yes, well, I took a few creative liberties! cut ok, enough chatting, time to vote chat in #SevChat Not indefinitly... First let me finish my semester exams...  SevGuru asks about DEFAULT   "They don't know how to change the DEFAULT settings..." keep #sevchat sucks!!!!!!!! keep keep cut keep <_8_of_12_> #me agrees!!!!!!!!!!!! keep e, whw?? <_8_of_12_> keep cut Why?? keep It's there for a reason. Because all the action is here! cut keep <_8_of_12_> I just don't like swapping between windows all the time <_8_of_12_> I get lost. And it should be there. so tile them  SevGuru asks about DEFAULT.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==========================] Keep = 73 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========] Cut = 27 % <_8_of_12_> I loose track narf buy a new brain =] barf  SevGuru asks about DOZEN   "I'm cheaper by the DOZEN." keep If I can do it on this tiny little monitor, I'm sure you can do it! keep littlestar; you ill? =] Not from the Sevquis!!! keep keep cut cut keep keep <_8_of_12_> keep keep I've noticed something is wrong... Dolphin is not here... and I'm not hungry. hey john, something i wanted to ask, have you been messing in the cgi-bin directory yesterday night? (your timezone) keep *** Trelane has joined #sevtrek So?  SevGuru asks about DOZEN.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==============================] Keep = 82 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======] Cut = 18 % *** TLE sets mode: +o Trelane Hi, Trelane Yeah JC, the Sev Wide Web is a mess now... thnx, tle hi everybody no, I haven't touched the CGIBIN. Why? Has something been going on in there?  SevGuru asks about FREE   "Clone three, get one FREE!" lol... cut All you ever talk about is Dolphin! Dolphin, Dolphin, Dolphin! keep jc: yeah sevnames.txt has disappeared, the sb and db and ib were all offline. keep neutral keep cut keep <_8_of_12_> cut keep cut cut Nova - I hope none of your moderators have been going crazy have they?  SevGuru asks about FREE.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep for now.".  [================] Keep = 45 %  [===] Neutral = 9 %  [================] Cut = 45 % She is more crazy than I am! Oy. they can't do that kinda stuff, JC. anyone care to break that tie? cut  SevGuru asks about FREE.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [===============] Keep = 42 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [==================] Cut = 50 % Don't need to, yet nova - are the forums all working now?  SevGuru asks about GODLINESS   "Because Cloneliness is next to GODLINESS." ...on the other hand... yeah, after re-uploading it. keep keep keep keep cut neutral Eh? keep cut I'm a sucker for bad puns keep cut <_8_of_12_> neutral I don't get it. cleanliness is next to godliness is the phrase When I don't get it, it don't get my vote... keep cleanliness -> cloneliness keep Oh  SevGuru asks about GODLINESS.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 0 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [======================] Keep = 62 %  [=====] Neutral = 15 %  [========] Cut = 23 % Never heard that  SevGuru asks about WORLD   "All the WORLD loves a clone!" keep cut What? cut puritan concept... cut cut keep cut cut Same here... keep cut LOL! cut keep "All the world loves a clone"? Am I missing something? clown -> clone... Same thing I'm missing <_8_of_12_> cut All the world loves a clown all the world loves a clown is the phrase Ahhhhhhhhh. Never heard that one, either!  SevGuru asks about WORLD.  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 9 ~~ mutes: 0 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [===========] Keep = 31 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=========================] Cut = 69 % <_8_of_12_> I missed it. I'm outa here. me neither. I don't pharphrasin hebrew idioms, I excpect to understand what I read...  Now in FINAL mode. 8? STOP CLOWNING AROUND!!!!!!! :) ne beither  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  DEFAULT [73%, 1] "Keep it!"  DOZEN [82%, 1] "Keep it!"  GODLINESS [62%, 1] "Keep it!" vote4 godliness vote4 dozen eat an apple vote4 default vote4 default my god, I live outside USA and I know more of those folk phrases than you... vote4 godliness vote4 dozen <_8_of_12_> I'm sitting this out vote4 godliness <_8_of_12_> vote4 smeeeeeeee vote4 dozen They're certainly not common phrases around here! vote4 default hehehe vote4 dozen Some how, that's refreshing to hear vote4 dozen I can get the clown part, but the rest of the thing is a big vlurr....  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DEFAULT scored 3 vote(s).  DOZEN scored 5 vote(s).  GODLINESS scored 3 vote(s).  Casted votes: 11 Judges present: 13 High/Low: 5/0 Hehe, smeeeeeee is probably not a valid punchword, Eight (c: <_8_of_12_> IT SHOULD BE!!! vote4 me! let's make it valid. =] any objections to sticking with dozen? * NovaFlash kicks majel =] It's okay Is 'all the world loves a clown' from the song "Send in the Clowns"? It's a fair punch. Default's better yeah uh.. dozen means boxes in dutch. I hate that song... I love the Krusty version of that one I like Send in the Clones, though =) <_8_of_12_> I need tpo put on some music Send in the Clowns? Default is nice too...  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 054, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. Let me check again... I prefer dozen...  Now in ELIMINATE mode. "I prefer boxes"  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BETTER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  BUSY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  CONQUER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  FACE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  HEAD [0%, 1] "Nominated."  PAPER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  SKULL [0%, 1] "Nominated."  SLEEP [0%, 1] "Nominated." minsk. ELIMINATE THEM! MWAUAHAHAAA  SevGuru asks about BETTER   "This had BETTER be good... I need my beauty sleep" keep *** Muffy has joined #sevtrek keep <_8_of_12_> WIPE THEM OUT. ALL OF THEM. <_8_of_12_> keep keep keep keep Oh, no thanks. I'm sitting this comp out sorry I'm late neutral keep neutral hi muffer! *** Trelane sets mode: +o Muffy since i dont know what it is  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is BETTER   "This had BETTER be good... I need my beauty sleep"  BETTER has the status: "Keep it!" hi, muff! Hi Dumm MUFFFFFYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Hi Trelane keep Little vindictive are we, 8? hi e of PI keep ah Keep them out... all of them!  SevGuru asks about BETTER.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 0 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==============================] Keep = 82 %  [======] Neutral = 18 %  [] Cut = 0 % <_8_of_12_> Just in a demonic mood today. *** FD has joined #SevTrek  SevGuru asks about BUSY   "Sorry, this one's BUSY!" cut ah neutral keep ! cut keep we're supposed to vote =] cut <_8_of_12_> cut keep cut cut neutral cut Cut  SevGuru asks about BUSY.  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [========] Keep = 23 %  [=====] Neutral = 15 %  [======================] Cut = 62 %  SevGuru asks about CONQUER   "Let me put my face on before i CONQUER the cosmos !" keep keep cut eep! cut cut smeg! cut keep cut <_8_of_12_> keep This one is too complex. <_8_of_12_> SMEEE cut cut neutral cut It's good, but com-plex. keep oy *** TerrorTeen has quit IRC (Leaving)  SevGuru asks about CONQUER.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 0 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [=============] Keep = 36 %  [===] Neutral = 7 %  [=====================] Cut = 57 % <_8_of_12_> It's too long as well. oy ineed.  SevGuru asks about FACE   "Just putting my FACE on." ineed? keep *** TerrorTeen has joined #sevtrek keep keep Brb... keep <_8_of_12_> Git factor exceeding tolerance levels. keep <_8_of_12_> keep *** TLE sets mode: +oo FD TerrorTeen keep  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is FACE   "Just putting my FACE on."  FACE has the status: "Keep it!" This one has the same punch with 1/4 the size! keep cut cut <_8_of_12_> 100% evil!!!  SevGuru asks about FACE.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=============================] Keep = 80 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=======] Cut = 20 % me 100% nutty keep it has multiple meanings as well...  SevGuru asks about HEAD   "Give me a minute to get my HEAD together." keep keep keep Muffy: ingredients: 100% nuts keep keep keep cut keep This is quasi-evil. It's the margarine of evil. It's the diet-coke of evil. Only one calorie- not evil enought... it's ironic.. I'm allergic to nuts back! keep cut <_8_of_12_> cut neutral welcome back lol e keep of pi  SevGuru asks about HEAD.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=========================] Keep = 69 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [========] Cut = 23 % <_8_of_12_> It's a but nutty. LOL, Evil, Dr. Evil  SevGuru asks about PAPER   "Don't just stand there, hand me some toilet PAPER!" keep cut cut ............................................. cut <_8_of_12_> The light ice of evil! cut cut keep <_8_of_12_> The nutrisweet of evil! e: alright, zip it! keep keep keep OY shhh... <_8_of_12_> cuty the sweet n low of evil <_8_of_12_> cut <_8_of_12_> yeah <_8_of_12_> That two. keep  SevGuru asks about PAPER.  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Equal vote.".  [==================] Keep = 50 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==================] Cut = 50 % <_8_of_12_> alright, zip it. me hate sweet n low Hehe (c: <_8_of_12_> zip it! Just rented austinpowers2... LOLOLOLOL! keep hehehe orange juice and pop tarts do not mix <_8_of_12_> I have it on DVD. :)  SevGuru asks about SKULL   "Wait 'til I put on my helmet! I'm having a "bad SKULL" day." cut I hate Austin 2 <_8_of_12_> keep cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut lol wow guess where this one's going cut wow That was awesome lotsa cuttin'  SevGuru asks about SKULL.  ~~ keeps: 1 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [===] Keep = 9 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=================================] Cut = 91 % Stom et hape shelcha! (subtitles- zip it) keep  SevGuru asks about SLEEP   "You've interrupted my beauty SLEEP for the last time!" cut stom : means stupid in dutch I have 'There's Something About Mary' on DVD cut cut keep Cut cut keep keep keep keep neutral keep lol I like this one cos it sounds like something Darth Vader would say What's lol TLE? <_8_of_12_> TT: I have that as well. :) keep <_8_of_12_> keep keep In hebrew, "stom" is shut-up. Stupid can be translated as "satum". keep  SevGuru asks about SLEEP.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==========================] Keep = 71 %  [===] Neutral = 7 %  [========] Cut = 21 % Are you Jewish e of Pi?  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BETTER [82%, 1] "Keep it!"  FACE [82%, 1] "Keep it!"  HEAD [69%, 1] "Keep it!"  PAPER [54%, 1] "Keep it!"  SLEEP [71%, 1] "Keep it!"  Now in FINAL mode. Yep. WOW!!!!!!! yep indeed... A JEW!!!!!!!!!! vote4 head vote4 head <_8_of_12_> vote4 sleep Why is that so amazing? vote4 sleep vote4 sleep vote4 face Vote4 head vote4 sleep vote4 face Its not that amazing vote4 sleep My mom is jewish... but....... LONG story <_8_of_12_> JC: You ruined my winning streak in The Pits! vote4 sleep "I'm a jew, a lonely hew, on §ev trek..." vote4vote4 sleep 8 ... you're no Tiger Woods :) Muffy- therefor, you ARE jewish! vote4 sleep Kinda  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  FACE scored 2 vote(s).  HEAD scored 2 vote(s).  SLEEP scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 11 Judges present: 15 High/Low: 7/0 You need to read my old rant e of Pi <_8_of_12_> Mark: No, I'm not. Tiger Woods plays golf. obvious I read it. Legaly, you're jew... vote4 sleep Not in religion, maybe 8 - I noticed that - you'd won 2 in a row. Congratulations - that's a good effort! vote4 sleep vote4 sleep Aw whoops  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 161, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. Muffy: like a Mulder "I don't practice, maybe I am, maybe I'm not" type of Jewish? Good bias job on sleep JC! Still, I like'd that one the best anyway.  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BIG [0%, 1] "Nominated."  BLIND [0%, 1] "Nominated."  LUCKY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  MATTER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  NICE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  STATED [0%, 1] "Nominated."  VALID [0%, 1] "Nominated." Kinda phantom  Now in ELIMINATE mode.  SevGuru asks about BIG   "I'd call that a BIG "yes!"" keep So, you're jewish in your sleep <_8_of_12_> JC: Thanks, but you culled me out of this week. :) cut Legaly, you are. But if you don't act like one, it's quite irrelevant... keep keep neutral keep keep keep Let me put it that way, Muffy... mutter mutter smegging mutter. Culling. Hmph. Yeah.... but my dad is catholic Keep jeep keep keep ack  SevGuru asks about BIG.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 1 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=============================] Keep = 80 %  [====] Neutral = 10 %  [====] Cut = 10 % keep 8 - sorry dude. As I say in a very recent post on the DB, it's nothing personal :-) keep cmon people If you want to become an Isreali citizen, you could be in no trouble... and get some money... don't chat vote! TLE! You practiced and everything!!  SevGuru asks about BLIND   "There's a reason love is BLIND!" <_8_of_12_> punchline: I think I should keep my mouth shut! cut lol, I know, it still failed me <_8_of_12_> cut neutral keep keep Hehe (c: cut Cut cut cut subtle weird punchline cut cut Nova, I'm getting some new mp3s... Hmmmm... that one goes down the drain  SevGuru asks about BLIND.  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 7 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [=======] Keep = 20 %  [====] Neutral = 10 %  [=========================] Cut = 70 % *** Sutak has joined #sevtrek jeep-ers! keep *** _8_of_12_ sets mode: +o Sutak  SevGuru asks about LUCKY   "He was LUCKY this time..." <_8_of_12_> Is Sutak who I think it is? *** MattNelson has joined #sevtrek yes <_8_of_12_> Hello... William? Hi matt! WOW! Lotta people here tonight *** Trelane sets mode: +o MattNelson cut cut cut cut keep keep cut cut keep cut <_8_of_12_> keep cut cut You see, Muffy... In judaism, it's the mother that count- not the father... I know cut keep Oh, and I'll post ot here...  SevGuru asks about LUCKY.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [============] Keep = 33 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [========================] Cut = 67 % But for me it's confusing since we found out we were jewish only this year Hey Trelane! you here? =] cut <_8_of_12_> Sutak = William? a logical tradition...  SevGuru asks about MATTER   "Apparently, what I think doesn't MATTER." yep keep keep keep yep indeed... keep keep neutral neutral <_8_of_12_> keep keep keep keep So, if your mother's Jewish, you have to be a Jew? Yep keep Yup. yep indeed...  SevGuru asks about MATTER.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 0 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==============================] Keep = 83 %  [======] Neutral = 17 %  [] Cut = 0 % Why? cut <_8_of_12_> 20 minutes til MASH?  SevGuru asks about NICE   "It was NICE of him to take them off first." Law That's just the way it is By race, not necessarily by religion keep keep cut hehe keep neutral you don't "have" to be a jew, you "are" a jew! keep keep :) this one's gooood keep 8 minutes. neutral <_8_of_12_> keep cut keep keep keep But what if you don't even believe in that stuff? Nothing on tv tonight... me watching tape of whose line keep keep <_8_of_12_> 8 minutes. You might miss some of it!  SevGuru asks about NICE.  ~~ keeps: 12 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 1 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [===========================] Keep = 75 %  [====] Neutral = 12 %  [====] Cut = 12 % exactly, she's hebrew, not jew I'm taping it. do you have to believe in anything to be american? noo...  SevGuru asks about STATED   "I shouldn't have STATED it as a question." cut Money, trelane. <_8_of_12_> Ah, that's fine then. :) cut cut cut <_8_of_12_> cut keep cut cut cut cut cut keep narf cut keep  SevGuru asks about STATED.  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 11 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [========] Keep = 21 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [============================] Cut = 79 % cut keep Ah. Who said Jewdaism is a RACE???????? DUMM: does Narf come from Pinky and the Brain?? keep  SevGuru asks about VALID   "Well I thought it was a VALID question." I didn't e of PI keep cut keep keep neutral cut keep So if your mother's jewish, you're automatically Hebrew? cut keep judaism is a religion I was wondering the same thing, muff :) cut <_8_of_12_> keep cut "Judaism". a jew is a race/religion Yes! e, you need to study up on history... Yes to what? <_8_of_12_> Narf comes from SNARF!!! cut  SevGuru asks about VALID.  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep for now.".  [=================] Keep = 46 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [=================] Cut = 46 % I LOVE pinky and the brain I thought Judaism was the religion and Hebrew was the race. That's why I resented that! narf  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BIG [83%, 1] "Keep it!"  MATTER [77%, 1] "Keep it!"  NICE [75%, 1] "Keep it!"  VALID [46%, 1] "Keep for now." a jew is a jew, a pharisee, or sadducee is part of a religion hehehe lol  Now in FINAL mode. OY OY OY I use narf, not snarf Why is this conversation even being had? This is a judging session, not a judaism session. snarf is 8's thingiejiggabob vote4 matter vote4 nice <_8_of_12_> vote4 big vote4 nice Did you know that Klingon is now an official language? Matt: who cares =] vote4 matter <_8_of_12_> My what? vote4 nice vote4 nice vote4 valid But it WAS nice of him to take them off first! vote4 big TT: cool, now we'll have an advantage when we meet the klingons voe4 nice vote4 matter vote4 nice Yes, let drop it. vote4 nice vote4 nice vote4 matter TLE: Vote again. New subject: Voting voe4 nice =) What make a language official? oops I used to know a Klingon... TLE! You needed that practice!  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BIG scored 2 vote(s).  MATTER scored 4 vote(s).  NICE scored 7 vote(s).  VALID scored 1 vote(s).  Casted votes: 14 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 7/1 Yay! ah well :) * FD likes that punchline looks like nice wins it ah well =] He was nice. We talked on ICQ. We were going to move to Mexico and sell rocks. Then he want away. the end. nicenicenice <_8_of_12_> The language instituute big heads. HEY! DUMM!! So, nice didn't finish last :) True story, this time.  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 151, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. That's my saying! JC, are you alive? Gabylating? HEY! MUFF!  Now in ELIMINATE mode. What? hmm?  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BUNNY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  DENTURES [0%, 1] "Nominated."  FLOSS [0%, 1] "Nominated."  HAZARD [0%, 1] "Nominated."  KNOCK [0%, 1] "Nominated."  NICKEL [0%, 1] "Nominated."  TRANSFER [0%, 1] "Nominated." Blueberrie: i believe you I know.. argh  SevGuru asks about BUNNY   "I bet BUNNY or Claus doesn't have to put up with this!" "Gabylating"? keep cut What does THAT mean? keep ghehe cut cut Now for my Twist idea =) cut cut Coool! Someone believes me! keep cut keep cut keep Gabylating- taking care of Gaby. <_8_of_12_> cut .... cut keep  SevGuru asks about BUNNY.  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 9 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==============] Keep = 40 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======================] Cut = 60 % <_8_of_12_> Lion King soundtrack time narf  SevGuru asks about DENTURES   "I see DENTURES in someone's future." LIONKING kinoling cut keep <_8_of_12_> keep keep keep keep cut cut cut cut keep I'm thinkin' it may be time for some Irish drinkin' tunes. cut keep Sure... It's time for MASH opening theme!!! I've got Bye-bye Birdie on.  SevGuru asks about DENTURES.  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [===================] Keep = 54 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=================] Cut = 46 % What is this obsession with Mash?? Isn't that show really old?  SevGuru asks about FLOSS   "Not only is this kid mean, he doenst FLOSS either!" Wait for it. mash sucks Barely kept cut cut Mash bloopers rock keep cut vut keep cut <_8_of_12_> JC, are you there at all? keep cut cut *** TLE is now known as Nova cut bloopers? Yep keep there's JC Hi Nova <_8_of_12_> keep cut Eh?? yep indeed... cut cut littlestar: eh? Dumm... AUGH 8 - yeah, sorry, I missed your post earlier  SevGuru asks about FLOSS.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [============] Keep = 33 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [========================] Cut = 67 % er *** Nova is now known as TLE  SevGuru asks about HAZARD   "That does it! I'm bringing up HAZARD pay at the next union meeting!!" Gaby is actually asleep in the rocker right next to me *** Sutak is now known as a <_8_of_12_> JC: Just feeling a little worried about certain 'files'. Are my odds good at all? That's sweet! *** a is now known as Sutak BUt I'm busy updating the web site, trying to get all those new ASP pages uploaded <_8_of_12_> cut keep keep cut cut neutral keep cut 8 - have you sent them? neutral keep keep JC: What's the deal with this ASP thing? <_8_of_12_> JC: Not yet. BRB I forgot to check my email this morning. I'll check now keep Supercalafragalistic Expialidocious <_8_of_12_> JC: DONNN"T""""TTTT!!!! Sleeping baby is a wonderful thing!  SevGuru asks about HAZARD.  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==================] Keep = 50 %  [======] Neutral = 17 %  [============] Cut = 33 % Matt - ASP allows me to do much more interactive programming with the web site keep Mm. brb  SevGuru asks about KNOCK   "Maybe I should KNOCK another one out instead!" keep cut keep cut It will allow me to make the web site much easier to maintain as well as add some more interactive snazzy stuff eventually keep I prefer ColdFusion to asp, but that's me cut keep keep keep <_8_of_12_> JC: That still doesn't mean I'm not worried about it. it's a pain now but eventually it will be worthi t keep <_8_of_12_> keep keep How's asp different from html? cut keep  SevGuru asks about KNOCK.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==========================] Keep = 71 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========] Cut = 29 %  SevGuru asks about NICKEL   "Maybe I shouldn't have left only a NICKEL last time." CUT keep <_8_of_12_> cut keep cut The source code looks the same. cut cut blue - you can do more advanced programming in ASP - HTML is pretty limited - just allows you to display info keep keep cut keep keep cut keep Oh... programming is the key word... Blue - that's the point, ASP does all the thinking behind the scenes but all it gives you is standard HTML. Same result as far as the end user is concerned ASP allows cgi (meaning ALOT of programming languages) and html to merge in one file. I see.  SevGuru asks about NICKEL.  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [===================] Keep = 54 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=================] Cut = 46 %  SevGuru asks about TRANSFER   "I think I'll ask for a TRANSFER to the Fairy Godmother department." cut keep keep cut <_8_of_12_> cut KEEP!!!!!!! keep believe me, you'll understand once I start cutting loose with it (and learning how to use it properly) keep sorry back keep keep cut Only one I liked from this list neutral keep cut I have a bad feeling about this. =) JC: I see Java in your future. muffy - I'm not sure if your !!!! stop your keep from getting counted cut Muf, revote moulby bun balooney? =] <_8_of_12_> Lion king rulez keep  SevGuru asks about TRANSFER.  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==================] Keep = 50 %  [===] Neutral = 7 %  [===============] Cut = 43 % disney is evil Mark: no, I don't like Java at all, too difficult to learn and not reliable enough  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  DENTURES [54%, 1] "Keep it!"  HAZARD [54%, 1] "Keep it!"  KNOCK [71%, 1] "Keep it!"  NICKEL [54%, 1] "Keep it!"  TRANSFER [50%, 1] "Keep it!"  Now in FINAL mode. ASP is easy and you get more payoff Actually I already voted twive <_8_of_12_> Sutak is smeeee twice so it was counted Mark: not just java. perl, c++, etc..etc.. all can be used. cut Unforunately, it is the natural (?) path after asp vote4 hazard vote4 transfer votr4 nickel vote4 hazard vote4 dentures BRB late, argh <_8_of_12_> vote4 dentures vote4 hazard vote4 nickel vote4 hazard vote4 nickel vote4 dentures vote4 hazard vote4 nickel vote4 dentures vote4 nickel vote 4 transfer vote4 knock :) NICKEL is a cool punchline, I think Hmm... vote4 hazard vote4 dentures Me know it has no chance.. but me voting still Err...I don't know what to vote4! vote4 hazard That's a lot of punchlines... Dentures. yep quite right, jc yep indeed... The ecording is wroking fine, I'll see MASH later. * Muffy forgot about this function vote4 transfer  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 5 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 5 vote(s).  NICKEL scored 4 vote(s).  TRANSFER scored 2 vote(s).  Casted votes: 16 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 5/0 What is it with mash??? Uhhh... tie!  TRANSFER now gets status "Cut by SevMan." grrrr Java has no future. Javascript is ultimately cool. PERL is now being deployed more and more. ASP offers integration of PERL and HTML and it's own special stuff. ASP is the future. (or php3) :) vote4 hazard vote4 dentures vote4 hazard vote4 hazard still voting 4?  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 5 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 7 vote(s).  NICKEL scored 4 vote(s).  Casted votes: 16 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 7/0 <_8_of_12_> I believe that the pringles are the future!!!! MASH is a cool show. I never saw it before, so I cacth up reruns now. Awwww... there we go  NICKEL now gets status "Cut by SevMan." I believe tomorrow is the future =] Chips?? vote4 dentures <_8_of_12_> PRINGLES!!! vote4 dentures I believe Muff is the future vote3 dentures Chips??? vote4 dentures vote4 dentures vote3????? lol Yay hehe wrong key lol lol lol vote4 dentures lol Iol <_8_of_12_> Common mistake.  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 7 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 14 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 7/0 <_8_of_12_> vote8 dentures I believe SUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGAARRRR is the future. heh AUGH! TIE AGAIN! Oh, not again oh, lovely <_8_of_12_> :) JC! vote4 hazard vote4 hazard Vote4 dentures vote4 hazard vote4 er, what to vote for vote4 dentures BLUE is the future! Sevqueen? I couldn't care less what wins. vote4 dentures Vote for hazard TLE no, sugar is a constant. without it the universe doesn't even exist! =] dentures, tle SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!! Dentures! Dentures! Dentures! sugar has hydrogen  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 8 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 8 vote(s).  Casted votes: 16 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 8/0 aw littlestar? don't be so negative =] Hazard TLE hydrogen is the basiss for matter no! heh NOOOOO <_8_of_12_> vote4 upendi lol! augh vote4 dentures Sevqueen! vote4 dentures AUGH Frack. no, sugar is the base element * Sutak vote4 Tell sevqueen to vote for hazard! :() suagr isnt a element no, dentures! ack... yes, the SevQueen must rule... sugar is :) Dentures! c6h1206 i'm made out of 70% SugaR Sugar is part of our structure Glucose yes <_8_of_12_> Sutak: That's gluose. sugar has lots of carbon! c6h12o6 C6H12O6 See what Gaby says. Although it'll probably be something like "Grpxlt foo?" <_8_of_12_> glucose No- sucrose. more hydrogen Wendy is at the shops at the moment, probably getting a haircut as we speak! well, eat sugar! <_8_of_12_> UPENDI! glucose is broken down within our body sugar- c12h22o12 cell phone!!!! Ack! AUGH! WE NEED SEV QUEEN AH well <_8_of_12_> e is right. Gaby is asleep - I probably shouldn't wake her just to decide this punchline still more hydrogen nope, sucrose is a glucose and a fructose bonded by an oxygen bridge AWW!!!! Goo for keep Wah for cut OK JC...  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 8 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 8 vote(s).  Casted votes: 16 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 8/0 Its your call NO!! JC: oooh goodie. I just got my hair cut too. i hope she doesn't get her hair cut the way I did!! (short blockheaded haircut =) Not again!! ah well Have you put her to work inking yet, JC? I think she's been loafing enough. vote4 dentures vote4 hazard vote4 dentures <_8_of_12_> I got my hair streaked with light brown. vote4 hazards Never wake a sleeping baby! vote4 hazard I hate getting my hair cut... Vote for hazard people! DENTURES!!!!! noOooooo, nove Dumm: NO S dentures This was an incredibly fast JS. zzz Vote4 hazard <_8_of_12_> UPENDI!!!! I take organic chem next semester, in 1 year I could tell you everything about sugar... not hazard  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 7 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 9 vote(s).  Casted votes: 16 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 9/0 Trelaalalalane? yay NO! YES!!!!!!!! NO! YESYESYEYSYEYSEYSYEYSEYYEYEYSYEYSEYSYEYEYSEYYES!!!!!! vote4 dentures c12 h24 o12 MAYBE! WHAT? I'm going to buzz mine again this weekend... Hair is annoying. I wish me parents would let me go bald. vote4 dentures Hmm. <_8_of_12_> UPENDI! traitor :) vote 4 dentures vote4 dentures nova Bald?? vote4 hazard trelane, whassup> vote4 dentures!!!! You want to be bald? dumm: Vote4 hazard quick! Yes, bald, as in no hair. No, water is relesaed in the bonding- it should be C12H22O11 vote4 hazard Sure. *** Trelane has quit IRC (Read error to Trelane[]: Connection reset by peer)  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  DENTURES scored 6 vote(s).  HAZARD scored 9 vote(s).  Casted votes: 15 Judges present: 16 High/Low: 9/0 Vote for the dentures! Tre, it's vote4, not vote 4 happy, muffy? =] NARF! I would die. This has gotten more interesting than expected... This is way to scientific for me. Well, I guess HAZARD wins then :-) * littlestar has no idea what's happening, so starts tapdancing in the middle of the channel okay, that's it Hazard wins lol Yes I am Dumm... Thanky lol now it's definite I'm lost oo Well of course you would, BB, bald looks horrifying on women. * _8_of_12_ shoots ls with a phaser * NovaFlash can't tapdance..on socks... but i'll dance along aww :) * PhantomChic looks around with an extremely confused look * Sutak drops a photon grenade in room * Muffy hugs dumm for being smart Gee... * TLE tries to dance, fails *** Sutak was kicked by Sutak (af) * littlestar is shot, and falls over. * _8_of_12_ escapes by beaming to the Borg spere *** Sutak has joined #sevtrek * e_of_PI eats sugar... tastes like Chia Rhino. I still think dentures in more appropriate... *** TLE sets mode: +o Sutak So guys get to go bald, but women don't? Gee, that's fair. * NovaFlash gets squished by muffy's hug and melts to base-form. me reforms to dummy again. women do after menopause DUMMMMM! You ok??? they might Yup. And we get to run around with our shirts off, too. =) Some women go bald ng - could you send me the transcript? sure muffy. i'm alive =] Wait a sec... the JC is over! JC? <_8_of_12_> THE JS! *** SevGuru has quit IRC (Read error to SevGuru[]: Connection reset by peer) i gtg Judging Criticism? *** Group(s) disabled  Now in OFF mode.  ===== The voting is now over! ===== Session Close: Fri Feb 11 18:53:16 2000