Session Start: Fri Nov 19 17:51:17 1999 * Logging #sevtrek to '#sevtrek.log' Where is everyone? *** NintendoGuru sets mode: +o Majel Kick the Tallybot! Hi, 'Jelly * NintendoGuru sits tight for eight minutes :P  Now in ELIMINATE mode. yeah, there's still 8 mins till we start Everyone seems to join at the last minute NG - maybe it's a bit premature starting now I'm going to go get some food, brb Hold your horses Majel! I think the judging times should be updated, btw. Have you noticed how many newbies are in the IB? yeah Iona: judging times? What do you mean? Just be glad there aren't any N.E.W.B.I.E.s No. Don't go there. ??? *** Powerlord has joined #sevtrek Err, I mean I don't go there I turned up at 11:00 like usual and there was no one there I didn't go there for a month nearly....nothing at all for me to think of to say I went back, and there were all these new names * e_of_PI is missing Francis Miranda! I'll just wait until the next flamewar...kidding, kidding... Iona-T - but the judging session is the same time it's always been Yes, but our times change. hmm, a new flame war? he.. no it's not, it's nearly 12:00. Might be daylight saving eofPI - I can't keep track of every instance of daylight savings all over the world (BTW, Gaby settled a little so she's in the rocker - hence I can type a bit quicker) You can't?! (c: 5pm almost Jc, it is very nice twist you've made this week... And a one that couldn't be done without colors. Yeah, it looks great! *** TerrorTeen has joined #sevtrek lol Hi TT! Hi, Terror hullo Hello *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o TerrorTeen *** PhantomChic has joined #sevtrek *** Will has joined #sevtrek Hi, Phantom Good Sev! wow, more people Hey! eofPI - thanx. Personally, I wsan't happy with how it wsa drawn (or coloured as I did some of it - Wendy didn't have time to finish it) but I appreciate the kind comments Hullo Will *** Will has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (This nick is reserved by another user))) it's a good thing I am at the other server... Hmm...everyone arrives at the last minute... 4 people've shown already Alright, who killed Number 1? Well, JC, it's all ment for you to type my name correctly... ls: indeed - happens every week We were trying to find the server. :P uh, he did it! Fire at Will! ;) Not so literally, Beta! * e_of_PI fires at Will I got on half an hour early last week and was wondering where everyone was - they all turned up just before the js started eofPI - which page has your name wrong? I remember that *** Will2 has joined #sevtrek The spook ears page. hello? *** FLaszlo has joined #sevtrek Hi, Will again It says "E of Pi". It should be "e of PI" about time i got here sorry Good Sev! TLE er, oops hmm Good Sev Oping is futile. You will be kicked. *** Will2 is now known as Will I can get T_L_E if you want someone to kick e: all right, all right, I've done the change - it'll kick in when I update the cartoon with the winning punchline, OKAY?!?!?!? :-) Yeppe! *** Will is now known as Spod ok, I'm back Happy Kick T_L_E day, everyone... welcome back Now all I need is the credit for my Sev5 idea and to win the Twist comp and my work kere is done... shall we get the show on the road? Why not? I'll drag him into sevchat * Powerlord points his staff at Majel okieday * Powerlord notices he forgot to change the batteries. ;_; *** NintendoGuru is now known as SevGuru ferry's on her way Give her two seconds *** DrJonasBashir has joined #sevtrek k she joined the other channel Good sEv! Good §ev! Good Sev hello, doc. *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o DrJonasBashir *** USS_ferryboat has joined #sevtrek excellent Hi Ferry! Hi, ferry! hi all good §ev Not we can start the show!!!!!!!! Now! Now!!! Not? yes indeed  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  AIR [0%, 1] "Nominated."  BREATHE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  EGG [0%, 1] "Nominated."  EXPLODE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  NOT [0%, 1] "Nominated." Tupos ate bell!!!!!!!!!!1 can someone here sit on and yell at people who don't read the topic? I'm gonna go to bed Night, Robot... Starting off with Sci-Fi As always... Since e took my phrase...  SevGuru asks about AIR   "In space, there's no AIR for you to scream with anyway!" Today is a good day to dialate. keep keep Chat in #SevChat or I get Majel to beat you with a stick *** Mark has joined #sevtrek keep keep keep keep Hullo, Mark cut keep  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is AIR   "In space, there's no AIR for you to scream with anyway!" keep I'm at the techdreams one alreadyu cut Hi ya... cut found it Sticks and stones may hit my bones but I'll still type typos. just started, Mark where do we find the full punchlines? cut cool! neutral thanks ^ There  SevGuru asks about AIR.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [======================] Keep = 62 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [===========] Cut = 31 %  SevGuru asks about BREATHE   "In one can hear you because you can't BREATHE or speak anyway" cut neutral keep cut neutral keep cut cut cut cut bit clumsy cut cut too similar to the previous one... less funny. cut cut  SevGuru asks about BREATHE.  ~~ keeps: 1 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [===] Keep = 8 %  [=====] Neutral = 15 %  [============================] Cut = 77 %  SevGuru asks about EGG   "In sev, the EGG always come first!" it was too long too * Mark nods keep keep cut cut keep cut cut cut cut cut keep keep I need someone to sit on to keep the channel open and the topic there cut  SevGuru asks about EGG.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==============] Keep = 38 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======================] Cut = 62 % John, you need to change the irc rules page.  SevGuru asks about EXPLODE   "In sev.. noone can hear your stomach EXPLODE..." cut cut keep Wow, I'm honored to be a @! keep keep neutral cut keep cut keep Even though"chest" may be better. keep keep keep * Spod sits and waits  SevGuru asks about EXPLODE.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [======================] Keep = 62 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [===========] Cut = 31 % e of PI - agreed. I'll do it today. After the judging session, everyone stay on and tell me what needs to be changed or updated on the Judging Session rules page, please k Alrighty then.  SevGuru asks about NOT   "In space, eggs are NOT good for your health !" keep keep k I like this one cut keep *** TLE sets mode: +o USS_ferryboat cut keep keep keep cut keep My fav keep keep cut what does that have to do with space? In fact, it's the only one I like among these punchlines! Spod - have you seen Alien? There's these eggs that end up killing everyone Which Wendy picked...  SevGuru asks about NOT.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=========================] Keep = 69 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [===========] Cut = 31 % I've never seen the movie In sev, you get egg all over your face  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  AIR [62%, 1] "Keep it!"  EXPLODE [62%, 1] "Keep it!"  NOT [69%, 1] "Keep it!"  Now in FINAL mode. Rob, this one just calling "rating"! Voting time vote4 air Mark: that's really funny! I would've used that in the finalists if it'd been submitted! vote4 air vote4 NOT vote4 not vote3 explode vote4 not vote4 explode vote4 not vote4 air vote4 NOT vote4 explode vote4 air vote3??????????/ I was in a conference ... got back yesterday vote4 air vote4 not Yeah - vote 3.14 I recommend NOT - the other punchlines are nowhere near as clever or funny Imagine the comic strip with the punchline there vote4 not vote4 air hold on Even though my punchline will sit there perfectly... vote4 not vote4 not  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  AIR scored 4 vote(s).  EXPLODE scored 2 vote(s).  NOT scored 8 vote(s).  Casted votes: 14 Judges present: 15 High/Low: 8/0 "In Sev, you can save a lot of time drawing" yeah, but if you haven't seen that movie, the NOT isn't very funny yay NOT * Mark grins eofPI - so it was an easy comic, so sue me! Spod: Oh well, neither are the other punchlines then I suppose the winner is NOT :) * e_of_PI unleashing the lawyers It is not! Guessing so...  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 141, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. I don't get any of the punchlines * Spod fending off hoardes of evil lawyers  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BORN [0%, 1] "Nominated."  CONVENTION [0%, 1] "Nominated."  DAY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  EXCITED [0%, 1] "Nominated."  LISTENER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  POINTING [0%, 1] "Nominated."  RELATIVES [0%, 1] "Nominated." SevTrek time good My strip! I noticed JC killed my semifinalist *grumble* :P i gotta go for a little while. may be back. dunno Here's a website for Star Trek Romantics: *** Spod has left #sevtrek  Now in ELIMINATE mode.  SevGuru asks about BORN   "When he was BORN, they pulled him out by his ears." keep cut keep keep keep keep cut keep keep keep keep  SevGuru asks about BORN.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 2 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==============================] Keep = 82 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======] Cut = 18 % keep  SevGuru asks about CONVENTION   "He got them at a CONVENTION." keep cut keep keep keep keep keep keep keep keep *** Puam has joined #sevtrek cut cut *** data has joined #sevtrek This one is so ironicly correct! hello you two  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is CONVENTION   "He got them at a CONVENTION." we're in sevtrek Hi, Puam!  SevGuru asks about CONVENTION.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [===========================] Keep = 75 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=========] Cut = 25 % hello and hello hi everyone, its been a long time! *** TLE sets mode: +o Puam  SevGuru asks about DAY   "Bad ear DAY?!!!" keep *** Spod has joined #sevtrek keep keep keep Yep! cut cut keep keep keep keep cut keep sevguru - sorry for culling yoru punchline :-( i'll start voting right away, first have to check a few things neutral "neutral" hehe I think that weither punchline wins, it should end with a "?" Or better- "!?"  SevGuru asks about DAY.  ~~ keeps: 9 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=========================] Keep = 69 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [========] Cut = 23 % Or !?!  SevGuru asks about EXCITED   "What? They do that when he's EXCITED" cut keep keep cut cut keep *** Blueberrie has joined #sevtrek cut cut hey Ugh. *** SevGuru sets mode: +o Blueberrie hello BB hi  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is EXCITED   "What? They do that when he's EXCITED" keep *** Spod is now known as CBEMaster keep hi Erin! cut keep hello! keep *** CBEMaster is now known as CBE_Master  SevGuru asks about EXCITED.  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 6 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [===================] Keep = 54 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=================] Cut = 46 % *** e_of_PI is now known as CGBShlamko  SevGuru asks about LISTENER   "He's a great LISTENER!" cut cut cut cut keep cut cut is robot still here? cut cut cut brb *** CGBShlamko is now known as e_of_PI cut BRB *** Blueberrie has quit IRC (\) keep  SevGuru asks about LISTENER.  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [======] Keep = 17 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==============================] Cut = 83 % back cut *** jc has quit IRC (Ping timeout for jc[]) ROBOT!!!  SevGuru asks about POINTING   "People were always POINTING at his ears. Now they point back." keep *** lizzyc has joined #sevtrek cut keep WHAT? John? cut keep keep cut cut keep keep cut keep Hi, lizzy! hi *** e_of_PI sets mode: +o lizzyc keep keep Back to the lagging! yeah!! I have a @ in front of my nick!!  SevGuru asks about POINTING.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [======================] Keep = 62 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==============] Cut = 38 % keep keep  SevGuru asks about RELATIVES   "He has a lot of ear-pulling RELATIVES" cut keep cut keep keep keep cut cut keep *** jc has joined #sevtrek cut re jc keep cut  Well SevGuru, since you asked: the current punchline is RELATIVES   "He has a lot of ear-pulling RELATIVES" Hullo again, John Hi cut cut hmm, had a little disconnection problem. Sorry 'bout that! :-) hi JC!! cut cut Gaby alarm? hey agian  SevGuru asks about RELATIVES.  ~~ keeps: 6 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 2 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==============] Keep = 38 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======================] Cut = 62 % hi lizzyc! *** TLE sets mode: +o jc hate it when that happens  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BORN [83%, 1] "Keep it!"  CONVENTION [75%, 1] "Keep it!"  DAY [69%, 1] "Keep it!"  EXCITED [54%, 1] "Keep it!"  POINTING [71%, 1] "Keep it!"  Now in FINAL mode. Gaby pressed the wrong button... vote4 convention lol vote4 born vote4 convention vote4 pointing vote4 convention vote4 pointing vote4 pointing vote4 convention vote4 day vote4 excited vote4 born vote4 convention vote4 born vote4 convention vote4 excited vote4 day vote4 convention vote4 born Wow!  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 4 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 6 vote(s).  DAY scored 2 vote(s).  EXCITED scored 2 vote(s).  POINTING scored 3 vote(s).  Casted votes: 17 Judges present: 18 High/Low: 6/0 I don't know why you guys like convention so much :P one mute... New record? Too appropriate it's better than the others hmmm, let's weed this down It's ironic! I don't but I don't like any of them really  DAY now gets status "Cut by SevMan." that too  EXCITED now gets status "Cut by SevMan." what else? the four of you who voted for those, revote After all, Spock ears are the most sold item in cons... vote4 born get the POINT(ING)? vote4 convention vote4 day  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 5 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 6 vote(s).  POINTING scored 3 vote(s).  Casted votes: 14 Judges present: 18 High/Low: 6/0 ??? Less votes??? odd Come on vote! * Powerlord sends Metroids after littlestar! vote4 convention I think you should dump pointing and revote again *** Blueberrie has joined #sevtrek vote4 convention Oy. vote4 convention vote4 convention vote4 convention good idea, ferry hullo again vote4 convention Ack! What did I do?! * Powerlord sends Metroids after TerrorTeen! BTW, if you stay after the judging session, I'll give everyone a sneak preview of next week's Sev Trek comic strip *** TLE sets mode: +o Blueberrie  POINTING now gets status "Cut by SevMan." * littlestar looks at Blueberrie (I'm getting ahead with my cartoons! :-) vote3 borm oooooh  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 5 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 12 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 7/0 cool okay, born, or convention? vote4 born lol that again? vote4 born ????????????? it looks link convention is it convetnion JC- don't be mad, but what about the Star Wars fanatic strip LESS????? vote4 convention vote4 convention yeah JC vote4 convention And the ewok dtrip vote4 convention  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 7 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 14 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 7/0 tupos ate bell! arg oh, my god! what's a dtrip? * Mark laughs 5 people need to vote... It's getting weirder all the time... all right, who's not voting Todat is a good day to dialate! vote4 birth vote4 born who is not voting? vote4 convention TT, tupos? birth? Puam? That's a name I haven't heard for a long time... vote4 born vote4 convention good * CBE_Master gives Iona a cookie  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 8 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 15 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 8/0 e, you took tupos, hence, I'm taking dialate. So wired,,, No, you had the musical creature! indeed... jb... i had too much else to do! =] JC: When will the ranking program be ready? what? How come every 3 votews only one counts? I sense a SevQueen brewing I also had tupos! Some people are reevoting My brother just suggested "His parents had too much LDS." for this one. Oops, too late to post that. :P e_of_PI: because people are repeating Phantom: actually, ask Robot101 - he's the guy writing it JC- what about the fanatic strip? The project isn't due till April next year so probably then! :-) And he's not here. jc: your strip, your call I still think Spock looks like Dracula in this one Yikes. Big project... It's MY strip! I am here, I'm just insanely tired and moving slowly towards bed ... hello? Ok, decision time... "I'm bored. What's the verdict?" I hope to have something going before then :P its not a big project, I'm just lazy Ah, I see. lizzyc: yes, I'm sure I'll do it one of these years. I've nearly caught up on my email so stray Sev Wars strips can't be too far behind Majel has been assimilated by the bored, she said so herself! * CBE_Master waits for something to happen Ack! What won the "Uses for an Ewok" comp? JC- ok Roadbump Speed Bump * SevGuru waits for something to happen too I'm downloading files from Nova's server faster than this thing! damn computer Ahh, nice. Hehe!  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BORN scored 8 vote(s).  CONVENTION scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 15 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 8/0 * Mark looks over the next batch of lines :-( it's unchanged, and there's four mutes SevQueen please tell me people are there? convention! * Powerlord sets mode: -m Either. I don't care... Where? vote4 convention , guys! Let's move on shall we? jc: what is the decision? born? Queen? Yes, let's good SevQueen SevBaby! Gabby is too young! vote4 convention Nothing to see here, people. Move along. SevPrincess you mean... sevguru: well, Wendy is out shopping so I can't ask her right now k, then I'll move on k I guess it is up to you then...  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 139, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. k Personally I prefer CONVENTION what's next?  Now in ELIMINATE mode. JC - does she have a mobile phone? (c:  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  AND [0%, 1] "Nominated."  BEFORE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  CUPCAKES [0%, 1] "Nominated."  LAST [0%, 1] "Nominated."  MERINGUE [0%, 1] "Nominated."  POUNDCAKES [0%, 1] "Nominated."  WEIGHTLIFTING [0%, 1] "Nominated."  WORRIED [0%, 1] "Nominated." Twist Twist! Acky, gotta go You're not the only one, jc. ttyl  SevGuru asks about AND   "Ladies and Gentleants, it's a new record! 2 cupcakes covered in icing AND sprinkles!" keep keep Big names! keep keep *** Powerlord has quit IRC ( Come here, big boy... I'm waiting for you in bed!) cut cut keep keep keep keep cut  SevGuru asks about AND.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 7 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==========================] Keep = 73 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========] Cut = 27 % keep cut  SevGuru asks about BEFORE   "I can't believe it! He's lifted them BEFORE eating them!" cut keep cut cut cut keep cut cut cut cut neutral cut neutral cut  SevGuru asks about BEFORE.  ~~ keeps: 2 ~~ neutrals: 2 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [=====] Keep = 14 %  [=====] Neutral = 14 %  [==========================] Cut = 71 %  SevGuru asks about CUPCAKES   "Dont go anywhere! When this is all over, free CUPCAKES for everyone!" keep cut keep cut cut cut cut keep cut cut *** strtok has joined #sevtrek cut keep cut Mmmmm...cupcake... (drool) cut Ugh... doh! Food. Yuck. We have some cake here...somewhere  SevGuru asks about CUPCAKES.  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 10 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==========] Keep = 29 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========================] Cut = 71 % mmmm  SevGuru asks about LAST   "And in the LAST place, ant 47... Only 9 times its weight..." neutral It's too sweet! I just had way to much chocolate... keep cut keep keep keep cut keep keep keep keep keep mmm..chocolate cut cut *** strtok has quit IRC (Signed off) I wonder if 'Tupos ate bell!' will become an established sev-saying keep This is making me hungry. keep I've got problems - Gaby is starting to grizzle again so I may have to bail on this judging session :-( love the 47. tt: um, I think not cut  SevGuru asks about LAST.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [========================] Keep = 67 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [============] Cut = 33 % NG: can you send me the transcript after it's done? jc: k Only I ahve tupos... we understand Been there...go take care of her what's a tupo? typo Watch out for the power spit-ups  SevGuru asks about MERINGUE   "It wasn't until later they discovered the "cupcakes" were made of MERINGUE..." cut It's a typo of a typo keep cut cut cut keep keep cut Huh? keep a typo of typo cut cut cut keep cut  SevGuru asks about MERINGUE.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 9 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [=============] Keep = 36 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=======================] Cut = 64 % It's when the typos became to intence they more to a higher level  SevGuru asks about POUNDCAKES   "Let's not forget, folks... those are POUNDCAKES he's lifting!" now that was a good one... :-( keep cut NOVE!!!!!!! cut keep nove? cut MOVE!!!!!!!!! keep cut Huh?? keep cut nove? keep ??? cut 3 typos in a row! ah What's a poundcake? cut No idea. cut  SevGuru asks about POUNDCAKES.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==============] Keep = 38 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [======================] Cut = 62 % Its heavy Tupos ate bell cut Tupos ate bell! Dessert-wise that is it's a heavy cake *** data1 has joined #sevtrek pouncakes are very good similar to coffee cake Oh... yes Oooooh, coffee! Damnit, you're making me hungry... then what do we have to vote for? In the brownie tradition... I prefer coffe cake a poundcake is a heavy butter cake that typically weighs a pound keep Ah. that's coffee with 2 e's yep  SevGuru asks about WEIGHTLIFTING   "For an ant, WEIGHTLIFTING is a piece of cake." Oh... yup cut *** data has quit IRC (Ping timeout for data[]) kieep cut cut keep cut keep keep keep cut keep keep keep kieep??????? HGONG! Coffee, coffee, coffee! This ant is no cupcake i'm not sure why you guys think this one is good, but that's ok  SevGuru asks about WEIGHTLIFTING.  ~~ keeps: 7 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 6 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [=====================] Keep = 58 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [===============] Cut = 42 % HGONG! Gonk  SevGuru asks about WORRIED   "That extra sprinkle has him WORRIED!" cut cuty cut Well, on a 1-10, I'd give it a 6 ? cut keep HGONG!@ cut cut cut keep keep cut keep cuty yourself *** Y2KShlamko has joined #sevtrek  SevGuru asks about WORRIED.  ~~ keeps: 3 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 8 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [==========] Keep = 27 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========================] Cut = 73 % Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFEE! cut Where are we? we're ready to vote TT is sounding like a pokemon Yeah! HGONG! JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA  Now in FINAL mode.  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  AND [69%, 1] "Keep it!"  LAST [67%, 1] "Keep it!"  WEIGHTLIFTING [58%, 1] "Keep it!" vote4 last vote4 weightlifting vote4 and vote4 and ugh... what a lag vote4 last vote4 and vote4 and vote4 and vote4 and JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA Jawa? * CBE_Master flies around the room vote4 and I don't like coffee vote4 ack! er JAVA! vote4 last vote4 weightlifting  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  AND scored 6 vote(s).  LAST scored 3 vote(s).  WEIGHTLIFTING scored 2 vote(s).  Casted votes: 11 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 6/0 Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFEE! Neither do I. JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA I don't drink coffee, but I love coffee cake.  WEIGHTLIFTING now gets status "Cut by SevMan."  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  AND scored 6 vote(s).  LAST scored 3 vote(s).  Casted votes: 9 Judges present: 19 High/Low: 6/0 vote4 weightligting *** Puam has quit IRC (Leaving) vote4 and vote4 last *** e_of_PI has quit IRC (Ping timeout for e_of_PI[]) vote4 last , guys! damn computers... vote4 weightlifting *** Y2KShlamko is now known as e_of_PI  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  AND scored 6 vote(s).  LAST scored 4 vote(s).  Casted votes: 10 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 6/0 i voted vote4 and what about weightlifting? 7 mutes.... looks like AND has it, if there's no more votes You can't vote for weightlifting. Vote for last. Vote for and! vote4 and vote! and it a little better Vote 4 last~ Vote 4 last!!!!! but not by much :P Last is mine... JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA Ah *** Puam has joined #sevtrek I like last Welcome back, Puam I'm gonna join JetC! *** TLE sets mode: +o Puam You are? wb revote, puam 10 mutes? Do you write fanfic? cmon, mutes, vote! on what? Last is better. i had a disconnection  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  AND [69%, 1] "Keep it!"  LAST [67%, 1] "Keep it!" i voted for AND AND! LAST! vote4 and *** Posty has joined #sevtrek AND! LAST! *** Posty has quit IRC (Leaving)  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  AND scored 9 vote(s).  LAST scored 4 vote(s).  Casted votes: 13 Judges present: 18 High/Low: 9/0 alright, that's that definitely AND and wins * e_of_PI cries... Who wins? Sorry, Shlamko of Pie... you had my vote, shlam :) Mine too!  Now in OFF mode.  Retrieving punch lines for Competition 149, please stand by.  Retrieval complete. There's always next time... In 6 months... yup  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BEER [0%, 1] "Nominated."  CANS [0%, 1] "Nominated."  HAIRSPRAY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  MIRROR [0%, 1] "Nominated."  PROBS [0%, 1] "Nominated."  SUPPLY [0%, 1] "Nominated."  TV [0%, 1] "Nominated."  Now in ELIMINATE mode.  SevGuru asks about BEER   "BEER, chips, pretzels. The essentials." * CBE_Master waits some more Pits time keep bye guys keep keep cut keep see ya keep Bye, Iona keep cut who here is a JetC? *** Iona-T has left #sevtrek cut keep not me keep keep keep cut I like it, but it is more of a Wayne line true Pretzels? hehe but still good  SevGuru asks about BEER.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 4 ~~ mutes: 3 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [==========================] Keep = 71 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==========] Cut = 29 % * Mark nods Who KNOWS what a JetC is? If it wins, JC will make it a Wayne line! not i  SevGuru asks about CANS   "That reminds me - I'm down to 18 CANS of hair spray..." I don't keep keep that would be good cut cut keep I know what JetC is... keep I know, but I haven't joined. I'm working on my first Voyager fanfic. this one's just silly, I like it Do you write fanfic? keep keep keep keep keep cut keep  SevGuru asks about CANS.  ~~ keeps: 10 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 4 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [============================] Keep = 77 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [========] Cut = 23 % Yes *** FLaszlo has quit IRC (Leaving) Ding dong, the laundry's done! BRB Cool I do write fanfic.  SevGuru asks about HAIRSPRAY   "Already got the mirrors, just need the HAIRSPRAY" cut cut cut cut cut keep cut no cut so many good choices keep lol *** FLaszlo has joined #sevtrek Nope, still spin drying keep keep keep i like people writing fanfic peer pressure, ls? :P cut  SevGuru asks about HAIRSPRAY.  ~~ keeps: 4 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 8 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [============] Keep = 33 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [========================] Cut = 67 %  SevGuru asks about MIRROR   "I have my MIRROR and comb right here." cut cut keep Hehe, no. I changed my mind... cut keep cut This IS lance! ...for what, I don't know... cut keep keep cut keep  SevGuru asks about MIRROR.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 7 ~~  It now gets status "Keep for now.".  [==================] Keep = 50 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [==================] Cut = 50 % That is all he'll ever need i like wayne better anyway keep no he'll need gel  SevGuru asks about PROBS   "No PROBS, I'm all stocked up on hair spray." true cut keep keep cut cut keep cut cut keep cut vut cut keep vut? USS_ferryboat, lol vut! vut! vut!  SevGuru asks about PROBS.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 0 ~~ cuts: 7 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "It's cut!".  [===============] Keep = 42 %  [] Neutral = 0 %  [=====================] Cut = 58 % cut JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA Tupos ate bell! so I had my hand in the wrong place  SevGuru asks about SUPPLY   "I knew my 2 year SUPPLY of hair gel would come in handy." Ack! What's with the Javas and the tupos?! cut keep keep keep keep keep keep keep littlestar: vut! There's the gel JAVA is coffee Ferry, that was a line....... neutral cut it comes from talking about poundcake cut i have no idea about the tulvos cappachino cappachino cappachino cappachino tulvos ate bell see I can do that too keep :)  SevGuru asks about SUPPLY.  ~~ keeps: 8 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 3 ~~ mutes: 5 ~~  It now gets status "Keep it!".  [========================] Keep = 67 %  [===] Neutral = 8 %  [=========] Cut = 25 % JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA  SevGuru asks about TV   "Have you gotten the generator for the TV yet?" cut keep Spoo spoo spoo cut cut neutral keep cut cut keep must keep TV Onion soup Onion soup Onion soup keep spam spam spam spam spam keep pizza pizza pizza pizza JAVA JAVA cheerios cheerios cheerios Luf Luf Luf Luf Luf Luf ack! SPAM!!!  SevGuru asks about TV.  ~~ keeps: 5 ~~ neutrals: 1 ~~ cuts: 5 ~~ mutes: 6 ~~  It now gets status "Keep for now.".  [================] Keep = 45 %  [===] Neutral = 9 %  [================] Cut = 45 % Spoo spoo spoo Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, COFFEE!  Now in FINAL mode. I don't like spam... * CBE_Master dies from spam overdose  SevGuru requested the shortlist:  BEER [71%, 1] "Keep it!"  CANS [83%, 1] "Keep it!"  MIRROR [55%, 1] "Keep it!"  SUPPLY [67%, 1] "Keep it!"  TV [45%, 1] "Keep for now." I hate it fri chick fri chick fri chick Pizza is better vote4 beer vote4 beer what's wrose is it isn't meat hmm... keep the noise down please vote4 cans vote4 beer maybe it's emat ;) vote4 Mirror vote4 cans TLE (c: vote4 tv vote4 beer vote4 cans vote4 tv no, wait emat tastes better vote4 cans vote4 mirror emat? [SevGuru SOUND] spoo tastes like chicken vote4 cans  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BEER scored 4 vote(s).  CANS scored 5 vote(s).  MIRROR scored 2 vote(s).  TV scored 2 vote(s).  Casted votes: 13 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 5/0 Err...what was that?  MIRROR now gets status "Cut by SevMan." vote4 cans need more BEER!  TV now gets status "Cut by SevMan." What? revote ? vote4 beer Damn. There goes everything I'd have voted for.  SUPPLY now gets status "Cut by SevMan." vote4 cans vote4 beer vote4 mirror mirror's dead, TLE Mirror's out oh D'oh  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BEER scored 5 vote(s).  CANS scored 7 vote(s).  Casted votes: 12 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 7/0 sadly... vote4 cans CBE: You don't by any chance watch Buffy, do you?  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BEER scored 5 vote(s).  CANS scored 8 vote(s).  Casted votes: 13 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 8/0 vote4 beer yes... yeah!! BVS BVS BVS BVS BVS BVS BVS vote4 cans Beer good! Foamy! that was an interesting episode I think it's clear  Here is the final vote by the Sevilian jury:  BEER scored 5 vote(s).  CANS scored 8 vote(s).  Casted votes: 13 Judges present: 17 High/Low: 8/0 BVS? BVD's! well, that's it beer cans...hmmmm dang Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ah... A can of beer here, please i so hoped Beer wins j/k yup cans wins I swear I know those guys. Cool SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS Spoo Beer wins! Yeah! Beer for every1! =] spoops * CBE_Master grumbles who? ok, see you all later.... Thank you, Majel no it doesn't. Cans wins * Majel bows but hey, my punchline came in 2nd place! Bye, Puam! need sleep... now.... zzzzZZZZzzz  Now in OFF mode. buh bye Bye Bye Majel! G'night See ya Hmm. *** No groups needed to be changed  Now in OFF mode.  ===== The voting is now over! ===== Session Close: Fri Nov 19 18:58:50 1999