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Note to Convention Organisers

Friends of Science Fiction presents Ezri Dax

I attended my second Sydney FSF Con in May 2000. This time I didn't come alone, accompanied with Andrew Simpson, animator of the Sev Trek movie. In the months leading up to the convention, Andrew and I were scrambling to get the Sev Trek Movie Trailer finished. We got it done a week before the convention which was much better than last year when we finished the Sev Wars trailer at 11pm the night before I flew down to Sydney!

The movie trailer was well received by the Sydney crowd, getting an applause at the end. Andrew was particularly stoked to hear a roomfull of people reacting to his animations (the man lives for feedback).

Later in the day, Andrew and I presented a behind-the-scenes talk about the movie, showing sketches, models and scenes at various stages of development. There were lots of interesting questions asked and it was a lot of fun showing all the test animations we'd created. Pickhard's "fruity walk" was a particular hit.

At the end of the day, I talked with Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax from DS9) and asked her to sign some of my Edgy Dux comic strips. I was gratified (and relieved) that rather than be offended, she loved the comic strips about her character (exclaiming "that's so true" about the "if you were any perkier, I would kill you where you stand" punchline).

I also got a picture with her. However, when I got home and got the film developed, Wendy's first reaction when seeing the picture was to ask in a deadpan voice, "why is your arm around her?". Hmm, this never happened last year with Aron Eisenberg (Nog from DS9) as guest!

All in all, a very enjoyable weekend. Next year's FSF guest is James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). When I found out tickets had already sold out tickets to next year's show, I thought maybe I should check out this Buffy show. Since then, I've been watching the show and surprised myself that I'm actually enjoying it. Expect more Buffy parodies in the near future!

We also ran a punchline contest throughout the day where visitors got to write Joke Schidzo's punchline to the above comic strip. The winning punchline was decided by visitor applause, and was written by Andrew Chapman. His punchline (remarkably similar to this one) was "But not all of her... Grrrr!" He won a colour print of the cartoon signed by Nicole de Boer and myself.

Visit the Friends of Science Fiction web site for more info about the club and next year's Spike convention.

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