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Sev Trek: Forager is a cartoon satire of Star Trek's Voyager and part of the Sev Trek website. Captain Gainweight and her crew are stranded in the Deltoid Quadrant. 70 years away from the Alfafa Quadrant, they must find a way home, while collecting and hoarding resources from planets and sevspace doobythingies on the way home. They are the Sevship FORAGER! | |||
in the Clones | |||
| Here
is the longest Sev Trek cartoon I've written yet and arguably the funniest (in
my opinion anyway). The 13 page epic has the Forager
crew cloned, although their doppelgangers have one difference to the
originals... they're interesting! | ||
There's No Place Like Home | |||
| The first cartoon featuring the Sev Trek versions of 7 of 9 and the omnipotent Q. Note: Q was very difficult to caricature, having no distinctive features. However, 7 of 9 had several features I was able to work with and was a pleasure to draw! :-) This cartoon is a tribute to the Wizard of Oz and I encourage you to compare the end of the movie to the cartoon. This cartoon is the most time consuming I've drawn yet so enjoy! | ||
The Forager T-Shirt | |||
The very first Forager T-shirt is now available for sale! It features Captain Gainweight and her enigmatic hair in what is probably the most popular Sev Trek comic strip to date. | |||
The PC Directive | |||
This cartoon is very much the sequel to The X Generation's To Politically Correctly Go, as the Forager crew carry on the torch of Political Correctness. | |||
Forager Comic Strips | |||
A number of the Sev Trek comic strips are based on Forager. While I recommend you go directly to the Sev Trek Comic Strip page and read them sequentially, you can link directly to the Forager strips from here if you like. #7: Gainweight's broken hairdryer #16: What Cuss sees in Kneelicks #21: Will Forager ever get home #23: Cuss's second birthday #26: The emotional hollowgraphic doctor. #29: Forager's lost shuttles #30: The new Bored cube #35: Gainweight's hair as kindling. #36: Are we there yet? #40: Poor Ensign Hairy Chin #41: Chocolatay's Tattoo #47: The number 47 #49: Bored babe Ten out of Ten #54: Forager's folding nacelles #56: Why Cuss left Forager #63: Ten out of Ten's catsuit #65: Kneelicks & suicide #69: Gainweight/Chocolatay #71: Sev Trek caves #75: The Implausible Translator #83: Gainweight & coffee #90: Alfalfa Quadrant aliens #91: Sesspit betraying Forager #94: Destroying Forager #97: Parasite and Bologna kissing #103: Bologna's Pregnancy Coat #106: Malfunctioning hollowdeck #108: Forager's Bumper Sticker #113: Disappearing Lt Curry #126: Why Cuss dumped Kneelicks #130: Bald hollowgraphic doctor #135: Forager's mission #138: Naming the EMH Doctor #140: Promoting Ensign Hairy Chin #148: Demoting Tomb Parisite #151: Bologna loves Tomb #155: Naiveti following Ten #162: Unlimited scuttlecraft #167: Ten follows Bologna #169: Kneelick's Cooking #171: Gainweight's hairstyle change #180: Singing Hollowdoc #190: Species 90210 | |||
Forager Crew | |||
View caricatures of all the Forager crew and read descriptions about each of them. | |||
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