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Here are the Finalist Punchlines of Judging Session #271 for the week of cartoon s546.

Sev Trek Finalist Punchlines Page

Sev Trek - s546

Whoever gets the BIGGEST piece wins, okay?

You gotta GIVE them ten out of ten for trying

Now now LADIES, take five... each!

LOOKS like ten out of ten is about to become two out of one.

Look, girls. This is not Thanksgiving and Ten is NOT a wishbone!

Aren't you too OLD to fight over a Barbie doll?

Wonder how much more STRESS that cat suit can take?

She's not a WISHBONE, ladies !

Sci-Fi - s547

you try to see the future using a BIRDBATH

You want ELVISH taught as a second language.

Your put Rogaine on your FEET to really look like a hobbit.

You refer to your enemies as "FOUL Dwimmerlaik"

You know the HISTORY of Middle Earth better than your own country.

You call yourself by your first three INITIALS, then your last name.

You have the One Ring's INSCRIPTION on your wedding band

You have your favourite colour LEGALLY added to the end of your name.

You sign your name in RUNES.

you think 3 1/2 hours is a perfectly normal amount of TIME to watch a movie..

The Pits - p357

"I do. And if I already did, I'll do it AGAIN!"

If I say "I do", can I have ANOTHER?

Saved by the BELLE.

CONSIDER me gobsmacked.

How about an ENCORE?

My FEET are still stuck, kiss me again.

One more for good LUCK?!

It's ok now, I'm MELTED!

That sure THAWED me out

I'm not sure that worked. TRY again.

Twist - t306

The suspicions that three members of the Australian team were BRIBED never ceased

That's it, next time I'll be collecting FARES!

At FIRST, Fred thought being first in the anchor leg was an honour.

"Be in the FRONT", they said... "you'll look good", they said...

Okay, I know I'm the new guy, but don't you think you are taking the HAZING this a little too far?

Byron SUSPECTS the rest of the team weren't pulling their weight.

When TEAMSTERS and cycling meet.

Dang UNION bicyclists!

Sunday - ss26

Close, but no CIGAR!

The FBI Building's got a no smoking policy. Where else can I go?

And once again, the GOVERNMENT has raised a smoke-screen.

Put those GUNS away... don't you know they're bad for your health?

Speaking of a LIGHT, you got one?

I hope one of those is really a cigarette LIGHTER.

Glad you showed up - I was running out of MATCHES !

This is a government ordained smoke SCREEN.

Ironic isn't it? You SMOKED me out while I was smoking out.

These punchlines are the finalists of The Pits, Twist, Sev Trek, Sci-Fi and Sunday Comps. The winning punchline is decided on the #sevtrek IRC Channel. Make sure you read the IRC Judging Rules before the Judging Session.

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