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DTP Links

To have your site in this list, it must contain DTP material. Submit it in the form below.

Welcome to DTP Links, a list of online Desktop Publishing resources, and artists/graphic designers/desktop publishers. Here is your launching pad to the vast universe of online DTP resources.

General DTP Sites A list of web sites containing resources on all aspects of DTP software. There is an extraordinary amount of information available online, covering a wide number of software. Find it here.

Artists/Graphic Designers/DTPers Are you looking for an artist, graphic designer or desktop publisher to produce some work for you. Here is a list of online designers with links to their own site and artwork. If you're an artist/graphic designer/dtper with your own web site, submit your name here.

Submit your DTP Site

Enter the details of your DTP page here. Then add a link to DPT Links on your site.

DTP Site Title
Brief description of site.

Contact Name

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