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Here are conventions that John Cook (creator of Sev Trek) has or will be attending...

Upcoming Events

Cartooning Workshop July 4

Sev Trek creator John Cook will be running a cartoon workshop at the State Library of Queensland on "Character and Script Development". The workshop goes for a day (two 90 minute sessions) on July 4 in Brisbane, Australia. I will be showing bits of the Sev Trek Movie when I've run out of things to say. Visit the State Library website for more info.

Previous Appearances

Multiverse 4 June 8-11

Melbourne audiences sure can appreciate a good Star Trek parody!

FSF Presents James Marsters 19/5/2001

In Sydney, we showed the Sev Trek Movie preview to 1000 rabid Buffy fans (yikes).

Conquest 2000 6/10/00

Andrew Simpson and I presented the latest behind-the-scenes animations for the Sev Trek movie at this Brisbane convention.

Cartooning Workshop 22/9/00

I ran a cartooning workshop at the Chermside Library for the Brisbane City Council.

FSF Presents Ezri Dax 6/5/00

Andrew Simpson (the Sev Trek movie animator) and I visited Sydney in May 2000 to launch the first Sev Trek movie trailer.

Multiverse: A Day with Nicole de Boer 13/5/00

Featured Nicole de Boer in Melbourne, Australia.

Creation Con 7/8/99

Wally Fields of (the talented voice behind our Sev Wars and Sev Trek animations) sent this report of his appearance at the San Francisco Creation Convention.

Friends of Science Fiction 13/6/99

An enjoyable convention where I launched the Sev Wars 3d trailer, ran a cartoon workshop and Aron Eisenberg won the Nog cartoon contest!

Kling-Con 97 Convention

Early in Sev Trek history, this was the first convention where Sev Trek was prominently visible.

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