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Twist - Round 97

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 97 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition.

This week's winning punchline was written by Connie R. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all three competitions!

Twist Competition

The Purifier Looks like I'm done for . . . but with those years of good gas mileage, I've got enough karma to come back as a Ferrari! Wahoo!

Olivia Finally, I'm the center of attention!

1999 & Counting Ohh! Why can't I remember anything from the self defensive driving lessons!

Jen Stop it! Your hands are cold!

Tommy Concannon Watch out or I'll turn on the Oldies Station!

connie r. Tehehe, my battery is dead!!

Mosaic Please no!! I have a chevette and two motorbikes!

Bob I'm not letting you back in until you start buying premium gas !

connie r. huh, lost the keys again.

No El well....I needed a make over any way

Ben Aren't we getting a little personal here?

Ben Hey, mister, no means no!

Diana van der Pluijm Okay guys... honk if you hate burglars!

DrJoe I've been coat-hangered some many times I feel like a dry cleaners.

Don Rae I just don't know WHAT you guys are talking about. He's promised me a new paint job, a new license plate....

Don Rae The joke's on him - I'm a lemon!

Don Rae I'm looking at the bright side. At least I'll be getting a new paint job....

Don Rae Yes! Yes! Take me away from it all!

Don Rae At least I'll be going somewhere different for a change....

Mosaic Help! Car-napper!

The Black Falcon Hey, buddy! Try the next car! It still has the keys in!

The Black Falcon Watch this. Once he gets in, I'm gonna hit the car alarm full blast!

Kane Slasher Nnnngggh Keep ngh door nnnggg shut gnnnh

Madmartigan What do you mean 'there's no cause for alarm'?!

connie r. i feel so violated!!!

Couverthie Hey! Be careful I just got a paint job!

Couverthie Can't you rob a more expencive car?

Colin Hmm... Do I set off the alarm and make a scene, or do I just sit here in pain?

Colin It's nice to have that itch finally get scratched.

Colin Ouch. If he asked I would have opened the door for him.

Wendy Tell my owner I love him!!!

Round 96 Round 98

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