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Twist - Round 96

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 96 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition.

This week's winning punchline was written by Wendy Cook (and she didn't even decide the casting vote!) You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all three competitions!

Twist Competition

Williamson ...And God said "This little piggy stayed home..."

Peter Sawatzky Scissors cut paper. Genius.

mgeoffrey They're testing their static electrical charge.

BrownEyez Think of the merchandise!

Wolfi They should've let Leonardo do this - it was supposed to be a handshake.

Rahmet The origins of the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors".

Ilta I've been here a hundred times, and they've never yet touched.

Neumann It's so done.

CDR Soen I call it... Phone Home.

Colin I still don't see "Pull My Finger" as a form of art.

Avenger Executive Officer Nude thumb wrestling is NOT a sport.

jdwiseman Uhhh, I guess the clothes faded.

Avenger Executive Officer You really think they were playing "shadow puppets?"

d.j All I see are two naked guys trying to hold hands

Madmartigan Michaelangelo's "Manually Induced Flatulence", more commonly known as "Pull My Finger".

Madmartigan Can't wait for the follow-up... Will he pull his finger or not?

Prominister I think it adds more wrinkles.

Round 97 Round 97

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