| The Pits - Round 175
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 175 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. | Abe Kanter | Yes, they both share the same taste in groomingMats-Trek |
| Yea, but do you think he should eat hot-dogs? | Brian |
| They're kindred fleabags! | David D |
| You think we could train it to bury Wayne? | David D |
| So have their fleas to my bed! | Morgan |
| They've become flea buddies | Brian |
| Lucky we already have the poop scoop for Wayne. | connie |
| Looks like we'll have to get them matching flea collars. | connie |
| At last, he has one true friend. | connie |
| Neither one likes to take a bath. | connie |
| He finally found someone to eat his vegetables. | Unka Woofie |
| They both eat off the floor. | 8 of 12 |
| An hier to his throne. | 8 of 12 |
| We don't have to keep both. | §evqui§ |
| And the dog has really taken to Wayne's dinner... | §evqui§ |
| I wonder if he knows you have to feed them... | §evqui§ |
| The dog loves the filfth just as much as he does! | Avenger CO |
| It's the only thig willing to sleep near him. | Mark |
| Its a step up from the TV. | TJD |
| And that dog's really taking from Wayne... | Standback |
| Obviously. It gives him someone to blame. | MindMelda |
| Yes, they both know how to sit and stay. | MindMelda |
| And that dog has taken his lunch. | derek |
| Twins should really look more alike!!! | me |
| They must be soil mates. | Cyber-Garfield |
| To? Don't you mean after? | Cmdr. Solomon |
| Well, they smell so much alike | Mark |
| Wayne went to the dogs a long time ago. | Mark |
| I think they're the same breed. | Mark |
| I know. He even shares the remote with him! | Polish Bastard |
| And the flies have really taken to Wayne. | David D |
| I actually prefer the dog | David D |
| Someone should take a hose to them both | Kenyar Jad |
| So have Wayne's fleas. | Trekmaster |
| They both have fleas. | Lordy |
| He has him trained to switch channels for him. | Lordy |
| It fetches the remote control. | Boogieman |
| Of course, he can`t move either! | Riff |
| They're drawn to each other like flies to ... well ... them. | Riff |
| I suspect they're of the same litter. | The Crazy Zonie |
| It's the only one who can tolerate the mess. | The Crazy Zonie |
| It's the only companionship he'll ever have. | The Crazy Zonie |
| Yeah! Wayne doesn't have to wash his dishes. | Nan |
| So have the flies. | MindMelda |
| And they eat out of the same bowl! | Shlamko |
| He hasn't taken it out for a week! | G.B.A |
| Oh, he named the dog "Wayne"? | EnchanteR |
| Look at the good side, maybe it'll eat up the trash. | John Fassbender |
| Their fleas are even related. | Joeno |
| Which one was the dog again? | Quiddity |
| Yes. It's been licking the plates so he doesn't have to wash them. | Quiddity |
| Puppy love... | Shlamko |
| We should really find him a girl. | Cordavin Lon |
| He didn't even share a plate with his girlfriend! | Cordavin Lon |
| They even walk each other. | Jim McNamara |
| And the dog's really taken to Wayne's food! | Shlamko |
| Now he can shower without even getting up! | JC |
| They have so much in common! | |
Round 174 | Round 176 |
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