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Twist - Round 171

Here are the best punchlines of Round 171 of the Twist Cartoon Competition.

The winning punchline was written by Dial "M" for Maul. Read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all Toon Zone competitions!
Twist Competition

Mark Been there. Been there again.

Transwarp Warning! Toilet exhaust located here!

David D What goes up. . . . . must come down.

David D WARNING : Not to be used as a flotation device

David D 10,000 meals and no fatalities

David D Fate Airlines, do you feel lucky?

connie Pardon our exhaust.

Adm_Dougherty Pampers Extra Large. Use only in Emergency Situations.

Trekteen My black box is smarter than your black box.

Trekteen Baby on Board. And it's screaming bloody murder.

Gevskot Look up to see the ground (author's note: make message up-side-down)

Gevskot For Sale: 1975 model Boing 747, slightly damaged where co-pilot used to sit...

Gevskot Airline slogan: "We'll get you there, or die trying!"

buddy Help, I'm trapped in the cargo bay

Mats-Trek Best before 1959

Lordy We fly to get high..

Lordy No over taking - we have missiles.

Avenger CO We go where no other airlines go! (The side of a mountain.)

essayg Warning: Remove sticker before use.

spiffy Pilot wanted. Apply within.

Nan Who cares about capacity?

Adm_Dougherty Don't like my flying? neither do I.

Mark If you can read this, please return to your seat.

Mark Pigs can fly.

Blanchard (Sorry if this is rude!)

CortJstr Neat! A Barrel Roll! [written upside down]

Blanchard The worlds first automatic airplane. Nothing can go wrong...nothing can go wrong...nothing can go wrong...

British Airways: Breakfast in London, Lunch in New York! (Luggage in Bermuda)

Jazzier Fax Physics? We don't need no stinking physics!

Dial "M" for Maul If we crash, we'll just reboot!

Dial "M" for Maul Windows Airlines: Persistent crashing glitches will be fixed in the next version.

Dial "M" for Maul "Dinner" just got sucked inot the engine.

Dial "M" for Maul Sev Force One

Dial "M" for Maul Microsoft Airlines: We patented flight.

Dial "M" for Maul Microsoft Airlines: The smoking engine is just a feature.

Dial "M" for Maul Honk if we're trailing debris.

Griffin No Fat Planes.

Max Dumbo Rules!!

Joona Palaste We brake for blimps

sevaholic actualy, I do own the sky

Yorgi On these fumes, the closer you come the higher you get

meggy eel Held together with sticky tape

meggy eel

SOC Do not overtake turning vehicle

jdwiseman On a wing and a prayer. Actually a bunch of prayers.

jdwiseman Bomb on Board.

jdwiseman My other plane is a convertable.

jdwiseman We slow over nude beaches.

jdwiseman If this plane's a rockin'...we may be in big trouble.

Glorendil The pilot is on the other end

Yorgi This is not a sticker, it's a nappy!

connie Its a natural high!

connie Dont laugh, it almost paid for.

connie My other jets a broom!

connie We fly the unfriendly sky!


spiffy We're riding on thin air.

Trekteen Turbulence Airlines. Our pilots are hired on a basis of how funny their names sound over the intercomm.

Shlamko Plane there, flew that tailgaters get what they deserve here.

Kenyar Jad Crash landings! We love 'em!

Trilliena I brake for mountains.

Trilliena When I grow up I wanna be a space shuttle

max Passengers please note. ou are no longer inside the plane

spockman77 ARE WE THERE YET!

TW How am i flying? Call 1-800-Crashland

Ann E. Nichols Flying can be hazardous to your health.

Q If you can read this your close enough to be hit by waste ejections.

Q If you can read this enjoy my jet fumes!

Doggy Spew Look mommy, no wings !

TEFII My other plane's a stealth.

kevin bramuda triagle or bust.

Nobody 10 days without a crash

Bec Don't tailgate

KaraMeL If you can read this, say your prayers

Sophie Going Down.

Sophie I hate airline food.

R. Jak Eat my Turbulence

R. Jak I survived airline deregulation.

R. Jak Student Flyer

Dial "M" for Maul 20,000 screaming kids on board.

Dial "M" for Maul The bathroom is OCCUPIED

Dial "M" for Maul Our beverage carts don't have it.

G.B.A Out of Parachutes

G.B.A No Terrorists Allowed

Dial "M" for Maul What black box?

Dial "M" for Maul Biohazard: Airline food aboard!

Dial "M" for Maul These ain't no "Friendly Skies"!

Dial "M" for Maul "SevAir" gets you there!

MindMelda Black Box recordings available on request.

jshap999 Does this sticker make my butt look big?

Bobby Beware...nearsighted pilot at helm

Bobby I feel the need...the need for speed

Ikarus To UFO: Dial 555-9352 and ask for Agent Mouldy.

mouse - Jefferies tube 32 My other aircraft's apollo 13!

mouse - Jefferies tube 32 Does your rear resemble this? Then call weight watchers on 0000 000747!

graeme My other one is a concorde!

mouse - Jefferies tube 32 If you can read this you're flying too close!

sess-pity We only have parachutes for those in 1st class

sess-pity This plane has never crashed

Sophie Watch out for the effects of airline food.

Sophie If you can read this, I hope you have a parachute.

Shlamko 247 birds in engine, and going

Want to learn how to fly?? So would our poilets!!

Kris We brake for UFOs.

spiffy Look out below!!!

spiffy Around the World in 80 Days..or Less

JC We air brake for noone

JC My other aircraft is a shuttle.

Round 170 Round 172

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