| The Pits - Round 143
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 143 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. | connie | He'll probably put out mouse traps next!connie |
| The tv repairman is gonna love this one. | connie |
| Do you remember just what made us take him in as a room-mate? | Mosaic |
| Forget Y2K, here comes W2K! | traP |
| And to think.. he's reached his mental peak. | Mr. Tribble |
| This is all your fault! | olv |
| if there's one thing we don't need around here, it's another smell... | Colin |
| When do you wanna tell him it's not a real bug? | Reggie |
| Should we tell him? | Hobbes |
| Suddenly, that bug is the least of my worries. | Hobbbes |
| As if he didn't produce enough gas on his own... | Muffy |
| At least we know the cocroaches won't be celebrating New Years with us | Ben |
| Yeah, definitely dumber than last year. | Nintendo Guru |
| What an idiot. He should have gotten fly traps! | Anne |
| Perhaps it'll kill off some of the cockroaches... | Commander |
| Nothing but a tachical nuclear stike would get rid of all the bug in here. | Pointless Albatross |
| At least he now has a hobby | Pointless Albatross |
| You realise this is your fault | Jor (the Wizard of Sha-ka-ree) |
| I can't decide what's troubling me more... his lack of intelligence or that he TRIED to think | connie |
| If that stuff really kills pests, Wayne may leave us soon! | connie |
| If he turns those cans on us, he's gonna die! | connie |
| Next thing you know, he will dab a little behind his ears! | F.Mad |
| I think you should start from YOUR room | Tom Hyde |
| Has he been sniffing the Raid again? | Rik |
| Maybe you should leave it to the professionals Wayne... Call pest control! | Rik |
| Wayne, did you check that spray for compliance? | Rik |
| They say insecticide affects the brain... | Rich DiTullio |
| Missed comprehension by that much. | Y3D |
| I bet his brain has to be debugged also! | Maddog |
| At least it will kill the smell | Joona Palaste |
| I bet there is a bug in Wayne's brain. | Griffin |
| Go ahead. Breath deeply! | Mark |
| Never let a pest try to kill a bug. | Mark |
| You should have let sleeping Wayne lie. | Mark |
| Obviously, we have found one pest that is resistant to Y2K. | Mark |
| You know, for a moment there, I had hope for him... | Mark |
| I'm already sorry I brought this up. | Mark |
| If only Y2K were our only problem... | Mark |
| His filthiness is outmatched by his cluelessness. | Mark |
| Suddenly, I have much more respect for computers. | Mark |
| Hmmm, maybe we should tell him that Y2K is made worse by having a lot of garbage lying around. | Mark |
| Sadly, Y2K will not affect him. | Mark |
| His software has more serious problems than Y2K. | derek |
| IF he sprayed some under his arms..we could breath easier | Muffy |
| At least he'll take care of some of the pests we already have | Mark |
| We should have told him this years ago. | Mark |
| So much good intention. So little clue. | Mark |
| Y2K is minor compared to him. | Ianna |
| I envy his little world. | Brian |
| We may not be alive to be affected by it! | Brian |
| His BRAIN isn't Y2K compliant! | Brian |
| At least he'll debug the apartment! | Brian |
| If only he'd get that way with deoderant! | Artimus |
| It's time to get a new roommate. | aRTIMUS |
| How much of the rent does he pay again? | Mark |
| Y2K is already causing strange behavior. | Mark |
| Landbabe is not going to believe this. | Mark |
| I miss the days when Burgergirl was our only problem. | Mark |
| You HAD to get him to care. | Mark |
| Computer illiteracy is an ugly site. | Mark |
| I won't tell him if you won't. | Chimerasame |
| Well, it's better than his usual stench. | Namgubed the Merry Elf |
| Ignorance is not exactly bliss. | U§§ ferryboat (~¿~) |
| I'd call a psychiatrist but we spent all the money on the TV | U§§ ferryboat (~¿~) |
| do you think whatever he has is contagious? | U§§ ferryboat (~¿~) |
| well, we know he hasn't been watching the education channel | JDSandara |
| Spray yourself, the bug's gotten into your brain. | JDSandara |
| Not as if this place could smell any worse. | jshap999 |
| Herm, you've created a monster. | jshap999 |
| There goes his last brain cell. | chucky |
| should you tell him or should i? | RAdm Mata |
| He calls it "Preemptive spraying" | |
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