| Twist - Round 134
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 134 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. | Anne
| After the Behind The Scenes tour, Jimmy never ate Fairy Floss again. | Anne
| Entry-level jobs for fairies | 1LT Harrison
| And he wondered why it rotted his teeth. | connie
| Over flossed and under paid! | Izzy
| It may have been in-efficent, but those Faries sure had clean teeth! | FD
| Why fairy floss causes tooth decay. | FD
| And cotton candy is made with recycled T-shirts. | FD
| Dentists and concession stands. Not a good mix. | FD
| And another urban legend begins. | FD
| When truth in advertising goes too far | connie
| When freshness counts. | chris
| Of course, even the Tooth Fairys needed help with oral hygiene! | Mark
| Tinkerbell's first job. | Mark
| Unfortunately, human flossing does not turn out as well. | Mark
| Recommended by the United Dentists Association. | Eslington
| Little timmy smiled at the faries, unaware of the hideous price he was about to pay... | Detta
| Little Billy didn't realize the meaning behind "All-Natural" Fairy Floss. | Joe, Lord of the home P.C.
| Little did Billy know, Even the tooth fairies diden't keep good dental hygene. | lizzyc
| No one knew they were getting the real thing | Mark
| Tastes great! Less filling! Environment friendly! | Mark
| Why the production process is usually done indoors, and out of sight. | Mark
| When recycling goes too far... | Gemini
| Ever since people started using toothpaste, fairies have found a new line of work. | Pointless Albatross
| The guys in health and safety are gonna LOVE this | meggy eel
| 'Spun sugar' my blue eye! | gurglesplat
| Ever wondered why they collect teeth? | mgeoffrey
| Fairy Floss Sweeat Shop | jshap999
| The occasional clap was all that Peter needed to keep his workers happy. | Shlamko
| So there's a reasson why it always sticks to your teeth! | Joona Palaste
| At least this isn't a marketing scam. | joanna baker
| nature's purest food | connie
| All natural, home grown fairy floss! | 8 of 12
| The reason you never see it in production. | JC
| Where fairy floss really comes from. | |
Round 133 | Round 135 |
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