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Twist - Round 127

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 127 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition.

This week's winning punchline was written by Mosaic. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions!

Twist Competition

Unka Woofie The wrong way to order womb service.

Maddog Tyson starts his two careers of boxing and female abuse

Gemini Sev finally finds the reason why pregnant women always need to pee

Phil "RealmMan" Capps "The ultrasound results are back, Mrs. Balboa..."

Brett Wendy finally realized why the x-rays showed a bruised kidney

Cordavin Lon "Frequent visits to the bathroom during pregnancy linked to Tysonitis in toddlers."

Deej One more good smack then hang on for the ride!

Cuddles Go ahead. Ground me. See if I care.

Cuddles The final word in juvenile delinquency.

Kerryn Finger I'm HERE won't anyone answer me?

_BHG_CRADOSSK Preperation for their older brother

Quip George Foreman-- the early years!

Quip Junior later wondered about his frequent spankings.

Quip Actually, champions are made, and THEN born.

Quip The roots of domestic violence precede original estimates.

connie This is what happens when babies are tired of the same old scenery!

connie How babies let you know that nap time is over!

Tom Hyde Most babies kick, but little Mikey Tyson punches.

connie Quick.........drum roll please!

Maria Spano This is for the cramped accommodation!

Mike Star Wars 1/2: The Fetal Menace

Rik Junior would soon find out what the penalty was for punching below the girdle.

littlestar ...and I'm going to continue until she stops listening to that AWFUL relaxation music!

Brett Wendy wondered why she had to go to the washroom so often

Czarna How babies call for roomservice.

Muffy How Pro Wrestlers get their start

Muffy I'm gonna be the buffest baby ever!

Muffy As soon as I'm born, I'm joining the wrestling team!

Mosaic After nine months of hard training, the day finally came.

Namgubed the Merry Elf Body blow! Body blow! Body blow!

Mark George Foreman, the prenatal years.

Brian Honey, I think the baby just kickboxed!

Brian I'll fix that doctor if he tries to slap ME!

Brian Proof that violence on TV effects young children.

Brian Rocky VI : The Prequel

Round 126 Round 128

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