| The Pits - Round 119
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 119 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. | connie | I thought real men didnt show emotions.Quip |
| I wasn't expecting a Spanish Inquisition! | Ilta |
| Oops. | Ilta |
| I did. She didn't understand it in equation form. | Quip |
| It just seemed so unscientific! | Quip |
| NOW you tell me how I feel! | Quip |
| Human emotions are so illogical! | Quip |
| I wanted to tell her in my own way-- by e-mail! | Quip |
| Are YOU gonna break up with me too? | Quip |
| I'm just no good at oral tests! | Quip |
| I was about to, but then I remembered who I was! | Quip |
| It's so different from cyberspace! | Quip |
| I didn't want to scare her off! | Quip |
| She didn't cross-examine like you did! | Quip |
| It did not compute! | Sam Peirce |
| She couldn't decipher my blubbering! | FD |
| My mouth locked up in mid-sentence. | connie |
| I couldn't get a word in edge wise. | Brian |
| I did send her an email! | PotatoKnight |
| I can't communicate without E-mail | Chop |
| Neural congestion! | Mike McCormick |
| Whoa, Deja Vu | Namgubed the Merry Elf |
| Deer-in-headlights syndrome. | Matthew D. Wilson |
| Maybe I should write this on my tie. | Matthew D. Wilson |
| She didn't ask yes-or-no questions! | Matthew D. Wilson |
| It's a lot easier when all I have to say is 'yes'! | Matthew D. Wilson |
| I guess she didn't ask the right questions... | TJewell |
| Guy genes. I thought they were recessive! | Matthew |
| I knew I forgot something... | Erin |
| I always thought she liked the weak, silent type. | derek |
| My tongue got in the way of my stuttering! | connie |
| The wimp inside me took over. | connie |
| The smoke coming out of her ears scared me. | connie |
| I didnt think of writing cheat notes! | 1999 & Counting |
| I always let the woman go first! | connie |
| I wouldn't be talking to you if i knew! | JC |
| I forgot to take my cue cards. | |
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