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The Pits - Round 115

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 115 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition.

This week's winning punchline was written by teaspoon. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all three competitions!

Okay. Blink your eyes once for yes and twice for no.

Bill Castner
Enough about you, let's talk about me!

Namgubed the Merry Elf
These are not trick questions.

Half of a sentence will do!

major D
Should I bring you to a speech therapist or a psychotherapist

Heres a pen and paper, I'll be right back.

You passed the test. You're nothing like dad.

Oh, and NO EQUATIONS this time!

First day with the new tongue?

An answer this year would be appreciated.

Welcome to the doghouse.

I see I'm your first girlfriend!

Need help getting that frog out?

I'll get back to you when you learn to talk

Tim M.
Try using MULTIPLE sylables.

Tim M.
Don't make me have to hurt you

Ah... the smell of fear.

Move Mouth....Make...Words

Diana van der Pluijm
Computers come with dictionaries nowadays.

Kane Slasher
Speak, or be silenced forever!

Talk or walk, buddy.

Need a hand removing that foot?

I hope you know a good florist!

Do you need a translator?

I know you're in there!

I would like a full sentance please!

I'll accept sign language.

Don Rae
Well...thanks for trying.

Don Rae
I think I get the point.

Don Rae
You'd better have!

Don Rae
Do I need to tell you what to say?

Don Rae
It might help if you moved your lips a little.

Don Rae
That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

Don Rae
I think I get the picture.

Don Rae
Move your lips, and you'll talk faster.

Don Rae
Earth to Herman. Come in Herman.

Don Rae
Ok, but try English this time...

Don Rae
Sorry, I don't speak Monosyllable.

Don Rae
You men never want to get a word in edgewise!

Don Rae
Tact got your tongue?

Would a thesaurus help?

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