| The Pits - Round 115
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 115 of the Write Your Own Pits Competition. | connie | Okay. Blink your eyes once for yes and twice for no.Bill Castner |
| Enough about you, let's talk about me! | Namgubed the Merry Elf |
| These are not trick questions. | connie |
| Half of a sentence will do! | major D |
| Should I bring you to a speech therapist or a psychotherapist | tunk |
| Heres a pen and paper, I'll be right back. | PotatoKnight |
| You passed the test. You're nothing like dad. | Ilta |
| Oh, and NO EQUATIONS this time! | Riff |
| First day with the new tongue? | Blanchard |
| An answer this year would be appreciated. | Brian |
| Welcome to the doghouse. | Brian |
| I see I'm your first girlfriend! | Jeremy |
| Need help getting that frog out? | somebodyelse |
| I'll get back to you when you learn to talk | Tim M. |
| Try using MULTIPLE sylables. | Tim M. |
| Don't make me have to hurt you | teaspoon |
| Ah... the smell of fear. | teaspoon |
| Move Mouth....Make...Words | Diana van der Pluijm |
| Computers come with dictionaries nowadays. | Kane Slasher |
| Speak, or be silenced forever! | Riff |
| Talk or walk, buddy. | Riff |
| Need a hand removing that foot? | Brian |
| I hope you know a good florist! | connie |
| Do you need a translator? | Brian |
| I know you're in there! | connie |
| I would like a full sentance please! | Brian |
| I'll accept sign language. | Don Rae |
| Well...thanks for trying. | Don Rae |
| I think I get the point. | Don Rae |
| You'd better have! | Don Rae |
| Do I need to tell you what to say? | Don Rae |
| It might help if you moved your lips a little. | Don Rae |
| That pretty much says it all, doesn't it? | Don Rae |
| I think I get the picture. | Don Rae |
| Move your lips, and you'll talk faster. | Don Rae |
| Earth to Herman. Come in Herman. | Don Rae |
| Ok, but try English this time... | Don Rae |
| Sorry, I don't speak Monosyllable. | Don Rae |
| You men never want to get a word in edgewise! | Don Rae |
| Tact got your tongue? | JC |
| Would a thesaurus help? | |
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