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Twist - Round 114

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 114 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. This week's winning punchline was written by The Night Phantom. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions!

Twist Competition

The Night Phantom Mad Mat: Beyond Undersole

The Night Phantom Tales of local hospitality had been greatly exaggerated.

The Night Phantom Moats, suburbia style

connie After a night on the town with the boys, John felt tension as he neared his house.

Gentilly Jr. The new, reversable doormats.

Gentilly Jr. Frank suddenly remembered his anniversary.

ebdug At the FBI's Witness Protection Program.

ebdug It finally dawned on Maurice that maybe he shouldn't bother his friends on their wedding night.

ebdug The Finley's loved their new computer operated doormat because they could tailor it to any visitor.

ebdug Even with the relaxed dress code, the Jehova's Witness couldn't get a break.

Angu§ McLaren Bad mattitude!

connie This should keep away those unwanted cookie sellers!

connie A simple reminder, dont forget Mothers Day! Trouble in the Clinton White House

BC The first defence of a criminal hide-out.

Andra Mat rage!

Kane Slasher Still, he wiped his feet on it.

Ronnie Neil thought he'd just pop back home to find out why his lunch was wrapped in an interstate road map.

The Night Phantom Security was indeed tight on the "Phantom Menace" set.

The Night Phantom Frank wasn't sure this would keep the in-laws from coming, but he figured it was worth a shot.

redshirt ensign noname After years of door to door salesmen, harold finally got up and did something.

flametop What happens when doormats get their self esteem back.

The Night Phantom Another burglary averted

The Night Phantom Matt was tired of being trampled on.

Tiberius Dang - another defective mat.

freilicher Burger Girl rebuffs Herman's efforts

Ilta John never seemed to pick up on his ex-girlfriend's subtle hints.

Chop Also available: No tradesmen, hawkers or peddlars.

Jor The new line in welcome mats was not so succesfull.

mneish for the door to door salesman who doesn't get the hint

Christopher Modern "Dear John" letter

Tiberius Tom had troden in dog poo one too many times for the doormat

flametop Bob discovers why everyone is mad at him...

flametop When welcome mats go bad...

Trubble Emotional Mats

Blanchard The new "Anti ex boyfriend doormat" available from all good security stores.

Kane Slasher So he walked through the door into the labyrinth and was never heard of again.

Kai Leigh Fred finally realised he wasn't welcome

Brian If welcome mats told the truth.

connie For those parents whos kids only come around to ask for money!

jdwiseman Jon thought the irony staggering as he stopped to ask for directions.

connie Unwanted salesmen mat.

jdwiseman Hmmm. The 911 call had been made from this residence but what was he to do?

connie So you forgot to call ahead!

connie John was thirty minutes late for his date!

jdwiseman Jimmy was sure this was a cry for attention.

jdwiseman It wasn't the first sign that she no longer loved him, but it was the most blunt.

Rink Raptor Subliminal messages

evay The Smiths finally hit upon a way to discourage traveling salemen.

JC Unwelcome mats.

Round 113 Round 115

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