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Twist - Round 113

Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 113 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition. This week's winning punchline was written by risk one. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all four competitions!

Twist Competition

S. It's been 3.5 years and still no sign of the winner

1999 & Counting And Docey Doh to your partner, wiggle those tails..........

MO-ZILLA The 90th annual snail demolition derby has been underway for about 3 hours now...

connie Who will break out of the shell first?

risk one Snails playing Chicken

evay NASCARGOT racing

Jay Berryhill Slime Dancing.....

Jay Berryhill When hand and arm signals would really come in "handy"

jdwiseman "...I remember it all as if it were in slow motion."

jdwiseman Traffic report: "Looks like we're going to need a lot of salt to clean up this one.

Gentilly Jr. The police investigating the ensuing accident were hampered by the lack of skid marks.

ebdug "Let snail it this time, guys."

ebdug "Tighten up your gap Harry. Harry tighten up ... HARRY!"

Wm Tinto California becomes first state to enforce slime emissions testing.

Old Skul It seemed like time slowed down before the accident occured.

Ronnie Advanced Sliding Course

Danielle Taking a Mexican Standoff to new depths...

Alicat The four snail pileup was unavoidable

redshirt ensign noname little did they know one of their compediters from the 1st heat had sprinkled salt on the track.

redshirt ensign noname the lamest destruction derby ever

Rink Raptor Driving school - where bad snails go

Chris Not soon afterwards, all shell broke loose.

Ilta After, Steve was thankful his helmet had protected him in the high speed collision.

Ilta Extreme sports just aren't the same when you can only slither at .01 kph.

Mike McCormick Seconds later, the contest was made moot by the front tire of a '83 Renault.

Wm Tinto Once traffic congestion was solved, winter time road salt was the snails' greatest concern.

Wade S. Escargot '99 Demolition Derby

Quip A safety-approved demolition derby.

evay The first annual Snail Square Dance was not without its setbacks.

Chop Bob's life flashed before him. Thirty times!

Chop Bob lamented the lack of a tight turning circle!

Chop Mollusc Gladiators: Snailspheres!

AndieX First to the middle wins!

Bruce The audience were on the edge of their shells

Bruce It takes split hour timing

Jor The slowest traffic accident in history

JC Precision snails.

Round 112 Round 114

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