| Twist - Round 105
Here are the best punchlines submitted in Round 104 of the Write Your Own Twist Competition.
This week's winning punchline was written by 009. You can read the transcript of the IRC session where we decided the winner of all three competitions! | Quip
| The story Mother Goose never told you.... | Quip
| Cowabunzel! | RobRoy
| I should have listened. Mother told me he was immature. | littlestar
| Prat Two-in-one Shampoo and Conditioner - for that extra body and bounce! | tunk
| Unfortunately for Mike, Sally had extensions. | Tribbles
| Rapunzel felt her neck muscles growing stronger every day. | Alicat
| Slowly, the date went from bad to worse | Alicat
| With each visit from the Prince, Rapunzel's split ends grew worse | Don Rae
| Rapunzel yearned to finally cut him loose. | Don Rae
| So Rapunzel sued the Prince for whiplash, and lived happily ever after. | Don Rae
| Fairy Tales Extreme! | Colin
| The Prince didn't believe Rapunzel's new shampoo gave her hair bounce. | Brian M
| Rapunzel discovers that princes aren't all they're hyped up to be. | Ilta
| Rapunzel made some money on the side as a bungee cord. | Quip
| Rapunzel's little-known sister, Cowabunzel. | Brian
| So, Rapunzel decided to wear her hair short and wait for a prince who would buy a ladder. | Brian
| During his climb, the prince had inhaled too much of Rapunzel's hairspray. | JC
| Rapunzel finally realised the Prince was only interested in her for the bungee jumping. | |
Round 104 | Round 106 |
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