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. Sev Trek Christmas Cards Comments

"The gift tags are great! I laughed out loud when I saw them. "Make it glow!" :) I can't even find a nitpick! There are tons of little jokes you can't see on the computer pictures of them. I love Schidzo's list :) I just wish you had put a saying on the inside. Maybe "Have a Sevvy Holiday Season!" or something."

Sevnote: There are two reasons why I didn't put any messages inside the cards. Firstly, because I couldn't think of anything interesting to say. Secondly, for people who wanted to send the cards to non-English speaking countries.

Mandy (Australia)
"I just have to say that I got my christmas cards and gift tags today, (the advantage of being an Aussie.) They are awesome. They are too good to use! If I ever get around to framing my poster, I'm going to frame a set of the cards and gift tags. They are just Fab! All the little bits that you can't read on the online version are really funny. Buy them! BUY THEM NOW!!!! "

Rob Cowell (United Kingdom)
"I'm a little disappointed about this. Not because they are bad or anything, but because I should have ordered more at the same time :-) They are great fun and the caricature of Dux receiving the "slug" as a present from Jazzsinger was just perfect. I don't think anyone would have expected this sort of hand-over :-) Only you would think of giving dart boards to O'Blimey and Bashful, and I found Odour! (Oops, He's in the poster, not the Christmas Card - Oh well, there goes my prize). Only one question, where's Jake, and why isn't he on Schizo's List? :-)

The X-Generation card is hilarious. I wish I'd thought of a dead rat for Measly (I take it that's what it is?). The Jurassic Trek card is just as good as the T-shirt (better in fact since there are more colours (and more than four lights!) But I thought Squatty beamed all the Tribbles over to the Klingoff ship? :-) The only thing wrong with this card is Quirk hasn't ripped his outfit - but then Christmas is the time of Miracles... (nitpickers note: where's Randy and Ensign Redshirts' SevBadge?).

And now we come to Forager : The Christmas card. What can we say? It has all the right elements. The hairstyle, Chin's best wish wrapped up, Sesspit getting what she deserved, and let's not forget poor old (or young as the case may be) Cuss - discarded at the bottom of the pile. The only thing missing is ....? Well, I can't think of anything, can you? :-)

Lastly, the Gift tags. These are just the same as the cards, great fun, encapsulating the best essence of The SevTrek Experience! Spook makes a great Elf (although I'm sure he'd say that was "illogical"). If Squatty is losing any more containment, he'll not be able to get *out* of the chimney, much less in it :-) Mourn is the obvious choice for a carol singer, especially after his Karaoke in Quacks place (in the poster). Gainweight is an ideal choice for a tag, as is the collection of all the captains. But by far and away my best laugh was seeing Pick-Hard driving the X.M.A.S 1701D. That is the best punchline - you ought to put that one as the SevComp scene for the Christmas weekend strip. Let's make the Christmas strip not a competition, but a full size version (with a background) and those immortal words: "Make it glow". This has to be one of the best Sev Art shopping spree's I've done. Thank you!"

Sevnote: To answer your questions, I guess I didn't draw Joke Schidzo because I couldn't fit everyone in the card so I went with the main characters (but you're right, I should've put him on the list). Measly's Christmas present is a Carsalesman Vole. You're also right - I should've ripped Quirk's outfit. And to all other Sevilians, Rob made up a full size version of the "Make it Glow" tag himself - you can view a preview of the cartoon here.

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