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Sev Wide Web Articles

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Here are scanned copies of articles about the Sev Wide Web. Well, the ones that I could get hold of, anyway. If you see an article (particularly if you're not in Australia), I'd be deeply appreciative if you could either email me a scan or post me a copy to:

Sevloid Art
PO Box 268
Nundah QLD 4012

The Australian 14 Nov 1998. Full size article is 194K.
The Australian 17/11/98

This article was published in The Australian newspaper on November 17, 1998. It reviews the Toon Zone. For some reason, they seem to consider me an "accomplished cartoonist" (hey, I'm not gonna tell them otherwise, so you keep quiet too). You can read a larger scanned version of the article but note that it's a big 194K file.

Sydney Morning Herald 14 Nov 1998. Full size article is 195K.
Sydney Morning Herald 14/11/98

This article was published in the Icon section on November 14, 1998. It is primarily about the Sev Trek Cartoon. The picture they used is taken from the Sev Trek Poster. Apologies to my Sydney readers - I wanted to let you know in advance when the article was coming out but I didn't find out the article was printed until a week after! You can read a larger scanned version of the article but note that it's a big 195K file.

Tele 30 July 1998. Full size article is 195K.
Tele 30/7/98

This article was published in the Swiss magazine Tele on 30 July, 1998. It is a review of the Sev Files Cartoon. A translation of the article reads "The Sev Files are quite a special tasty morsel for all fans of The X-Files. The agents Scurvy and Mouldy investigate in a Sev file the resurrection of Jesus - and that in a form of a comic". You can read a larger scanned version of the article but note that it's a big 47K file. Thanks to Marcel Walser for scanning and emailing me the article.

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