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My April Fool joke!

On April 1, I posted a message on my web site saying the Sev Trek web site had been closed down by Paramount lawyers. I got a great deal of satisfaction out of deceiving at least a few of you with my little joke, so in a very self-indulgent bout of gloating, I want to post some of the emails I received.

Pete "PeteMan" Kennaday
You dog!! You really had me going for a minute with your April Fools bit. And I had just finished talking with a co-worker about April Fools jokes! What got me concerned was that Paramount might actually DO something like that!

Francis Miranda
JC, you clever crook! You almost scared my pants off! That crazy post in the Sev Trek competition nearly spooked me! I almost fell out of my chair. But who cares it was rather funny though.

Andrew Connolly
John, YOU ARE EVIL!!!!! When I saw the message saying you had been shut down I almost died!!!!!

Geez! Talk about giving someone a heart attack! But it was funny :)

Jeffrey Contompasis
You are pure evil. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the "Paramount Shutdown" message. This is, of course, just after I asked myself if April Fools day has the same significance in Australia as it does in the US. I know in France and Canada it's April Fish (Poisson D'Avril) day. Not quite the same.
You still managed to get me.

Jordi Kroon
Sheesh man you scared me today! I saw that awfull ‘Paramount takes over the 'Net’ message and I nearly choked! Don't DO that! *lol*
You still managed to get me.

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