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All Sci-Fi Punchlines

Here are all punchlines submitted in the Sci-Fi Cartoon Competition. Also check out the Sci-Fi Punchlines of the Day and Funniest Sci-Fi Punchlines. Sevnote - the average rating for this week's comp is 2.53. To improve your punchlines' ratings, avoid rehashing previous punchlines.


Rating Punchline

The Grey Wizzard 4.5 Because "One Ring to rule them all..." makes a stupid inscription for a crown!

Bud-Clare 4.5 If I had a ring for every time someone asked me that, I'd have... one. So, there you are.

Jack Hammerfist 4.0 Keep it simple, stupid!

Brad 4.0 It's more practical than a sword in a stone.

scoobydumb 4.0 Well, it was originally a rod, but I was down at this bar with an elf and we had a couple pints and you know, nevermind.....

Jack Hammerfist 4.0 You just don't understand politics!

Nodrog_CRC 4.0 Dogbert's rule to success: Decentralize everything that's consolidated, and consolidate everything decenteralized.

Jack Hammerfist 4.0 To symbolize the monolithic heirarchical nature of early 20th century Machiavellian world-leader stereotypes-- DUH!

Jack Hammerfist 4.0 To have the world wrapped around my finger!

Glorendil 4.0 What did you expect? A six-pack?

Jack Hammerfist 4.0 To rule them all, find them, bring them and bind them!

Nazgul 4.0 I got tired of carrying it around in a briefcase!

Nice Master 4.0 Heck, can you imagine how long the book would be if there were more rings?!

origin 3.8 Easier to keep an eye on it

3.8 Because "19 rings to rule them all" just doesnt sound right

N-crypter 3.8 Didn't you hear the narrator?!

Nazgul 3.8 I saw a sign that said, "One ring to fit them all..."

Ronald 3.8 What's wrong with being married to your job?

MindMelda 3.7 A tiara made me look silly.

Dial M for Maul 3.7 Because "The Belt Buckle of Power" is just ridiculous.

jonpepsi 3.7 Can't make a movie on a ring with great powers if there isn't any powers in the ring

Jack Hammerfist 3.7 To decode secret messages!

mithril 3.7 It's my new hi-tech gadget. This tiny ring can hold up to 64mb of power, and thats BEFORE compression!

The Grey Wizzard 3.7 If I used a briefcase, I'd be the "Lord of Pulp Fiction"

DataDroid 3.7 Oh, I just figured I needed one of those weak spots like all villians

Dial M for Maul 3.7 Evil energy fields clash with the black cape.

Gollum The Great 3.7 I was going to put in my sword, but realized that would be a terrible cliche.

mithril 3.7 To show off my great craftsmanship in the same footage repeated numerous times!

Ronald 3.5 When you're THIS cool, you only need ONE accessory!

Ooooh, my head! 3.5 It's my new 'power-sharing' scheme. It makes everyone share their powers with *me!*

jugglegirl 3.5 It goes with my eyes.

Mark 3.5 Its a D&D thing.

Mark 3.5 That's how the kit worked.

Nice Master 3.5 I'll tell you if you can put your question into verse.

origin 3.5 So I'd only have to chase ONE hobnobbit around Muddle-Earth

Nazgul 3.5 It's an evil overlord thing. You wouldn't understand.

Kane Slasher 3.5 My mom wouldn't let me get an earring so ...

Jack Hammerfist 3.5 A good manager always delegates!

Jack Hammerfist 3.5 Good question-- politicians do just fine without one!

origin 3.5 Well you've obviously never had more power than you knew what to do with!

Ronald 3.5 It was either one ring and three books or three rings and one book, and think how embarrassing it would have been to get beaten THAT fast

Bud-Clare 3.5 I can't let those silly elves have all the good accessories, can I?

Ronald 3.5 The world gave me the finger, so I gave it a ring!

Nodrog_CRC 3.5 After paying for repairs to this dump, one ring was all I could afford.

lauren 3.5 Duh! Because it fits on my finger!

chewbaccore 3.5 Mind tricks and mystical religions are cliche

Ronald 3.5 I didn't! It's one ring to FOOL them all!

Nodrog_CRC 3.5 I was planning to use five rings, but the Olympic committee threatened to sue.

Ronald 3.5 If I get shrunk down, it doubles as a belt! When you're a fairy tale villain you've got to think of things like that!

Paul 3.5 If it's 1 thing I've learned, is to never over-accessories.

Nodrog_CRC 3.5 My IT people recommended a Ring network architecture.

The Grey Wizzard 3.3 Only one ring? Note to self: next time don't drink so much!

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 I should risk some punk Elf OUT-BIDDING me?

MindMelda 3.3 I tried a triangle, but it kept coming off my finger.

Dial M for Maul 3.3 If I had a satisfactory answer, I wouldn't be evil.

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 You just can't skimp with EVIL!

Dial M for Maul 3.3 I'm into piercings in a big way

MindMelda 3.3 When you dress like this, your acessories have to make a bold statement.

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 I hold the PATENT on all the others! HA!

Know 1 can hear you dream 3.3 Because here in fantasyland, plotholes comes as solid materia!

Salahid 3.3 I got the idea while attending megalomaniac school.

Mark 3.3 How else would it fit on my finger!

Slugger S. 3.3 Sh-h-h...It's a SECRET!

mithril 3.3 Do the words 'pocket size' answer your question?

Dial M for Maul 3.3 I don't want to look stupid asking Galadriel on a date

Tez 3.3 Ever tried conquering the world with a stick?

Mark 3.3 Because it goes so well with my outfit!

A. Lunde 3.3 Do you have any idea of how long it took to make the inscription!?

Know 1 can hear you dream 3.3 Sigh! Give me a hand and drop that subject!

The Grey Wizzard 3.3 It sounds better than "One Mind to rule them all..."

Rel 3.3 Because Eggroll had dibs on the tiara...

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 Bill Gates had Windows, I have rings!

rabbit 3.3 So I can wield it by raising the one finger!

Dial M for Maul 3.3 Nothing is too good for my Precious!

Ronald 3.3 Well, I read this really cool trilogy in high school...

Ledrfotr 3.3 The only way to destroy it is to throw it into lava... who would do that?

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 Read the inscription, dummy!

Farnell 3.3 Not just any ring. An ONION ring!

mithril 3.3 Well I'd tried my hand at some other crafts, mainly knitting and crosstitch, but metalwork really seemed to click, yknow?

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 Achilles copyrighted the heel!

mithril 3.3 I accidentally clicked 'Save to Ring' instead of 'Run from current location'.

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 The "egg-basket" saying hasn't been invented yet!

Jack Hammerfist 3.3 You'd prefer stocks and bonds?

The Grey Wizzard 3.3 The only way to defeat me would be by cutting off my finger. As if that would ever happen...

Kane Slasher 3.3 Lets see, detachable, easy loseable, hard to find, yip, we have a story !

DoggySpew 3.3 With great power comes a small budget.

Elvendaughter 3.3 Evil Overlord 101: Always have one silly-sounding weakness.

Nazgul 3.3 Tiffany's was having a sale!

Ronald 3.3 It's the ultimate organized crime ring!

Taurie 3.3 try and figure out the Nazguls wearing necklaces!

Nice Master 3.3 If there were more than one, they'd get jealous.

§Sean§ 3.3 Safe keeping. I mean, how likely is it to fall off my finger?

Elvendaughter 3.3 I'd look silly wearing a necklace!

Strider 3.0 Everybody has one! Why can´t I?

Gollum The Great 3.0 I have nothing better to do.

Leander 3.0 Because I have an appointment with Death and I don't wan't to be late.

Ronald 3.0 The other nine came with the outfit!

Ronald 3.0 How else would you rule a crackerjack kingdom like this one?

Griffin 3.0 To keep it in circulation.

Lobster 3.0 I don´t! The Hobbits shall only *think* this until my great comeback...

daisy hornblower 3.0 It looks wonderful with this suit.

Ben Henry 3.0 I tried a bracelet, but people kept giving me funny looks

Ann E Nichols 3.0 Controls the other rings, lures foes within my reach, looks cool...where's the down side?

EnchanteR 3.0 It kept getting stuck between my teeth.

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Well, I AM a politician!

The Grey Wizzard 3.0 The real power is the power of Merchandising!

Ronald 3.0 Hey, it's a British ring, in U.S. dollars it's worth two or more!

Angela Ehrlich 3.0 So it's easier to keep track of.

Joona Palaste 3.0 I tried putting it in a pebble but it didn't fit.

Ooooh, my head! 3.0 DUH! Because I can't carry it around in a castle!

Ooooh, my head! 3.0 It's a back-up. Now, go kill something!

Kane Slasher 3.0 The power of the one, outway the power of the many.

Mark 3.0 Its a hierarchical power structure thing.

TOFFEE 3.0 I have a soft spot for the gold standard.

Nodrog_CRC 3.0 Because if I put it in the form of a glowing energy sword, NOBODY would be able to tell this apart from Star Wars.

Nodrog_CRC 3.0 The fashion designers are recommending rings to all the evil warlords this season.

Glorendil 3.0 I had to put it somewhere - I've been using too much power, and I canne take much more of this!

Steven Binion 3.0 Because it will make me invincable.

klaxx 3.0 Now that you mention it, one ring does seem a little stupid *sigh* "I'am screwed"

Slugger S. 3.0 I WASN"T suppose to?!?! Go find me that Eggroll fella...

Slugger S. 3.0 Oh quite your worrin'...It's not like Isuldur or any Hobnobbit is gonna get it...

Mammakins 3.0 I got a great discount at the Ring-N-Power shop!

Gregory Griffiths 3.0 Oh come on! What's the worst that could happen to it?

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 It rules men, elves and dwarves-- who could steal it?

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Relax, ENRON approved it!

Leander 3.0 It was either this or the Achilles' heel.

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Yeah, Aule warned me about diversifying!

MadScientist 3.0 Who needs backup anyway?

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 The Golden Rule-- whoever has the gold, makes the rules!

Griffin 3.0 I would have made three but I spent a heck of a lot of money on this swish set of armour.

origin 3.0 Well it wouldn't work if everyone had a One Ring

Griffin 3.0 I hired a designer to funnel my power. I took the cheapest bid.

origin 3.0 Well, it wouldn't all fit in this belt buckle

origin 3.0 Call me selfish, but I just don't like to share.

Nazgul 3.0 It's harder to lose this way!

origin 3.0 I have a one-ring mind.

Glorendil 3.0 I forgot where I put it last time, and it took me an age to find it.

Mark 3.0 After marketing came up with the slogan, I really had no choice.

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 It beats WORKING for a living!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 I'm not real big on SHARING!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Easier to keep an EYE on!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 I really put myself into my work!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Greed is good!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 It's an ANTI-TRUST ring!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Consider it an INVESTMENT!

Obijuan 3.0 So i can get a discount on insurance!

b 3.0 Because my bed socks were too easy to destroy.

b 3.0 Because it's sooo much cooler that way.

origin 3.0 The goldsmith was charging time and materials...

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 To rule them all, remember?

mithril 3.0 I've created my own weakness, cool huh? No wait....

Kane Slasher 3.0 And I didn't even get a box to put it in !

Bud-Clare 3.0 None of my enemies would expect me to be so foolish, so they'll be unprepared for it.

Dial M for Maul 3.0 I have to control the other rings somehow.

Dial M for Maul 3.0 A ring is the mark of the Nazgul Gang.

Dial M for Maul 3.0 I'm big on symbols

Dial M for Maul 3.0 For once, I want a gold ring to give power rather than take it!

Dial M for Maul 3.0 It's my birthday present

mithril 3.0 Yeah so I created my own weakness....what do you think I am, an evil mastermind? Oh wait.

Ronald 3.0 I was a HUGE Green Lantern fan as a kid!

wisefool 3.0 So one Tolkien, er, token sums up my legend.

dutchrheeren 3.0 A ring was big enough to hold all my power, so why would I make something bigger?

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 You know how many WATTS this baby sucks up?

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Look what happened when MORGOTH skimped!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 We supervillians never do anything HALF-WAY!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 You can't rule them all with KINDNESS!

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 The energy-saving feature cost EXTRA!

flametop 3.0 I...wh....It's Pretty, OK?

Farnell 3.0 My parents never let me wear jewelry.

The Grey Wizzard 3.0 Do you know what "decoy" means?

hola% 3.0 Should I put it in a intimate piercing?!

Farnell 3.0 It was that or a giant planet-destroying star.

Mark 3.0 Come here. Let me show you why.

Jack Hammerfist 3.0 Relax, this investment is SOLID GOLD!

Ronald 2.8 Well, they gave me this Darth Vader ripoff outfit, we had to throw the purists a bone!

Ronald 2.8 ~You'll be...wrapped a-round my...fin-ger!~You'll be...~

Saru_da_man 2.8 It's portable... it's quick, and it makes me look good!

Kane Slasher 2.8 The blacksmith worked with inches, not meters !

Griffin 2.8 The other one went to Gladwrapial in the devorce.

assassin, with a nod and a wink to jc 2.8 All bad guys must have one major weakness!

Nazgul 2.8 Phenomenal cosmic power in a teeny-tiny living space!

Nazgul 2.8 Because "Fraud of the Rings" had a certain ring to it!

Nazgul 2.8 Because magic swords are, like, so second age!

MrsTucker 2.8 they asked me if i wanted to take over the world. I said 'I do'!

Ronald 2.8 Uh, one ring, one ruler, surely even orcs can count THAT high!

§Sean§ 2.8 Sure beats 'eggs in one basket'

Browney 2.8 I don’t like to accessorise

Rel 2.8 It's called accessorizing!

Ronald 2.8 Opportunity rings but once!

Ronald 2.8 It's the Rule of Three! One ring to rule a three-ring circus!

Chipper 2.8 I'd probably lose a necklace

brillanoniel 2.8 i could only AFFORD one! i spend all my money paying for sourman's drycleaning bills...

Shlamko 2.8 What can I say? In the time, the idea had a nice ring...

Trip Trinneer 2.7 So I don't stay up at night and try to take over the world.

Trip Trinneer 2.7 Because this ring slice, dices, and makes me invisible.

Trip Trinneer 2.7 So I don't have to answer questions like yours.

Dial M for Maul 2.7 I was going to do gold-trim on the armor, but it's been done

Slugger S. 2.7 Ring?...[munch, munch]...this is a glazed dounut!

flametop 2.7 Why not?

The Grey Wizzard 2.7 It's prettier than a necklace

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Bachelors do it all the time!

The Grey Wizzard 2.7 Better merchandising opportunities

Slugger S. 2.7 I did?! D'oh!

Nice Master 2.7 My helmet's on too tight.

The Grey Wizzard 2.7 It's called "Fraud of the Rings", stupid!

Nice Master 2.7 Rings were "in" back then...

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 To rule them all, to find them, to bring them all and in the darkness bind them-- yada yada yada.

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 It's a GAMBLING ring!

Mark 2.7 There wasn't enough gold left to make a crown.

Know 1 can hear you dream 2.7 Because "flip the birthrightious" sounds like good catchphrase when you´re drunk with power

Mark 2.7 Because I'm an evil wizard, not a stock broker!

Chipper 2.7 Didn't you ever watch the old Hercules cartoon?

Latin From Manhattan 2.7 I didn't , my wife did! It's how she keeps me out of the singles' bars.

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 What's power if you can't abuse it?

mark 2.7 To get free food of course sheesh

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Why am I so ugly when I can still change my form? It's a mystery.

Chipper 2.7 My ego wouldn't fit

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Ah need MORE POWER, Cap'n!

Know 1 can hear you dream 2.7 It symbolizes my very small circle of good friends

flametop 2.7 When your helmet is this cool, you only 'need' one ring.

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 In a second, only I'll know about it!

flametop 2.7 Union rules.

Desna 2.7 There wouldn't be much of a story if I didn't.

Sóescrevobesteiramasalgumdiaeuganho 2.7 Actually, it's my mother-in-law

Mark 2.7 It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Andy 2.7 It's better than putting it all into a shoe.

MVSO Strider 2.7 Tolkien said so.

Dial M for Maul 2.7 I find you lack of faith...disturbing

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Were you ASLEEP in Evil 1.01?

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 It takes power to ABUSE power, pal!

5618 2.7 Don't let it go to your head, that's whay I always say.

Dial M for Maul 2.7 I use this to unleash my most evil creation: Marriage!

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Forget the ruling-- it's the FINDING and BINDING that costs ya!

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 I put all my eggs in one basket too, sue me!

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 To rule them all, DUH!

Dial M for Maul 2.7 It fits into my pocketsess...

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 It's ok, I signed a pre-nup!

Mammakins 2.7 because all the eggs in one basket kept breaking

mithril 2.7 Power? This ring has POWER?

mithril 2.7 Nonsense, the power is still in me, it is just channed through this great ring! Everybody knows that, duh.

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 No pain, no Isildur's bane!

Jack Hammerfist 2.7 Morgoth tried skimping, look at him!

mithril 2.7 I didn't put, the ring took!

Griffin 2.5 I got the idea from a lifestyle magazine.

Ooooh, my head! 2.5 I'm saving some for later!

Alfirin 2.5 I want everybody to thing that I finally got married!

chewbaccore 2.5 Tiaras break too easily

Nodrog_CRC 2.5 One ring to find them, and in the darkness blind them... to simple logic like that.

Mark 2.5 So it will fit on my finger!

Jeffrey Stier 2.5 Mrs. Dark Lord demanded one.

Nodrog_CRC 2.5 I feel pretty, oh so pretty... oh, sorry, minion, did you say something?

Aragorn 2.5 Is it a good story, if the forces of evil dominate without a war?

Bruno Berteli 2.5 Because it doesn´t fit on my piercings.

N@ie 2.5 I like all that is gold and does glitter

Kane Slasher 2.5 Cause donuts don't stay on my finger !

Mark 2.5 I'm not really that powerful.

Lobster 2.5 The elves got three of them, the dwarfs seven, nine for the mortial men, and I kept only a single one, sniff!

Lobster 2.5 This movie needs a Happy End.

Ooooh, my head! 2.5 Gladwrapiel has one, so I got one too. Anything *she* can do...

Ooooh, my head! 2.5 It'll be fun leading Gonedaft around by the nose!

N@ie 2.5 what are you saying, don't you think it looks good on me?

Ooooh, my head! 2.5 Never mind that! How do I get *out* of here??

Saru_da_man 2.5 Because I hate ties!

Ooooh, my head! 2.5 Because thermo-nuclear weapons haven't been invented yet, fool!

Lg 2.5 What! It was an addition in the Cosmopolitan magazine! Is there something wrong about that?!

Mark 2.5 I was really drunk last night!

Mark 2.5 It will drive the forces of good crazy to get it and the forces of evil will all want it. Hence, it insure chaos in the world, cementing my rein over all!

Jack Hammerfist 2.5 So I can conquer AND accessorize!

Angela Ehrlich 2.5 Haven't you heard of economizing?

Nice Master 2.5 Didn't I send you out for coffee?!

Ronald 2.5 One ring to re-write it all!

Jack Hammerfist 2.5 So the plot won't be the ONLY thing with a hole in it!

2.5 Have you seen "Spaceballs"?

Shlamko 2.5 What am I, fraud of the couches?

Nodrog_CRC 2.5 Because Fraud of the Necklaces just didn't sound as good.

Shlamko 2.5 To reming me of my ex-wife, who took half of it.

Chipper 2.3 Chicks dig it!

Greg 2.3 Because if someone I hated got the ring, my problems would disappear, eheh.

Dial M for Maul 2.3 Orbs of Power don't fit in safety deposit boxes

Dial M for Maul 2.3 Piercings go with the black outfit

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 It's impractical to put MORE!

Mark 2.3 Its one ring to rule them all.

Dial M for Maul 2.3 Style

Nice Master 2.3 Fool! I've put all my power into Gollum!

Browney 2.3 I think i speak for everyone when i say...PARTAAAY!

Dial M for Maul 2.3 Like, EVERYONE who's anyone has like a ring of power. Duh!

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Evil ain't cheap!

webkilla 2.3 You want the truth? You cant handle the thruth!

Delta Flyer 2.3 It's either a ring around my finger, or a ring around your neck!

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Who are you, Aule North?

2.3 Because all that is gold DOES glitter.......

2.3 Well my power has to have some physical form (preferably metallic). It can't just exist as some threatening presence, what would the viewers relate to?!

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Ruling, finding binding... yada yada yada.

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 To get a job now that ENRON's finished!

2.3 I have you checked the prices of gold these days?

Trip Trinneer 2.3 Oh I didn't just make one I just hid the rest under the doormats if I lose this one.

FCC 2.3 "One Ring to rule them all" just won't have the right ring otherwise.

evans 2.3 Because it's the only thing to go with my black robes

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Evil ain't cheap as it used to be!

Heather 2.3 I knew I should've gone with a septer.

Heather 2.3 um...Girlfriend. Don't ask

Bud-Clare 2.3 Are you implying that rings are effeminate? I don't think I like you...

Darmok 2.3 I used to have an earring, but I kept getting funny looks.

Johan Prins 2.3 If I put in into laundry soap I'd become Sourone the White!

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 You're right-- I've got room for 19 more!

mithril 2.3 So the inscription has a nice 'ring' to it.

Jonathan Kaplan 2.3 I have to impress that special someone

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Because it RULES!

Kane Slasher 2.3 Don't you know, size doesn't matter !

A. Lunde 2.3 It is more than a ring! It can changes size!

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 If you wanna marry me, just say so!

Know 1 can hear you dream 2.3 Because in return, they demanded my hand in carriage

Dial M for Maul 2.3 That's what marriage is all about, isn't it?

lady_of_light 2.3 Well, it makes a great wedding-ring replacement...

Jack Hammerfist 2.3 Relax, I diversified in Men and Dwarves!

Timo Röhling 2.3 That's exactly what I asked myself when I got married.

Dial M for Maul 2.3 I'm a guy who likes commitment and proud of it!

N-Crypter 2.3 An evil tyrants gotta do what an evil tyrants gotta do

Nazgul 2.3 It's so out of fashion, when I wear it I disappear!

Griffin 2.3 I got the idea from an evil overlord lifestyle magazine.

Watcher Wendy 2.3 So I can Cast and Go!!!

Kane Slasher 2.3 It's easier then lugging car-batteries !

Lobster 2.3 Gainweights entire power is in her hair, so why can´t I put my power into this ring?

2.3 It's the idea of a drunk man, I talked to in the Pub. I think his name was Tolkien, or anything like that...

Griffin 2.3 I never went for the whole gangsta fist-full o' diamonds.

Nice Master 2.3 Shut up and go back to picking your nose with your toes!!!

The Lidless Eye 2.3 Don't be afraid of the maiar who wants ten rings. Be terrified of the maiar who only wants one.

Griffin 2.3 Hey, are YOU the Evil Overlord? Do YOU know hoe to manage all Middle Earth's evil forces?

origin 2.3 They don't call me the Sour-ONE for nothing!

Ronald 2.3 So close to the real thing, it's like being in the ring!

The finger of the Sourone 2.0 cant you think... oh i forgot youre only a mouth

Kasumi 2.0 I...I did what??

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Can't a dark lord SPLURGE now and then?

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 You're suggesting a pre-nup?

Ooooh, my head! 2.0 So that if anything happens, *I'll be back!*

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Relax, it's ray-shielded!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 It rules men, elves and dwarves-- who could steal it?

Ooooh, my head! 2.0 Not *all* of it, fool, not *all* of it!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Would you like to go swimming?

ChocJones 2.0 Well, mostly all my power is in here, if it's destroyed I'll be mostly dead.

bob 2.0 It seemed good at the time...

Ooooh, my head! 2.0 Well, it *had* to be a ring, didn't it? I mean, one *Ring* to rule them all...

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Finding and binding cost extra y'know!

Gollum The Great 2.0 Because I am evil and therefore I am totally stupid.

The finger of the Sourone 2.0 because, my mouth, if i made any more i wont remember where i hid them

Mark 2.0 Well, this was to be an engagement ring...

bornconfused 2.0 i like to accesorise

Gollum The Great 2.0 S:Ooh look at how shiny it is. Orc:Never mind.

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 My ears aren't pierced!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Ruling, finding, bringing, binding-- it adds up!

Timotheus 2.0 My wife talked me into it.

Andy 2.0 It gives the illusion someone actualy married me.

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 You'd rather I go with porkbarrelling?

Nice Master 2.0 How DARE you utter the common tongue in my presence?!

Alfirin 2.0 I didn´t want to make anything heavy. Cos hobbits are not able to carry heavy things.

Mark 2.0 Thank you for volunteering to test it.

Strider 2.0 I want to give it to Isildur, wouldn´t we make a good pair?

Timo Röhling 2.0 My wife convinced me.

Ronald 2.0 Never mind that, why does my belt buckle have an "S" on it? We speak Middle-Earth, not Middle-English!

Know 1 can hear you dream 2.0 It´s a symbol for Tolkiens wiew on marriage I guess. Why don´t you ask him why there are so many boy-sized charachters among the charachters

The Grey Wizzard 2.0 I haven't! The Ring is bogus, I got it from Cracker Jack's

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Because this is the one that goes WEEEE all the way home!

Heather 2.0 Irony. Everyone'd expect something different

Saru_da_man 2.0 Not ALL of my power...

mithril 2.0 I didn't put my power into the ring, the ring TOOK the power from me. It stole my precioussss!

Saru_da_man 2.0 If I put it on, I might stop looking like a blender!

Dial M for Maul 2.0 I'm making a fashion statement

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 This baby really sucks up the juice!

Shlamko 2.0 Because it's mighty and pierce!

Muffy 2.0 Because Jelly Donuts were too tempting.

Ide Cyan 2.0 To give my enemies the finger in style!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 It rules, finds, brings, binds- and decodes secret messages!

mithril 2.0 I didn't. If this wasn't a PG I'd show you where the other ring is pierced.

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 I'm absolutely corrupted!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Use it or lose it!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Don't worry, I diversified in the other ones!

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 Because it RULES!

Glorendil 2.0 I heard a voice 'tolkien' in my head...

Dial M for Maul 2.0 Showmanship

Jack Hammerfist 2.0 How else do you make a RING of POWER?

Kane Slasher 1.8 I didn't qualify for a Visa card !

Lg 1.8 Have you already heard about DJs, orc?

origin 1.8 Why not?

Strider 1.8 I'd rather not bottle it like Karl Lagerfeld did with his.

Saru_da_man 1.8 Actually, it's my wife's ring. Don't tell her!

Lobster 1.8 Why do you ask? Do I look gay with it?

Lobster 1.8 Well, I found this thing inside a Corn Flakes-package and got the idea...

Insanity 1.7 Why?....Do you think I should get a nipple ring also ???

Delta Flyer 1.7 I'm a big fan of the Green Lantern!

Gollum The Great 1.7 Because I am evil and therefore I am a complete Idiot.

Heather 1.7 I didn't. I put my feminine side in it

The Grey Wizzard 1.7 By my Ring I command you: jump in the lava, coz you're too annoying!

Dial M for Maul 1.7 Power makes my tummy feel yucky.

flametop 1.7 Accesorise, accesorise, accesorise.

Jack Hammerfist 1.7 It's got "the works"-- ruling, finding AND binding!

mithril 1.7 Because I'm well 'ard. And gold looks good on me.

Mark 1.7 I'm happy you asked. Let me show you.

Saru_da_man 1.5 What're you doing here? Go back to clean toilets!

Jack Hammerfist 1.5 You'd rather I go with porkbarrel spending?

Lobster 1.5 This is the ring of my dead wife!

Saru_da_man 1.5 Jump to the lava! (The orc does) Hee hee hee...

Lobster 1.5 For the reasons of merchandising!

Ooooh, my head! 1.5 Haven't you read 'Hairy Plopper and the Philosopher's Stone?' Oh, wait, that hasn't been written yet...

Mark 1.3 Why? What's the worst that could happen?

FCC 1.3 The same reason that I keep all my eggs in one basket.

Jack Hammerfist 1.0 How do you RULE without power?

Jack Hammerfist 1.0 Haven't you heard? Power corrupts!

Jack Hammerfist 1.0 Absolute power corrupts absolutely!

alex 1.0 Well...hang on this is my wife's wedding ring.

Kaptain Keag 0.0 You know testing is the best way to find something out, I'm just testing.

dettus 0.0 shutup! now i am off for the piercing parlor...

Glorendil 0.0 So that it won't get lost, silly! It'll always be on my finger!

shark lady 0.0 Lord of the stock-shares sounds stupid

Legolas Greenleaf 0.0 You Dare ask me????

shark lady 0.0 i could afford only to loose one finger to the plot

shark lady 0.0 and its not only POWER! It's magnificence! Malvolence! and another hundered things ending with 'ence'! Oder now! One size fits all!

Napaeläin 0.0 I like small shiny things.

Napaeläin 0.0 This ring happens to have sentimental value.

Napaeläin 0.0 I wanted ten but the camera crew threatened to go on strike!

Napaeläin 0.0 Two or more rings look stupid in one finger...

Napaeläin 0.0 It's not a ring - it's a napkin holder!

Napaeläin 0.0 Less is more.

Napaeläin 0.0 To save on the insurance costs!

Glorendil 0.0 That way I wouldn't have to pick and choose when I get up!

Herk 0.0 It was either this, or a kazoo; Cracker Jacks only offers so much.

Tyrrogan 0.0 So I can keep it in the same place I put my car keys.

Glorendil 0.0 It's not all my power, just approximately 87.361% of it.

Glorendil 0.0 So I can justify my T-shirt: "I went to mount doom, and all I got was this lousy ring of power"...

Glorendil 0.0 It'll be safe on my finger, and I don't mean to lose my finger anytime soon...

Leanne 0.0 If I wasn't all powerful, the girls might not fall for my stunningly evil looks.

Speicies 8472 0.0 when U get a ring, you will understand

Treky2002 0.0 Hello! Theres this called a budget

Johnny Potsmoke 0.0 Didn't have the cash to buy another one

Johnny Potsmoke 0.0 Didn't have the cash to buy another one

Treky2002 0.0 Is what that or looking like Darth Vadar!

Chipper 0.0 I feel a song coming on...

Chipper 0.0 I feel a verse coming on...

Napaeläin 0.0 I'm afraid of piercings!

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