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About Sev Trek

Sev Trek is about satiring, nit-picking, spoofing, making fun of, but above all... enjoying Star Trek!

The Sev Trek cartoon was created in September 1995 by John Cook as a purely online cartoon. The term Sev was taken from our business name Sevloid Art. Over the following two years, we have continued to regularly add new cartoons and other features to the Sev Trek web site.

In March 1997, the Sev Trek competition was created. Each week, a new comic strip asks one of the unanswered questions of Star Trek. For example, why did Klingon foreheads change? Why is Picard's accent English if he's French? How could Data's cat have kittens if it was male? Readers submit their own entries, and the winning punchline is used in the comic strip and added to a growing archive of Sev Trek Comic Strips.

It was around this time that we offered web site owners the opportunity to publish the Sev Trek comic strip on their own web site. The popularity of Sev Trek started to accelerate from this point. There are currently over 140 sites publishing the Sev Trek comic strip.

We received several requests from readers for T-shirts with the Sev Trek cartoon printed on them. So in September 1997, the first Sev Trek T-shirts were created and are now being worn by Trekkers all over the world! I must send thanks to everyone who has bought a Sev Trek T-shirt - the more shirts that get purchased, the more time I can spend drawing new Sev Trek cartoons (otherwise, I have to spend time finding other ways to find income).

In October 1997, Sev Trek was translated into Klingon by Klingon linguist guru, Alan Anderson, making this the Internet's only Klingon cartoon (that I know of). This adds to the number of other translations of Sev Trek such as Portugese and German (with Japanese coming soon...)

Sev Trek is deeply indebted to all it's readers, who have sent many emails and encouragements over the past two years. All of your suggestions and ideas have greatly enhanced this site, making this a richer experience for everyone. My deepest thanks go to all who have helped contribute to the Sev Trek web site!

John Cook

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The Sev Wide Web and all content within are © Copyright 2000 by John Cook.
None of my material can be used on any other site without prior permission from the author.
However, feel free to link to my site from yours.